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    14 ̿ Prognostic significance of allele-specific loss of heterozygosity in triple-negative breast cancer 

    24 ̿ Prognostic significance of allele-specific loss of heterozygosity in triple-negative breast cancer 

    13 Intern (heeseung) parsing HISAT2 result to sql file format  
    13 Intern (heeseung) Web structure of Healthcare Showcase demo version 

    08 HAP blockchain 

    14 Adoption of blockchain technology  

    23 ֿ Parkinsons disease Genomic Analysis 
    23 Health Avatar Project for Dialysis- and RehabilitationNet 
    23 ӿ Synthetic Cancer Survival 
    23 PGx of Host and Pathogen in Helicobacter Pylori Infection 
    23 ̿ Loss of Heterozygosity 
    23 유경훈 Whole Exome Sequencing & PGx for Major Depression 
    23 안세환 Factor-specific Pattern Mining of Gene Expression 
    23 최선 Automatic acupoint prescription model 
    23 권호식 MTX-induced Nephrotoxicity in ALL 
    23 정문경 Dietary Intervention using ChatBot for Chronically Ill 
    23 부은경 PGx of Inflammatory Bowel Disease 
    23 조민아 Whole Exome Sequencing for Inflammatory Bowel Disease 
    29 PHR backup in Healthavatar 

    17 김재환 Development and demonstration of RarePedia and Retinitis pigmentosa analysis platform 

    18 Identifying genes related to age of onset in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients 
    23 ̿ Introduction to Biobank 

    25 major result of AOS in depression 

    21 Comprehensive genomic analysis for identifying genes related to age of onset in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients 
    21 Healthavatar Platform_Mobile Healthcare Platform Facilitating Secure Exchange and Management of Personal Health Record With Permissioned Blockchain 
    21 Comprehensive genomic characterization of pharmacogenetic, common-disease, and Mendelian-disease genes facilitates the risk gene prioritization. 
    21 Genomic analysis of L-asparaginase-induced pancreatitis in 25 Korean pediatric ALL patients. 
    21 ӿ Identification of genomic markers affecting sentivity of tacrolimus 
    21 ֿ Evaluation of systematic synthetic association-contributing variant detection 
    21 유승원 ROC curve analysis of 6MP drug adverse effect 
    21 권호식 Identification of potential genomic markers related with adverse effects of Contrast Media 
    21 한봄 Carbamazepine-induced Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions 
    22 유경훈 Influence of CYP2C19 Metabolizer Status on Escitalopram Tolerability and Response in Depressive Disorders 
    22 부은경 Gender Differences in Parkinsons Disease 
    22 ȿ Systematic integration of CPIC guideline into clinical practice: development of PGx CDS pipeline based on the cGDM  

    26 ӿ Identification of Synthetic Cancer Survival and Synthetic Cancer Survival Burden in Lung Adenocarcinoma 
    26 Dopaminergic and noradrenergic system, Neurotransmission and Brain-related genes are associated with treatment response in 1,000 Korean patients with Major Depressive Disorder.  
    26 ̿ The Progsotic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma 
    26 Evaluating the utility of PGS as a predictor for 6-mercaptopurine intolerance in pediatric ALL patients 
    26 Healthavatar platform for conserving originality and secure exchange of personal health record with consortium blockchain 
    26 L-asparaginase induced acute pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients 
    26 ֿ Variants contributing to adverse drug reactions through synthetic association 
    26 ȿ Constructing an Integrated Drug Database for Utilization of Public Data in Korea 
    26 TP53 synthetic cytotoxic network for paclitaxel is a biomarker for chemotherapeutic response and prognosis of urogenital cancer 
    27 유경훈 Pharmacogenetics of escitalopram response: a candidate gene analysis 
    27 유승원 6MP-related side effect analysis with normal NUDT15,TPMT phenotype  
    27 권호식 High dose MTX induced renal toxicity in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia  
    27 안세환 Gene-centered Visualization and Annotation for Exome Variant Analysis(VVA) using GDM 
    27 한봄 Steroid-Induced Hyperglycemia in ALL patients 
    27 김재환 RarePedia: A knowledge base for biomedically coherent query result 
    27 채정환 Taxol induced adverse drug reaction in patient with various types of cancer 
    27 정문경 A study protocol to examine the effect of a smartphone-based self-management support system for hemodialysis patients. 
    27 최선 Evaluating the severity of NSAIDs induced adverse effects by K-CDM in nine institutes 

    05 er 

    23 AOS in MDD 
    23 유경훈 depression 
    23 EarlyResponse 

    03 유경훈 depression 
    12 depression 
    12 유경훈 depression 
    20 ȸڷ 

    23 유경훈 depression 
    30 ȸڷ 

    02 유경훈 depression 
    15 ӽ 

    12 Intern Identification of driver mutations in breast cancer 
    12 Intern The correlation of allele frequency and the degree of effect in ADR in population 

    15 Intern Analysis of 2504 genome vcf files of 26 countries, focusing on Vitamin D Receptor 
    15 Intern Normal Karyotype AML 

    25 Intern (Replication) Genomic and Epigenomic Landscapes of Adult De Novo AML    
    25 Intern Analysis of 2504 human genomes from 26 populations, using Python and R 

    30 A Personalized Gene-level Scoring System for Exome Variants: Comprehensive Evaluation in Multiple Genetic Conditions. 
    30 Pathway damaging score based on the gene score in the Head and Neck squamous cell carcinomas  
    30 Whole-exome sequencing to detect genes causing L-asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in 13 ALL patients 
    30 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis using GTex tissue specific gene expression dataset 
    30 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response 
    30 Association of ATP8B4 polymorphism with Ritodrine induced side effects in 13 pregnant women 
    30 ֿ Determining ADR risk according to FDA & PREDICT SNP genotypes 
    30 Identification of prognostic aberrant splicing event pairs using pairwise survival analysis in invasive breast cancer patients 
    30 ̼ Development of Controlled Vocabulary-Based Drug Safety(CDS) Model to Utilize Laboratory and Descriptive Data in Pharmacovigilance  
    30 ȫֿ Modeling and Usage of PharmacoGene Pathway Database(PG-path) 
    30 EasyFormBuilder- Semi-automatic form building tool based on standardized metadata repository for semantic interoperability. 
    30 Identifying the new susceptibility loci of Alzheimers Disease by whole exome sequencing  

    19 ̰ȭ Exome sequencing identifies new candidate mutations for susceptibility to MRONJ  
    19 Identifying the functional target using the combination of genes across the multiple carcinomas 
    19 ӿ Identification of combinatory mutational effect between genes for patient survival in colon cancer    
    19 Synthetic Dosage Cancer Survival:a computational approach for identification of negative genetic interaction 
    19 Whole-exome sequencing to detect significantly altered genes causing Ritodrine induced side effects in 13 pregnant women. 
    19 ReAlCap (Reads Alignment Capture) : A fast and handy tool for capturing genomic reads 
    19 ̼ RS-ADR: A reference standard for detection of adverse drug reaction signals using electronic health records database  
    19 PharmSafe_Personalized Prevention of Adverse Drug Reactions 
    19 Form building tool based on standardized metadata repository for semi-automatic semantic annotation 
    19 ̿ Finding Loss of heterozygosity as prognostic marker in Breast invasive carcinoma 
    19 PharmPortal_A Personal Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase 

    14 []ǥڷ 

    07 Keystone symposia 

    15 Ensuring Semantic Interoperability in the Course of Clinical Document Exchange using Metadata Registry related Technologies 
    15 Whole-exome sequencing to detect genetic abnormalities causing Ritodrine induced side effects in 13 pregnant women. 
    15 Easy Form Builder : Facilitating both semantic interoperability and usability in creating clinical documents based on MDR.     
    15 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response 
    15 Data Validation using attributes of extended DEs    
    15 Evaluation of exomes from Ion Proton for variants in sequencing-error prone regions 
    15 ̿ Study of Novel Loss of heterozygosity in TCGA 
    16 Effect of mutation status on post-transcriptional regulation in papillary thyroid carcinoma 
    16 The interactome of functional variants in human populations 
    16 Synthetic Dosage Cancer Survival Analysis 
    25 APBC2016 review 
    25 ӿ APBC 2016 review 
    25 APCB 2016 Reviews 

    11 Intern Association of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations With Survival in Patients With Ovarian Cancer 

    26 HHA data analysis 
    26 SG16 - Rarepedia 
    26 SG03 
    26 CCR/CCD converter 
    26 SG17 analysis 
    26 ̰ȭ SG12_rarepedia_20genes 
    26 ̼S SG04 
    26 Genetic Characterization of Clonal State in Eosinophilia and Aplastic Anemia Subjects  
    26 SG19 
    26 ֿ SG05 rarepedia    
    26 SG07    
    26 ӿ sg13 
    26 COPD Exome Seq Analysis 
    26 SG02 
    26 ̿ SG11 
    26 SG01_Rarepedia 
    26 SG09    
    26 SG14 

    05 ̼S SG04 sequence interpretation 
    05 Rare LoF variants, genes in SG02 
    05 Sg14 sequence interpretation 
    05 ̰ȭ SG12 LoF genes 
    05 SG03 Interpretation  
    05 SG07 gene interpretation 
    05 ӿ SG13 exome interpretation 
    05 SG16 LoF Gene Interpretation  
    05 ̿ Personal Genome Interpretation 
    05 SG01_LOF_gene 
    05 SG09 Interpretation 
    20 SG19 interpretation 
    24 ֿ SG05 Interpretation 
    27 SG17 analysis 
    27 SG17 analysis 

    24 Intern NGS Data Analysis Protocol 
    24 Intern Prognosis markers in breast cancer 
    24 Intern Validation of Acute Myeloid Leukemia M1 subtype prognostic markers using the TCGA data  
    24 Intern Excess retention analysis of S. cerevisiae perturbation sensitivity and PPI network 

    30 Assessment of rare germline mutations for cancer susceptibility with synthetic association study  
    30 Damaging variants effect on gene expression  
    30 ӿ Identification of potential synthetic lethals gene using mutation and clinical data 
    30 Somatic Mutation profile analysis in SQCCs 
    30 ̰ȭ Global Pattern of Pharmaceutical Market Withdrawal/Restriction  
    30 ̼S A new boosting algorithm using biological knowledge for improved personal genome sequence analysis for the personalized prevention of ADRs(PharmSafe) 
    30 Identification of adverse drug reaction associated gene with personal genome sequence for deciphering personal ADR outbreak 
    30 Establishing Semantic Relationships in MDR for Representing PHR 

    12 ̿ Bayesian inference of genetic models of complex diseases    
    12 Characteristics of Somatic Mutation in TCGA 
    12 Genomic characterization of drug perturbation sensitivity 
    12 Identifying disease variants in genotypic association 
    12 ӿ SNPChase: correcting errors from diverse SNV databases for SNVs 
    12 ̼S PhenoRanker: Personal genome sequence based phenotype ranking algorithm for potential risk prediction 
    12 PharmRank : Personal genome sequence-based pharmacogenomics drug ranking system for potential adverse drug reactions 
    12 MELLO: Medical Life-Log Ontology    
    12 ̼ Early detection of pharmacovigilance signals using controlled vocabularies  
    12 ̰ȭ Aging Pattern Clustering - Gender Differences 
    12 Health Avatar Platform: a personalized healthcare service platform for interacting healthcare agents and health avatar 

    04 Integrative Analysis of microRNA-target Interactions with Clinical Outcome 
    04 Functional Characterization of Yeast DNA Motif Clusters using Multiple Annotation Methods 
    04 Knowledge bootstrapping: A graph-based integration with multi-omics data and genomic knowledge 
    04 Signature of Nephrotic Syndrome 
    04 Characterizing gene expression in lung tissue of COPD subjects using RNA-seq    
    04 Genomancer: A secure, modular and distributed system for inter-preting personal genome in mobile smartphone environment    
    04 ̼S CARE a Tool for Comparison and Annotation of RNA-editing Sites from RNA-seq Data 
    04 Metadata Registry based integration and transformation between openEHR archetype and HL7 template 
    04 CDISC Transformer metadata driven semi-automatic transformation of clinical research data to CDISC ODM 
    05 ̰ȭ Detection and annotation of candidate somatic mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with whole exome sequencing 
    05 MedCassandra : Drug and ADR ranking forecast system based on personal genomic variation 
    05 Predicting disease predisposition patterns of the personal genome    
    05 Standard-based Retrieval System for Clinical Research from Data Warehouse 
    05 ̼ Rapid identification of adverse drug reaction using controlled vocabularies 

    11 Intern prediction personality using Gene-environment interaction 
    11 Intern Identification of the diseases with genome sequence  
    11 Intern Cognitive dysfunction and glutamate reuptake 
    11 Intern Novel methods in accurate prediction of secondary structure proteins 
    18 ̼S GDS plan 
    31 Intern Identification of the diseases with genome sequence  
    31 Intern Amino Acid Sequence Pattern Recognition 
    31 Intern A comprehensive network and pathway analysis of candidate genes in major depressive disorder 
    31 Intern Association of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations 

    25 Predicting disease predisposition of personal genome based on disease hierarchy 
    25 Loss of function geneset analysis of personal genome using pathway-disease similarity  
    25 Rocky The global impact of genomic variations on miRNAs and their regulatory genes using whole genome sequencing data in human cancer 
    25 HealthPro: An Integrated Informatics Platform for Clinical Research in Data Warehouse  
    25 Extracting of coordinated patterns of DNA methylation and gene expression in ovarian cancer 
    25 Graph based integration with genomic data and genomic knowledge 
    25 ̼S GEE: Gene Expression Data Explore 
    25 ̼ Rapid identification of adverse drug reaction using controlled vocabularies  
    25 Prioritization of adverse drug reaction susceptibility based on personal genomic variants 

    03 ̼S Rare & Cancer Disease Genome Informatics 
    07 Previous seminar summary & current seminar overview 
    07 â Finding differences using position matching between personal genome variants and somatic variants in COSMIC 
    07 Development of gene-environment interaction database for personal genome interpretation 
    07 ̼S Clinical risk incorporating genetic-risk estimates for breast cancer 
    07 Mining drug-drug interaction using annotated pharmacogenomic phenotype and MBR data 
    07 1000 genome analysis: race variant about drug targets and enzyme 
    07 Cluster File System and adjusting variant calling filtering option 
    07 Stablishing phenotypic signatures to infer relevant phenotypic characteristics using semantic similarity calculation 

    25 ̼ miRNA target prediction and functional annotation 
    25 ̼S Rare & Cancer Disease Genome Informatics 
    25 â Personal Genome Interpretation (Promethease)    

    06 Phenotypic Signature 
    06 Pharmacogenomic Phenotype 
    06 Gene set wise approach using KEGG databases 
    06 Human Disease Network from Personal Genome 
    06 â From Variants to Function 
    28 Peter Kang from Standford Univ. 

    13 Previous seminar summary & current seminar overview 
    13 Etiome annotation 
    13 Pharmacogenomic annotation 
    13 Implementing risk prediction service 
    13 ̼S Challenges predicting disease risk 
    13 Set-wise analysis for genome sequence interpretation 
    13 Rare variant analysis 
    13 SNUBI Sequence Variant Analysis Pipeline and Visualization Tool 
    13 Sequence comparison in population 
    13 Interpretation of Structural Variation 
    13 Predicting phenotype from genotype 

    07 Personal genome sequencing platform 
    07 Etiome annotation 
    07 PharmGKB annotation 
    07 SNPedia data structure & Variant annotation 
    07 Risk prediction method 
    07 Ancestry, Social network application 
    07 File format for personal genome  
    07 Visualization of variant annotation results 
    07 NGS Analysis Pipeline using GATK NGS analysis on Amazon Cloud 

    14 Intern [Han Ho-Kyung]Healthcare information protection and privacy under u-Health environment      
    14 Intern (Lee Hyun Min) HD 
    14 Intern [Park_ChangHee] genes Correlation Analysis in Occurrence Patterns  

    16 Intern [Han Soo MIn] Pharmacogenetoc-guided dosage regimen program for Warfarin 
    16 Intern [eun hee rah] constructing phylogeny tree and graph for using protein sequences 

    12 Intern [Eun Hee Rah] Constructing phylogeny tree by using specific Gene sequence 
    12 Intern [Soo Min Han] Pharmacogenetic-guided Dosage Regimen Program for TDM target drugs 

    06 ̼ Converting RNA-Seq data into tag count - read count normalization 
    06 BMESH Release plan 
    13 AXP Interface Renew 
    13 ̼S Keyword search for Microarray data using evoc term as stemming 

    01 ̼S ArrayExpress data down load 
    01 Flow chart for analysis system 
    08 CDISC Plan 
    08 Parallel High Speed Annotation for Next Generation Sequencing 
    15 ̼ ArrayExpress Data Download and Relation List 
    15 Flow chat for AXP analysis 
    22 ۿ Metagenomics Approach to Recombinants Profiling of T and B Cells 
    22 Review on genomic rearrangement in cancer 
    22 CDISC Project plan 
    29 System architecture and analysis flow for AXP 
    29 Rocky Attributes list comparison for MAGE-TAB / MINiML 

    04 ̼S Email and week presentation 
    04 Result of Pubmed between 1980 and 1989 
    04 mapping GEO data with eVOC_terms 
    04 Summary on TCGA data 
    11 CCR Plus Bug report  
    11 ECCB2010 Conference report 
    15 ECCB2010 report 
    18 ̼S converted GDS attributes to MAGE-TAB attributes and ArrayExpress download 
    18 Architecture for AXP 3.0 
    25 CHMR v3.0 - Variable Data Element 
    25 ̼ Converting NGS data into tag count - tag-to-gene identification 

    06 Project Management System 
    06 Rare Disease Input Format 
    06 ̼S Search tool for microarray data 
    06 ۿ Representation of Short Read Sequencing Data as a Vector 
    13 Review : DrugBank 
    13 Rocky Plan for SOFT to MAGE-TAB conversion 
    27 ̼ Translating RefSeq sequence and RNA-Seq reads into 17-mer tags 
    27 Contents and structure of rare disease knowledgebase 

    02 Path Finding Approach 
    02 ̼S Make rules for conversion SOFT to MAGE-TAB 
    09 CHMR v3.0 Implementation 
    09 ̼ Purpose of Convert NGS reads into tags 
    16 purpose of each search method in pathway tools 
    16 ̼ Mapping rate between GEO Importer Rule and Our Rule 
    23 Rare_Disease_Knowledge_Base    
    23 AnsNGS - Annotation System of structural variation for Next Generation Sequencing data 
    30 ̼S Search tool for NGS data related to microarray data 
    30 NCIBI NLP tools 

    01 Replication, Progress and Plan of Perturbation Network Analysis 
    01 ̼S Make rules for conversion SOFT to MAGE-TAB 
    05 Mapping GEO values on eVOC words 
    05 PathTest 
    08 ̼ miRNA_GO : add pval density plot, 127 combination method, validation plot 
    12 Rocky Detecting single nucleotide variants from next generation sequencing data 
    12 ۿ Clinical document ontology 
    15 ̼ Detection of adverse drug reaction using the nurse information 
    15 Structure-function relationship in miRNAs based on structure similarity 
    19 GEO Query method using eVOC ontology 
    19 Analysis of pathway tools with search method 
    22 Analysis of microarray expression data based on protein structural information 
    26 CHMR v3.0 Implementation 
    26 ۿ Symbolic notation for sequencing data 

    03 AnsNGS: Annotation System of structural variation for Next Generation Sequencing data 
    03 Biomedical Metadata Element Standard for Health 
    07 Parsing pathway data: syntactic integration 
    07 ̼S Represent of evocs hierarchy structure 
    10 Vocabulary based automatic classification on metadata 
    10 Bi-directional semantic similarity of gene products based on Gene Ontology 
    14 A method to detect multiple variation 
    14 ۿ Layout Design in CCR 
    17 ̼ miRNA2GO : GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution 
    17 Potent effect of miRNAs and miRNA stars on target function 
    21 ̼ Mage-tab and GEO data mapping result and plan for insert GEO data in xperanto 
    21 Replication, Progress and plan of perturbation network analysis 
    24 The Notation for defining Ideal Gene Bi/Triple Set Object 
    24 Rocky Investigating SNPs residing in the MicroRNA-Binding Sites from GWAS on Cancer Related Genes 
    28 ̼ Convert NGS reads into tags to store, map and analysis 

    03 CCR implementation plan in Smartphone 
    03 ̼S GEOmetadb: GEO Microarray Search Tool 
    03 Genetics diseases: insights from high-throughput resequencing 
    03 Item for AXP III 
    10 CCR ó 
    10 AnsNGS: Annotation System of structural variation for Next Generation Sequencing data 
    12 ̼S the progress of GEO search tool 
    12 Syntactic integration -KGML, GPML- 
    17 ̼ Make a mapping table using MAGE-TAB and GEO data 
    17 EMR Ŀ Ÿ ȹ 
    17 perturbation sensitivity of genes & study of their characteristics 
    17 ̼ To get mRNA and miRNA profiles from RNA-seq data 
    24 Perturbation sensitivity of genes 
    31 CCR ȹ 
    31 ۿ Annotation of Individual Human Genomic DNAs 

    05 Other Public MDR Import(caDSR) 
    05 ̼S Plan of work and Structure of xperanto and GPL,GSM 
    05 Comparison of Pathway Structure and Review of INOH and NCI PID 
    05 Plan for NGS team project 
    07 Pathway Structure Comprasion(Addition of SBML, BioCarta and WikiPathway) 
    12 BioEMR  
    12 Rocky eVOC data parsing and its architecture 
    12 Annotation System for Next Generation Sequencing data (AnsNGS) 
    19 Rocky Plan of work and Gene Ontology structure 
    19 AnsNGS: Annotation System of structural variation for Next Generation Sequencing data 
    19 Define AXP pathways and integrated methods 
    19 ̼ Query performance comparison of MySQL view and Oracle view 
    26 ̼S Plan of Develop tool for Predictive personalized disease using miRNA in personal NGS DATA 
    26 ̼ MGED Attribute and GPL,GSM,GDS Attribute mapping 

    02 ۿ Applications for CAP cancer protocol : CoPathPlus 
    02 ̼S Review research trends and result of GEO project 
    02 Modeiling Comparison (KGML and BioPAX) 
    02 Progress of NGS data analysis replication 
    08 BMESH Implementation CHMR v3 Detail 
    08 ̼ Progree in NGS data analysis - complete maq preprocessing 
    08 KGML & BioPAX Modeling Comparison 
    08 the Trends of Statistics Analysis method in major DATABASE 
    15 ̼ Database Review and progress of GEO project 
    15 Progress of NGS replicating 
    15 Pathway classification and pathway model 
    15 Standards for achieving interoperability using metadata 
    22 ̼S Input GDS file in 1st DB and Mapping plan 
    22 ̼ complete maq preprocessing & some errors using Arachne 
    22 Pathway databases Research 
    22 Vocabulary based automatic semantic annotator on metadata 
    29 ̼S input GDS file in 1st DB and Mapping plan 
    29 ̼ complete using MAQ and some errors using Arachne 
    29 Pathway Structure Comparison 
    29 Vocabulary based automatic semantic annotator on metadata 

    01 How to use GEO data (2) ( classify normal and disease in sample description ) 
    01 Replication plan: DNA sequencing of a cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia genome 
    01 ArrayXPath interface renewal ver2 
    01 BMESH Implementation CHMR v3 
    08 ̼ Plan for NGS Data replications 
    08 Review SBGN for PathViz and think about killer item 
    08 ̼ Implementation of web-based analysis program using EMR data 
    16 ̼S Work processing of GEO 
    16 Progress in replicating 
    16 Item for PathTest, PathComp 
    16 USHIK Analysis Plan 
    16 Correaltion between Gleason score and Androgen independent prostate cancer 
    16 Pdbase: a database of Parkinsons disease-related genes and genetic variation using substantia nigra ESTs 
    16 Different gene expression of primary and metastatic tumor 
    16 ȯ Chief Complaint Analysis 
    22 ̼S Review ontology and result of GEO project 
    22 ̼ Progress in NGS data analysis - complete preprocessing 
    22 Pilot test for PathComp 
    22 BMESH Ʈ  

    04 trends in biolpgical pathway-based in analysis 
    04 Combining NGS with microarray for large scale expression analysis 
    04 Consider that Extracting context associated phenome envirome and experimental in GEO 
    04 DataMart & CHMR Data Classification 
    11 GRIPs role in Translational Bioinformatics 
    11 Next Generation Sequencing Data: Data management and application 
    11 ArrayXPath III: summary concepts and plan 
    11 How to handle EMR Data at the DataMart for clinical research 
    18 The statistical method to integrate miRNA-mRNA target relationship 
    18 Strategy for NGS data analysis 
    18 Plan and summary ArrayXPath sub systems 
    18 BMESH : Semantic infrastructure 
    18 ȯ Chief Complaint Analysis related with Initial Impression 
    18 Pdbase: a database of Parkinsons disease-related genes and genetic variation using substantia nigra ESTs. 
    18 Gene profiling of the the primary prostate tumors to find the correlation between Gleason grading system and androgen independent state in prostate cancer 
    18 Different gene expression of primary and metastatic tumor 
    25 How to use GEO data 
    25 Replicating papers: Genome variation discovery with high-throughput sequencing data 
    25 ArrayXPath Interface and Visualization Renewal 
    25 Ʈ  

    07 Open GRIP Improvement 
    07 BioCANDI / Transcript / Epigenome 
    07 Network biology and ArrayXPath team 
    07 Using EMR data for clinical research 
    14 Plan for NBA team 
    14 Using EMR data for clinical research 
    16 ʺ ๰ ع  
    16 ʺ ȯڿ Beers criteria شǴ ๰ó ۿ  
    21 Comparison between biological pathway database 
    21 Path Based System 
    21 A plan to extract DEs of CRF and EMR 
    28 High-throughput sequence analysis: work flows and data management 
    28 Biological pathway-based analysis 
    28 Path Based System 
    28 ̼ Data mart 
    30 ۿ Ontology-based integration of cDNA and tissue microarray database management system 
    30 A graph-based integration of multidimensional cancer genomics data 
    30 Characterizing microRNA regulatory modules using microRNA-mRNA coexpression data 
    30 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution 
    30 An improved method to measure the gene similarity using ontological relation of GO terms 
    30 Finding gene symbol, cross-reference inconsistency from Gene Centric Databases 
    30 MetaPath: a meta-database for public biological pathway database 
    30 Trends in Biological Pathway-based Analysis 

    02 Comparison with SVas and SVds 
    02 Integration of multidimensional genomic data (Databasing TCGA data) 
    04 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution - rank sum and add dataset 
    09 The potential role of structure of microRNA precursor as a determinant in targeting genes 
    09 MetaPath: summary of concept 
    11 age cluster validation- PCA in 3d plot 
    11 ۿ Structural transformation of TMA data from publicly available TMA databases into TMA-TAB 
    16 KPGRN Data Public Open 
    18 Characteristic of GO structure based measure 
    18 Checkpoint gene set analysis tools 
    23 Rocky Normalization of Differential Expression in Gene Expression Microarrays 
    23 Possibility of involvement of pre-miRNA secondary structure into mature miRNA function 
    25 ̼ Modify annotation of Affy_Human_Gene_1.0_ST_Array in xperanto 
    25 Insert TCGA data into Xperanto 
    30 GRIP Vision Current and Challenge 
    30 Bioinformatics for Next Generation Sequencing 
    30 Netwrok biology and pathway team 
    30 Using Bio data and Clinical data 

    05 MetaPath: Introduction (2) 
    05 The character of age trajectory in population subgroup 
    07 ۿ Functions Added in Xperanto-TMA : export as TMA-TAB, TMA-DES and text file 
    07 [Paper Review]What is a gene, post-ENCODE? History and updated definition 
    12 Distribution of SV measures (2) 
    14 Kernel methods in bioinformatics 
    14 Destroying the degree of correlation between memberships in a pre-miR structure cluster 
    19 Rocky Investigating differential regulatory effects of microRNAs in breast cancer from mRNA/miRNA expression profiles 
    19 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution ?rank sum 
    21 MetaPath: introduction and concept 
    21 Results of Male-Aging Cluster in Training & Test set 
    26 ۿ TMA data from publicly available TMA database 
    28 HIVE - data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop 
    28 Rocky Investigating differential regulatory effects of microRNAs in breast cancer from mRNA/miRNA expression profiles 

    03 ۿ Xperanto-Semantics : Ontology-Based Integration of Tissue Microarray and cDNA Database Management System 
    03 Genomic coordinate overlapping similarity in mutually llinked set 
    07 Rocky Investigating miR-based microregulation of the p53 master regulatory network 
    07 SVDual renewal(week point of Wangs measure) 
    09 ȯ ĺ̽ (GeneTests prototype) 
    09 Secondary structures of microRNA precursors as potential determinants of targeting beyond seed pairing 
    14 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution ?naive validation test 
    14 RDF based metadata exchange format 
    16 MetaPath: introduction, and replicate Cheung et al (2006) 
    16 Interpretation of age cluster- men,pre-menopause and post-menopause women 
    21 ۿ Ontology-Based Integration of Tissue Microarray and cDNA Database Management System 
    21 Combining Gene Symbol and cross-references info. can increase the number of gene object triplet 
    23 Rocky Investigating miR-based microregulation of the p53 master regulatory network 
    23 Distribution of SV measures 
    28 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution ?validation test 
    28 Possibility of involvement of pre-miRNA secondary structure into target function 
    30 ȯĺ̽ - Progress 
    30 Metadata exchange format in Biomedical MDRs 

    03 ȯ ĺ̽ 
    03 GeneXrefDB 
    06 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution (2) 
    06 MicroRNAs with similar secondary structure of precursors participate in similar biological functions 
    10 MetaPath: ǥ XML 2 
    10 CDE-Browser 
    13 Identifying the age related to cluster of physiological function 
    13 ۿ Development of an Ontology to Integrating Xperanto and Xperanto-TMA 
    17 SVDF renewal 
    17 An extended measure of wangs sematic similarity measure in GO 
    21 Is reciprocaly linked set is really same gene? 
    21 GeneTests prototype 
    24 Modules based on microRNA-mRNA coexpression data reveal that microRNAs with similar secondary structure of precursors participate in similar biological functions 
    24 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution ?breast and colon cancer 
    27 Metadata exchange format & CCR ô 
    27 MetaPath: ǥ 3 
    31 Reconsideration of the Semantic Value 
    31 Age cluster-PCA on incomplete data 

    02 ̼ GO annotation of miRNAs by using hypergeometric distribution?developing methods 
    02 MetaPath: a meta-model for integaration of standard biological pathway format 
    06 Metadata based semantic and syntactic enrichment method in HL7 CDA 
    06 Age cluster : 10-fold cross validation 
    09 ۿ Mapping of Xperanto and Xperanto-TMA into RDF 
    09 Gene Symbol inconsistency when mutually linked set analysis 
    13 Rocky Building Gene Regulatory Network of TP53 and miRNAs in Colorectal Cancer 
    13 Comparison of Ontology-based Semantic-Similarity Measures-new data : GDS 2577 
    16 Developing a database for integrative genomics (application in genetical genomics) 
    16 Identifying and characterizing microRNA modules that co-regulate targets using microRNA-mRNA coexpression 
    20 ̼ GO Enrichment analysis of clustered miRNAs by using three hypergeometric distribution 
    20 ADR_mining overview 
    23 MetaPath: ǥ н  
    23 CCR ȹ 
    27 ۿ Mapping of Xperanto and Xperanto-TMA into RDF using D2RQ API 
    27 Ÿ ǥ ǥؿ ڷ ǹ̷ ȣ 뼺 Ȯ 
    30 Rocky The impact of microRNAs on colorectal cancer research 
    30 Comparison of Ontology-based Semantic-Similarity Measures-new data : GDS 2577 

    01 MetaPath: an implementation of meta-database for biological pathway 
    01 missing value management & factor score 
    04 ۿ Inferences in RDF 
    04 Summary [EntrezGene & UniGene] CC & SCC analysis 
    08 Rocky Investigation of regulatory mechanism of miRNAs and p53 : Progress 
    08 Integration of multidimensional genomic data: Databasing multiple types of annotations 
    11 Evaluation of GO-based functional similarity measures 
    11 Identifying microRNA modules that co-regulate targets using microRNA-mRNA coexpression 
    15 ̼ GO annotation for clustered miRNAs 
    18 Plan for ArrayXPath 3.0 
    18 Multiple imputation & cluster intepretation 
    22 ۿ Mapping of Xperanto-TMA into RDF 
    22 Can we call is this a same gene? if entrez/unigene xref is mutually linked 
    25 Rocky Building Gene Regulatory Network of miRNAs and Genes in Colorectal Cancer 
    25 Identifying microRNA modules that co-regulate targets using microRNA-mRNA coexpression 
    29 Xperanto-SNP: A web-based integrated management system for genetical genomics (Adding DACE module) 
    29 Evaluation of GO-based functional similarity measures 

    04 Semantic similarity evaluation ?F test 
    07 Progress in Xperanto-SNP : Genotyping and detecting copy number modules embedded 
    07 Characterizing miRNA modules that co-regulate targets using miRNA-mRNA coexpression 
    11 ̼ Stem cell microRNA microarray analysis - modify xperanto SOM cluster analysis module 
    11 BioEMR version 3.0 ȹ 
    14 CelMAP:  
    14 Scale mistake and Outlier problem 
    18 ۿ Inconsistencies between workflow diagram and UML in TMA-OM 
    18 Applying Spatial indexing on genomic coordinate data 
    21 Rocky Investigation of regulatory mechanism of miRNAs and p53 : Progress 
    21 Evaluation of GO-based functional similarity measures using time-course expression 
    25 Integration of multidimensional genomic data: Schematic overview 
    25 Identifying microRNA modules that co-regulate targets using microRNA-mRNA coexpression 
    28 ̼ stem cell miRNA microarray analysis - GO annotation in xperanto 
    28 BMESH - Ontology, FCA Analysis & SDTM- 

    02 Upgrade ChromoViz-web: Progress 
    02 MicroRNAs:Review of Discovery,Biogenesis,and Research Areas 
    06 ̼ Osteoporosis Data Analysis -  
    06 BMESH (Biomedical Metadata Element Standard for Health) - 2 
    09 CelMAP: progress - pathway case study(3) 
    09 Biological aging in human population 
    13 ۿ A Case of Conversion of TMA-TAB into RDF format 
    13 GRIP progress 
    16 Rocky Investigation of regulatory mechanism of miRNA and P53 in colorectal cancer : a computational approach 
    16 Extended Wangs measure - Depth Factor- 
    20 GeneTests and Orphanet 
    23 ̼ Stem cell miRNA microarray analysis 
    23 ISO 11179 CHMR  
    27 Case study: modify original pathway using protein subcellular prediction algorithm 
    27 Making Rules related to the Age Clusters 
    30 ۿ Modifications on TMA-OM 
    30 Network & Sub-Network Structure between EntrezGene & UniGene based on its link property 

    02 CelMAP: progress - ߰ 
    02 Finding subsets of microRNA and mRNA using GA 
    05 ۿ TMA data representatioin by RDF 
    05 Finding connected components between EntrezGene & UniGene 
    09 Biological Age Pattern in Human Population [4] 
    09 Functional similarity evaluation(1) 
    12 Upgrade ChromoViz-web: progress 
    12 Identifying condition-specific combinatorial miRNA regulation 
    16 ̼ Predict miRNA expression profiles from mRNA expressions using machine learning - purpose of this study 
    16 ۿ RDF applications-Sesame and SeRQL 
    19 CelMAP: progress - select case study 
    19 Finding subsets of microRNA and mRNA using GA II 
    23 Biological Age Pattern in Human Population [5] 
    23 Biomedical Metadata Element Standard for Health 
    26 Hadoop - for distributed computing and data storage 
    30 Rocky Investigation of regulatory mechanism of miRNA and P53 in colorectal cancer : a computational approach 
    30 Functional similarity evaluation(2) - rubustness 

    02 ȣ Drawing a classification tree in Python 
    02 ֱ Automation for pTARGET analysis 
    02 Expand Wangs semantic similarity measure 
    05 Gene-Gene interaction network and Functional similarity based on k-core 
    05 ̼ Predict microRNA expressions from mRNA expression profiles using NN - select best features 
    09 Condition-specific combinatorial miRNA interactions 
    09 BioEMR ÿ 
    12 Upgrade ChromoViz-web: Implementation simplified SIGMA2 with advanced GRIP (Refine Idea) 
    12 CelMAP: progress - search literature 
    16 Set-wise differential coexpression of mRNA and microRNA 
    16 Biological Age Pattern in Human Population [3] 
    19 ۿ RDF in biomedical research 
    19 Extendes wangs measure and evaluation using k-core 
    23 Upgrade ChromoViz-web: Replicate SIGMA2 
    23 Identifying condition-specific combinatorial miRNA regulation 
    26 ̼ Predict let-7 microRNA expressions from mRNA expression profiles using NN - select best features (2) 
    26 BioEMR extractor -CDA- 

    02 ۿ TMA-TAB: Presentation before submission to ISMB 
    02 ̼ Predict miRNA expression profiles from mRNA expressions using NN - determine the number of iteration 
    05 CelMAP: progress - clustering result 
    05 BioEMR (Display & Subgroup) 
    08 Time series analysis with multivariate t test 
    08 Biological Age Pattern in Human Population 
    12 Research Plan in 2009 
    15 Gene-Gene interaction network and Functional similarity based on k-core 
    15 Finding microRNA regulatory modules using miR-association map 
    15 ̼ Predict mRNA expression profile from miRNA expressions using ANN - GA feature selection 
    19 BioEMR Multi-center CTMS 
    19 Identify co-effects of SNP and CNV on gene expression 
    22 CelMAP: progress - map on pathway 
    22 Analysis of chronic GVHD microarray data 
    29 Biological Age Pattern in Human Population [2] 
    29 ۿ TMA-TAB Implementation : Review on Process of Data Insertion 

    01 CelMAP: progress - sum algorithm result 
    01 Power estimation of Hotelling, Cramer and PCT 
    04 Biological age measurement 
    04 ۿ TMA-TMA implementation in organs other than colon 
    08 Term-wise measure evaluation(1) 
    08 A framework for integrative analysis of copy number and gene expression profile based on the summarized data sets : progress 
    11 Identifying combinatorial condition-specific microRNAs 
    11 ̼ Predict miRNA expression profiles from mRNA expression - various miRNA family set test 
    15 Development of CTMS for multi-center clinical trial 
    15 CelMAP: progress 
    18 ۿ A few modifications of TMA-TAB and Xperanto-TMA 
    18 A framework for integrative analysis of copy number and gene expression profile based on the summarized data sets : progress 
    22 Simulation test on PCT, Cramer and Hotelling test 
    22 Term-wise measure evaluation(2) 
    29 Biological Age Model 
    29 Inferring condition-specific miRNAs from miRNA and mRNA expression profiles 

    03 Identifying post-transcriptional regulatory networks by combinatorial analysis of microRNAs 
    03 ̼ Predict microRNA expressions from mRNA expression profiles using NN 
    06 BioEMR Ϸ ó  
    06 CelMAP: Progress 
    10 Analysis of chronic GVHD microarray data using ICA 
    10 Biological Age in the healthy population [3] 
    17 ۿ TMA-TAB implementation: processing of user-defined terms 
    17 GO measure evaluation 
    20 A framework for integrative analysis of copy number and gene expression profile based on the summarized data sets 
    20 Network-based combinatorial analysis of microRNAs 
    24 GRIP ( Genome Research Information Pipeline ) 
    24 CellMAP: an integrated pathways map using cellular location 
    24 Advanced Chromoviz-web 
    24 ۿ TMA-TAB: A spreadsheet-based format for tissue microarray data 
    24 Semantic Similarity Measure evaluation using sequence similarity 
    24 Pathway-based classification analysis of breast cancer microarray data 
    24 ̼ Predict microRNA expression profiles from mRNA expression using Machine Learning 
    24 Identifying post-transcriptional regulatory networks by combinatorial analysis of microRNAs 
    24 Analysis of the BA pattern in the pop.(lifestyle behavior $ dz. risk factor) 
    24 ҿ Development of models for predicting biological age (BA) with parameters of screening program 
    27 ̼ Predict microRNA expressions from mRNA expression profiles Using Neural Network ?plan 
    27 BioEMR ó 

    02 BioEMR ǥ 
    02 CelMAP: progress 
    06 The pooled component test: a variant of Hotelling test 
    06 Lattice on BMA semantic space 
    09 Biological Age in the healthy population 
    09 ۿ TMA-TAB implementation in colon cancer 
    13 Term-wise measure evaluation 
    13 Analysis process- Lung and Cervix cancer with Radiation data 
    16 Identifying combinatorial regulation of microRNAs 
    16 ̼ NN analysis using let-7 microRNAs and their target mRNAs their target mRNAs 
    20 BioEMR ȹ 
    20 CelMAP: progress 
    23 Pooled component test with permutation 
    23 Lattices on BMA semantic space 
    27 Biological Age in the healthy population [2] 
    27 ۿ TMA-TAB implementation with five scenario 
    29 Term-wise measure evaluation 
    29 Advanced ChromoViz-Web 

    01 Evaluation plan for term-wise and geneset-wise semantic measure 
    01 ۿ TMA-TAB : Implementation in Xperanto-TMA 
    04 A database system for analysis result of microarray data 
    04 Retrieving TCGA data 
    08 Association rule mining for large scale miRNA-mRNA expression data analysis 
    08 ̼ Compare the clustering performance using mRNA/miRNA expression profiles 
    11 DTS review, BioEMR  
    11 CelMAP: input list for protein predection algorithm 
    18 Comparison of informative pathways 
    18 Plan: Advanced ChromoViz-web 
    22 Age Process analysis[1] 
    22 ۿ TMA-TAB implementation : Progress 
    25 Set-wise similarity measure 
    25 Evaluation of semantic measure I 
    29 Identifying tissue-specific combinatorial targeting in microRNA repression of gene expression 
    29 ̼ Predict microRNA expression profiles from mRNA expressions using NN 

    04 Genome wide association study in Rheumatoid Arthritis 
    04 ö Measuring semantic similarity between sets of GO terms 
    04 ؿ Miraco(MicroRNA/Array Coexpression) 
    04 An integrative approach to find functionally related genes 
    07 ۿ Intratumoral Heterogeneity of cDNA Microarray Profile : Review 
    07 ̼ Summary of co-transcriptomics datasets 
    11 BioEMR ȹ(6) - Class diagram & UI - 
    11 CelMap: ߰ 
    14 Regression-based inference of degree of miRNA-mediated gene repression 
    14 Application of a new geneset-wise measure for building semantic space 
    18 ۿ Charaterization of Granuloma in Sarcoidosis and Tuberculosis by cDNA Microarray 
    18 Breast Cancer Data Analysis using boostKDBC-III 
    19 ְ ٱ⼼ ǥ ġ Ȳ - ߽ 
    21 i2b2 review 
    21 A database system for analysis result of microarray data : plan(2) 
    25 ̼ First Plan using miRNA/mRNA expression profile datasets 
    25 BioEMR ȹ(7) -Class diagram - 
    28 CelMAP: genomic and mRNA sequence 
    28 Re-anlaysis of boostKDBC simulation data 

    03 Breast cancer data analysis using boostKDBC 
    03 BioCLASS : Semantic space checks 
    07 ۿ Detection of Cytohistologically Discrepant Cases from Pathology Report 
    07 Microarray data analysis(Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma) 
    10 Integrative studies for SNPs and CNVs with gene expression data 
    10 Using expression profiling data to identify miRNA-mRNA interaction 
    14 GRIP(Genome Research Information Pipeline) 
    14 CC2Gene: a re-annotation and gene-centric integration for GPL 
    14 BioCLASS-Biological Concept Lattice on Annotated Semantic Space 
    14 ۿ TMA-TAB: A spreadsheet-based format for tissue microarray data 
    14 Development plan for metadata in clinical research 
    14 ̼ Co-transcriptomics : comprehensive analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression 
    14 Integrative studies for SNPs and CNVs with gene expression data 
    14 Microarray data analysis : an overview 
    14 ҿ Estimation of Mean Sojourn Time with Cervical Cancer Screening Based on Markov Model 
    14 Inferring effective regulatory activity of miRNAs 
    14 Comparative Study on Multivariate T test    
    14 ȭ 
    17 ؿ MicroRNA/Array COexpression analysis(MRACO) 
    17 Genome wide association study in Rheumatoid Arthritis 
    17 ö BioCLASS : improving semantic space 
    17 An integrative approach to find functionally related genes 
    21 ̼ Differential responses to ionizing radiation in two lung cancer cell lines (2) 
    21 FDA Result Data Entry Mockup 
    24 HapMap KPRN SNP DB Ұ 
    24 Inference of miRNA function using co-expression and sequence similarity 
    28 Semantic distance distribution for re-selected geneset 
    28 Analysis of Breast Cancer Data Set using boostKDBC    
    31 A database system for analysis result of microarray data : plan 
    31 CelMAP: Progress 

    02 ۿ Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy 
    02 ȫ Analysis 
    09 Xperanto-SNP draft 
    09 Integrating gene transcript and miRNA profiling 
    13 ̼ collect datasets for co-transcriptomics 
    13 Metadata ȹ(1) 
    16 CelMAP: perform protein localization algorithm 
    16 Re-anlaysis of boostKDBC benchmark data 
    20 BioCLASS work progress 0620 
    20 ۿ Structure of TMA-TAB 
    23 An analysis of the Differentially expressed genes in A431 treated with rhEGF 
    23 Integrated association studies for SNPs and CNVs with gene expression data 
    27 Inferring miRNA regulation using information-theoretic criteria 
    27 ̼ Differential responses to ionizing radiation in two lung cancer cell lines (time=0) 
    30 BioEMR ȹ(5) - DB schema & Class diagram- 

    02 ̼ CCD  
    02 BioEMR ȹ(3) -Ǻм- 
    09 My Plan 
    09 Optimization of SVM in pathway-based classification 
    16 BioLattice work progress 
    16 ۿ Reformation of Xperanto-TMA 
    19 080519 Work process 
    19 SNP database test 
    23 Combining Gene Expression with Binding Score 
    23 ̼ co-regulation btw miRNA and mRNA 
    26 BioEMR ȹ(4) -Interface design & DB schema- 
    26 CelMAP: perform WolfPSORT 
    30 Simulation study on boostKDBC, random forest and SVM 
    30 BioCLASS work progress 

    04 α Integrating knowedge and data in Bioinformatics 
    04 BioEMR ȹ (1) 
    07 Update Pathway DB and review protein subcellular localization 
    07 Prediction of GVHD status with donor-patient microarray data 
    11 BioLattice software update & analysis plan 
    11 2008 ERC Project 
    14 SNP array 5.0 analysis 
    14 Evolutionary constraints in intronic and intergenic miRNAs 
    18 ̼ ڷ miRNA м  
    18 BioEMR ȹ (2) -Project - 
    21 CelMap: an integrated knowledge map using biological pathways and subcellular location 
    21 Simulation study on interaction score 
    25 BioLattice software update 
    25 ERC Data mining 
    28 SNP database Test 
    28 Co-regulation between miRNAs and mRNAs using gene-coexpression network 

    03 Power comparison between ordinary and bootstrapped Hotelling test 
    03 Unified GO annotation 
    07 ҿ Interleukin-1 alpha gene and breast cancer risk 
    07 BioCore Replication 
    10 ADRSNP system(๰̻ ü) [๰ü]
    10 Validation of miRNA as a regulator in the circadian rhythm 
    14 ̼ Mining co-regulated gene profiles for the detection of functional associations in gene expression data 
    14 PID example 
    17 CTIS review 
    17 α RiPeter Draft Final 
    21 Monte Carlo based power test 
    21 Question of biological interpretation of distance map for toxicant lattices 
    24 KEGG migratoin 
    28 What we do for TCGA 
    28 Patterns of sequence conservation of miRNAs 
    31 ҿ Hierarchical clustering 
    31 ̼ N2a microRNA 

    05 BioLattice Update & To do 
    12 α SPM benchmark 
    12 Cohort integrated Database 
    15 pathway database update 
    15 Boostrapping Multivariate test 
    19 SNUBI Unified GO Annotator 
    19 Biochemical Network Database implementation 
    20 Prediction of Tumor Suppressor Genes with Epigenetic Changes by Expression Pattern Analysis    
    20 º Bottlenecks in the human disease network 
    20 Mapping the local data to the UMLS 
    22 ÷ ͺ̽ (๰ü) [๰ü]
    22 Conserved sequences in microRNAs 
    25 Unified solution for GO annotation 
    26 ̼ Mining co-regulated genes 
    26 α Second stalemate in RiPeter 
    29 BioEMR 2008 (ȹ) 
    29 Pathway update 

    04 Update pathwya database 
    04 Incomplete issues in BioLattice 
    08 Integration of heterogeneous Microarray Data - ArrayExpress Database 
    08 A framework for integration of probe-level data from heterogeneous microarray platforms (SNP chip) 
    11 Identification and classification of intronic miRNAs along with intergenic miRNAs 
    11 ̼ advanced idea extracting gene expression pattern 
    15 α SVG in Firefox 
    15 Cohort project progress 
    18 update pathway database 
    18 Analysis results of lung cancer data with deCorS 
    22 Drug research 
    22 Predicting Tumor Suppressor Genes 
    22 º The human disease protein network based on HPRD data 
    25 Progress in Pharmacogenomics project [๰ü]
    25 ̼ Progress in CCD data and mining co-regulated genes 
    29 GEORetrieval to do list 
    29 Overview of Affymetrix GeneChip Gene 1.0 ST Array System 

    04 ̼ AB Human Genome Survey Microarray V2.0 annotation & Result of CCD analysis 
    04 ArrayXPath: Database update 
    07 Integration of cohort data 
    07 Simulation data analysis with deCorS 
    11 Current issues on semantic similarity in Bioinformatics 
    11 Bioinformatics Tools for Biomarkers Discovery 
    14 A framework for integration of probe-level data from heterogeneous microarray platforms (copy number data) 
    14 Comparison of genomic structure between intronic and intergenic miRNAs 
    18 ̼ AB annotation 
    18 α RiPeter GSE-wise variances [RiPeter]
    21 The development of clinico-histopathological metadata for cancer-oriented research 
    21 Result of DM data analysis with deCorS 
    28 The development of clinico-histopathological metadata 
    28 Pathway classification analysis using BoostKDBC 
    28 ̼ Feature selection and Rule extraction of time series 
    28 GEOXperanto 
    28 Integration of heterogeneous probe-level data 
    28 microRNA regulation depends on the regional effect 
    28 α Imporving DEG identification in small sample datasets using GEO data 
    28 BioCLASS : A semantic comparison of microarray gene expression data 
    28 CeLMAP: integrated pathways map using cellular location information 
    28 Integrative analysis in the study of cancer 

    02 Summary of BoostKBC results 
    02 BioLattice update 
    06 Validation plan for circadian rhythm regulation by miRNAs 
    06 ڿ  
    09 Progress in Xperanto-SNP 
    09 N2a miRNA 
    13 ̼ Feature selection and classification of time series microarray using GP 2nd idea 
    13 α Reproducibility in sample selection [RiPeter]
    16 Project (BioEMR & Cohort) progress 
    16 How to get gold standard for biological study? 
    20 Analysis of gene set interaction network structure using SEM 
    20 Work summary 
    23 Synovial mesenchymal stem cell analysis 
    23 NCRI Informatics initiative Review    
    27 An integrated system for heterogeneous data management and analysis 
    30 microRNA regulation depends on the regional effect. 
    30 α RiPeter Checkpoint: Reproducibility on multiple datasets [RiPeter]

    02 α RiPeter Bootstrap results 
    02 ڿ Rich Client Web BioCANDI - Initialization and Requirements 
    05 Noise sampling method - an ANOVA approach allowing robust selection of DEGs    
    05 Replicate of Tomlins work 
    09 ̼ Feature selection of time series microarray using GP 
    09 Replicate of CTP (Chromosomal Transcriptional Patterns) 
    12 ü ȣƮ  
    12 Sematic integration (My approach) 
    16 microRNA regulation depends on regional effect 
    16 Microarray analysis of C.parvum 
    19 GEO localization 
    19 ڿ RichWeb BioCANDI - Function module 
    23 Progress in Xperanto-SNP 
    23 Application of simulation data to BoostKBC 
    26 Semantic integration (refine idea) 
    26 α RiPeter scenario sample selection 
    30 BioEMR & Cohort Progress 
    30 ̼ Advanced idea for feature selection of time series microarray Using GP 

    05 Temporal DB review - I 
    05 Semantic integration 
    07 BoostKBC with pathway infomation III 
    07 geneset extension for semantic distance 
    11 CRLMM (Corrected Robust Linear Model with Maximum Likelihood Distance) [snpgenotyping]
    11 Construction of miRNA-mRNA interaction network in circadian rhythm 
    18 ̼ Microarray Feature Selection using GP 
    18 α RiPeter in empirical and bayesian approach 
    21 Temporal DB Review 2 
    21 Semantic integration 
    28 Feature selection in BoostKBC 
    28 Biolattice future directions 

    01 BioEMR: Project manager (XPERANTO/TMA ۾) 
    01 GPL probes matcher 
    03 BoostKBC with pathway infomation 
    03 α RiPeter ߰ 
    06 ڿ Rich Web Client BioCANDI 
    08 Xperanto-SNP (A web-based integrated system for SNP data management and analysis) [SNPdatabaseXperanto-SNP]
    08 Working plan for BioCLASS 
    10 MicroRNA as a Potential Regulator of Circadian Rhythm 
    10 ̼ Data analysis ,CCD data 
    17 GEORetrieval - Progress in GEOXperanto Query Builder [GEOXperantoQuery builder]
    17 Cancer Genomics Object Model : An Object Model for Cancer Research using Multiple Functional Genomics Data 
    22 Sematic integration 
    22 BoostKBC with pathway infomation II 
    24 BioCLASS work progress 
    24 General research plan: Chronic disease informatics [chronic diseaseobesitydiabetes]
    29 Copy number variation from Korean SNP data [KoreanCNVSNP data]
    29 Identification of miRNAs involved in the regulation of circadian rhythm 
    31 ̼ ISMB2007 Review - microarray 
    31 α Progress in RiPeter 

    04 Updating with sigmoid function in boost KDC 
    04 BioCLASS : work progress 
    06 Work plan: Integrated SNP database and Analysis system [SNPCNVsystem]
    06 Progress in GEOXperanto Database Query interface for entire tables [Query builderGEOXperanto]
    09 α Wikirize SNUBI web page 
    11 MicroRNA as a Potential Regulator of Circadian rhythm 
    11 ̼ CCD м Ȳ 
    13 α Preliminary data on DEGBoost 
    13 BioEMR : Project manager 
    18 Progress of Gene mapping 
    18 BoostKBC with prior information 
    20 BioCLASS work progress 
    20 Copy number and loss of heterozygosity estimation [CNVSNPLOH]
    25 GEORetrieval - Progress in GEOXperanto Query Builder [GEOXperantoQuery builder]
    25 MicroRNA as a Potential Regulator of Circadian Rhythm 
    27 ̼  
    27 α Second data on DEGBoost 

    01 MicroRNA as a Potential Regulator of Circadian Rhythm    
    01 ̼ CCD м ȹ 
    04 GEODirect 
    08 α Gene expression entroyp ۾ 
    08 Boosting KBC 
    11 α Web 2.0 
    13 Gene mapping progress in GPL 
    13 Object Network Visualization using Cytoscape and eXpanda 
    15 PhactaManager Review&revision 
    15 BioCLASS : Biological Concept Lattice on Annotated Semantic Space 
    18 α Web 2.0: Technical review of RSS and Ajax 
    18 Object Network Visualization 
    20 Effects of copy number variations on classical genetic studies [SNPCNV]
    20 Query Interface for entire tables in GEOXperanto database [GEOXperantoQuery builder]
    22 MicroRNA as a Potential Regulator of Circadian Rhythm 
    22 ̼ CCD м  
    27 α Crosschip review 
    27 BioEMR:Progress 
    29 GRIP Advanced Search Page using prototype & scriptaculous-js (AJAX) 
    29 Gene mapping in GPL porgresws 

    02 ܺƯ Prediction and Design of MicroRNAs Using Probabilistic Graphical Models 
    04 geneset functional space using gene ontology 
    04 Effect of correlation structure on the classification performance 
    07 Adding new DB & Adding new DB 
    07 Gene Mapping in GPL (progress) 
    09 ¼ on writing PathTalk 
    09 R API for NetCDF [netCDF]
    11 GEOXperanto Query Scenario and Question [GEOXperantoUse scenario]
    11 Circadian rhythm of mouse liver 
    16 ѹ̷ MCF7 breast cancer data analysis 
    16 α The applicability Entropy to microarray data 
    18 BioEMR : Experimental Metadata repository 
    21 MicroRNA as a Potential Regulator of Circadian Rhythm in Mouse Liver    
    23 Gene mapping in GPL using new relation table of new GRIP 
    23 Boosting Kernel Bayesian Classifier 
    25 CLASS : Concept Lattice on Annotated Semantic Space 
    25 ¼ BioCANDi renewal 
    30 Analysis plan for GAW data [CNVGenome-wide associationSNP]
    30 GEOXperanto improvement status [GEOXperantoMGED OntologyBioCANDIterm mapping]

    02 To be a log distribution or not to be? That is the question! [ClassificationDistributionSkewnessLogarithm]
    04 ѹ̷ Identification of periodically expressed genes 
    04 α EM Learning [EM]
    06 GEO Direct deposit 
    06 A tutorial on statistical methods for population association studies (1/2) 
    09 GEO Ȱ ó 
    11 Gene mapping 
    11 Geneset functional space using gene ontology 
    13 Pathway based classification 
    16 Revision about BioLattice Article 
    16 ¼ Network measures on tumor and normal datasets 
    18 HDF and NetCDF [HDFNetCDF]
    18 ѹ̷ Analysis of the molecular subtypes of breast cancer 
    20 Validation and Result of Data processing classification using Logistic Regression [Case-studydata transformclassificationcontingency table]
    23 GEO Query Scenario 
    25 miRNAs and circadian rhythm 
    25 α GEO User story: Gene Network Inference 
    27 BioEMR : Experimental metadata manager 

    02 CC2Path: import GEO part3 
    02 Revision of GSIA and application to the toxicology data II 
    05 ѹ̷ Radiation treated CCD cell line data analysis 
    07 Lattice application on geneset functional space II 
    07 ¼ Measures on network stability 
    09 Detect CNVs using GEMCA [CNVGEMCA]
    09 How to facilitate the GEO [GEOThesisIntegrationPubMedMeSH]
    14 Circadian rhythm regulated by miRNAs and target genes 
    14 ѹ̷ Algorithms to identify periodically expressed genes in time series data 
    16 α Regularities in the expression data [PRM]
    16 BioEMR Project  [BioEMR]
    19 Microarray Metadata Representation based on GEOXperanto 
    21 Fast GRIP 
    21 CC2Path: import GPL (part 4) 
    23 Application of GSIA to the tetracycline data set 
    23 Lattice application on geneset functional space III 
    26 ܺƯ Case Based Reasoning Methods 
    28 ¼ Review on measures for comparing networks 
    28 Progress in detecting CNVs from Korean population data [SNPKorean]
    30 GEOXperanto Ȳ [GEOXperantoRaw dataNormalized data]
    30 Cyclic miRNAs and mRNAs 

    02 α Context lost in meta-dataset 
    02 Toy Example for dealing Large matrix 
    07 CC2Ppath: 
    07 Revision of GSIA & Application to the Toxicology Data 
    09 Lattice aplication on geneset functional space 
    09 ¼ Another 2 percent of BioCANDi 
    14 How heritable gene expressions are? 
    14 Circadian cycling of the mouse liver by miRNA microarray 
    21 Tool for organizing and visualizing SNP-level summaries of copy number and genotype calls [SNPCNV]
    21 GEOXperanto Final [GEOXperantoSchema integrationGEORetrieval]
    23 α Biclustering benchmark [biclusteringbenchmark]
    23 ѹ̷ MCF-7S cell line data vs cDNA chip data 
    26 Alogorithms for detecting copy number variation using SNP genotyping arrays [CNVAlgorithm]
    28 GOChase2 progress [GOChase]
    28 GRIP ۾(ǻ Ϸ) 

    03 GEO data update [GEOUpdate Automation]
    03 Identifying genomic locus which affects multiple gene sets. 
    05 Circadian cycling of the mouse liver by miRNA microarray 
    05 ѹ̷  
    10 α Idea review in 2007 [idea]
    10 GOChase 2 final [GOChase]
    12 50000 * 50000 memory allocation using global arrays 
    12 CC2Path: import GPL 
    15 miRNA preprocessing 
    17 Application of GSIA to the mouse BXD data set 
    17 semantic similarity between concepts in lattice with human pathways 
    19 GEO migration to Xperanto [GEOXperantoGEOXperantomigration]
    19 Partitioning test of SNP database [partitionSNP DB]
    24 ¼ Network measures on TGRC datasets 
    24 SK skin microarray data analaysis 
    26 Circadian cycling of mouse liver revealed by miRNA profile 
    26 ѹ̷ MCF7 analysis 
    29 ๰ü ȹ [pharmGKB]
    29 BIOCANDI (ABI chip) 
    29 XPERANTO  
    31 XPERANTO Progress () 

    01 Pairwise Linkage Disequilibrium Statistic from Affx 500K snp chip data [snp chip500k]
    06 Prediction of clinical status with array CGH data 
    06 semantic similarity between concepts in lattice with pathways 
    08 ¼ My Bioinformatics in 2007 
    08 System outline from Affy 500K SNP chip data [SNP500K]
    13 Complex trait analysis using set-wise genetical genomics approach ( ǥ final) 
    13 α Gene complexity: half split test 
    15 MicroRNA expression profile of mouse circadian rhythm 
    15 ѹ̷ Anoikis resistance gene expression signature 
    20 Thesis Idea (For Brain Storming) [GEODocument clusteringInformation RetrievalText MiningControlled VocabularyMeta-analysis]
    20 Assessing the consistency of GO annotation using orthologous genes [GOChase2]
    22 AffyMetrix 500k SNP Chip Genotyping & LD statistics м  
    22 ¼ Random Graph Process 
    27 Classification of array CGH data with Naive Bayes & mixture model 
    27 semantic similarity between concepts in lattice with pathways II 
    29 integration of pathway and GO 
    29 Annotation system for Korean population data [SNP500ksystem]

    01 Standardization of GEO as gene expression data 
    01 PBM (Protein Binding Microarray) review 
    03 ѹ̷ ROC comparison between logistic & tree approaches 
    03 α Different gene behavior complexity observed in GPL96 
    06 SNP м Databasing  [SNP500kSNP CHIP]
    08 Identification of stage associated genes in breast carcinoma [meta analysisbreast cancer]   
    08 Modified Cluster index approach for storing SNP Chip Data 
    10 Pathwya Map 
    10 Interpretation of gene set interaction analysis 
    13 Semantic similarity between concepts in lattices 
    15 Would you give me a word of advice for geneset-wise lattices? 
    15 ¼ PathTalk -- what is next 
    17 Progress in SNP analysis and databasing [SNP500k]
    22 GEO Final or Not? [GEOIntegrationMicroarray repositoryArrayportMappingPlatformSeriesSample]
    22 progress in "Complex trait analysis" 
    24 Categorization of GEO data 
    24 ѹ̷ Research Plan 
    27 GAW15 briefing 
    29 α Gene complexity results with plots 
    29 Gene-Gene graph 

    09 ǥ 
    11 [KOSMI paper] Progress in comparison of GO term between doses in B10 data 
    11 Progress in "Complex Traits Analysis" 
    13 ѹ̷ Factors affecting breast cancer recurrence - a classification tree approach - 
    13 α Larger weight on rare samples 
    16 Lattice similarity measure 
    18 GOChase-II review&revision [GOChase2Ontology]
    18 GRIP Problem when auto-update 
    20 Pathway map 
    20 Gene set interaction analysis [Mantel testgene set interaction]
    23 ѹ̷ Review Summary 
    25 Progress in lattice similarity measure 
    25 ¼ Tumor and normal samples in Universal Sample Space 
    27 Progress in "Complex trait analysis" 
    27 GEO Progress 
    30 α Xperanto  [biocandi]

    25 SNUBI Server Status [ServerStatusAdministrator]   
    25 Inferring Causal Association among Pathways (ICAP) by Genetical Genomics approach 
    27 Chromosome instability in cancer [scan]
    29 GEO Progress (Meta table for Sample features) and Future [Meta TableGEOUMLS]

    03 The graPT: Genomic inteRpreter About Predictive Toxicology    
    03 ¼ Prediction model for microbial infection in cultured cells [myco]
    10 progress in KMA Drug DB [KMA]

    05 Review pathway systems 
    12 Import GEO data into Xperanto (DNA/cDNA chip part) [DNA-cDNA chipmapping table]
    12 α Using GEO [GEO]
    12 GEO localization 
    19 ѹ̷ cybrid data analysis    
    26 Gene Expression in Differential Responses of Time and Dose to IR 

    08 graPT 
    08 Ȳ    
    15 SNP Chip analysis 
    15 ѹ̷ Research plan 
    15 Critical review on SPM for biological modules 
    22 Bombarding MGED with Xperanto-TMA [TMA-OMMGED]
    22 The whole new GRIP 
    22 α Research plan 
    29 ¼ ̿ĵ (α л Ȳ) [BioCANDI]   
    29 Lung Fibroblast Radiation data analysis 

    03 ü Brain Storming 
    10 Similarity measures for lattices 
    10 Cell graph for pathways & (н ԷȲ) 
    17 Drug Information Service 
    17 new Grip 
    24 SNP Chip Analysis 
    24 Strategy for Microarray Meta-analysis 

    06 ü ũξ м  
    13 ü ̿ĵ ׽Ʈ 
    13 α ̿ĵ ׽Ʈ 
    20 Xperanto-TMA 
    27 GEO , GEO ̿ Ÿм ȹ 

    02 ü Summary of BIOCANDI modules 
    06 newGRIP Ȳ  
    06 ¼ Prediction of mycoplasma subtypes 
    06 α Pararllelizing BioCANDi 
    13 Lung Fibroblast Radiation data analysis 
    13 ѹ̷ Protein Lattice Ȳ 
    13 Conferences 2006 - 2007 
    20 Drug Database 
    27 "GEO, for being the best exploiter" 
    27 BioLattice Application - relational pattern - 
    27 Xperanto-TMA release and Application Notes 
    27 Research Plan 

    09 BMT data analysis 
    09 м 
    09 OA/RA data analysis 
    16 ๰ü ڷԷȲ 
    16 ¼ Run BioCANDi from multiple calculation slaves 
    16 / Drug database 
    23 ChromoViz implementation for BioCANDi 
    23 GOChase 2: a framework for correcting semantic inconsistent annotation and improving accuracy of the functional analysis based on Gene Ontology 
    23 α Sequential pattern mining  

    05 Xperanto-Tox: integrating Xperanto with TMA-OM 
    05 α ̿ĵ ̿ ü ڷм 
    05 Comparative Genomics for Orientia 
    12 Research Plan 
    12 ArrayXPath-III and ArrayXPath-Homolog: .. 
    12 GOChase-II 
    12 ѹ̷ Protein-Ontology Lattice 
    19 Creating a discussion group for TMA-OM users 
    19 ๰ü ĺ̽ 
    19 ̿ĵ MSC м Ȳ 
    26 Rule mining from BioLattice 
    26 Research plan 

    07 α ̿ĵ ̿ ü ڷм 
    07 BioLattice ü 
    07 Success factors for TMA-OM publication & defense 
    14 ѹ̷ Protein-Ontology Lattice 
    14 ̿ĵ ̿ 缱 ڷм 
    21 Meta-data registry & a system for clinical trial 
    21 Considering genetic causality in Microarray Analysis 
    21 ¼ Mycoplasma detection and subtyping 
    28 Is this the final blow in the GEO wars? 
    28 ¼ PathTalk -- where to go with our pathway databases? [PathTalk]
    28 Radiation data analysis using BIOCANDi 
    28 Ӽ Research plan 

    10 GEO Localization 
    10 PathTalk [PathTalk]
    24 microBLAST 
    24 "Developing a data model for integrative analysis of DNA microarray, Tissue microarray and arrayCGH for cancer genomics research" 

    05 GEO Localization 
    05 ѹ̷ protein lattice Ȳ 
    05 "gsea, global test and classification for microarray data" 
    12 GOChase II - final 
    12 newGRIP - final 
    12 ȹ 
    26 PathTalk [PathTalk]
    26 α Cluster viewer demonstration 
    26 Radiation data analysis 

    01 Review of toxicogenomics 
    01 GEO localization 
    08 ѹ̷ aCGH м BioCANDi  
    08 α CEBS review 
    13 Review of Matrix factorization 
    22 ChromoViz Implementation as a web-based software 
    29 ü BioCANDi  

    04 Identification of Pathways related to the Clinical Outcome of the Microarray data using Global Test [AppGen]
    11 ѹ̷ aCGH analysis of ER-positive breast cancer [MAInfo]
    18 ¼ BioCANDI in Xperanto 
    18 α Results on SPM 
    25 Review of the GRIP 

    13 Biological interpretation of BioLattice results [SysBiol]
    27 BioEMR Ʈ - Clinical data storage [ClinInfo]

    02 Integration of Xperanto-TMA and Xperanto [AppGen]
    09 ¼ PathPlus - not a single pathway but also topology of pathways [SysBiol]
    16 BioEMR Ʈ ȹ [ClinInfo]
    23 ¼ BioCANDI2 in Xperanto [MAInfo]
    30 New GRIP Progress( from sequence to protein family ) [AppGen]

    04 α Inferring gene-module relations by biclustering on large-scale expression data using sequential pattern mining [AppGen]
    11 Web-DEDS [SysBiol]
    18 NRL PhactaX Ȳ ȹ [ClinInfo]
    25 Related Study to Low Dose Ionizing Radiation Data [MAInfo]

    05 ¼ Pipeline of microarray data anlysis [MAInfo]
    12 Review ArrayXPath [AppGen]
    19 Integration of Biological Data and Clinical Trial Data [SysBiol]
    21 Progress in developing TMA-OM and Xperanto-TMA [ClinInfo]
    28 Analysis of squamous cell carcinoma microarray data [MAInfo]

    12 ¼ Workflow of array CGH data analysis [AppGen]
    19 ѹ̷ Gene Ontology related Tools [SysBiol]
    26 Implementation of Cancer Genomics Object Model [ClinInfo]

    08 GO Annotator: Web based utility for gene annotation with cross reference relationship in biological databases. [AppGen]
    15 Gene Ontology Multidimensional Scaling Mapping [SysBiol]
    22 PhactaManager(ӻڷý) Ȳ [ClinInfo]
    29 ̼ AB microarray м [MAInfo]

    01 α Results and biological interpretation of k-gOPSM 
    06 α Current status of OPSM(sequential pattern mining) 
    08 Formal concept analysis for GO-based cluster annotation 
    13 ȫ± Factors affecting the Diffusion of Electronic Medical Record in Hospital from a Physicians Perspective 
    15 ȭ Introduction of CDA related applications and works in progress 
    20 ѹ̷ Antidepressant cDNA mouse data м 
    22 Independent Component Analysis of Microarray data 
    29 GRIP Ver 2 Modelling 

    04 Object Model for Tissue Microarray Data 
    04 α High-order relation between gene regulatory module can be inferred from subspace clustering across large-scale gene expression data of yeast 
    11 PathMesh: database of pathway and drug related disease 
    18 Integration of MAGE-OM and CDA 
    25 ¼ Prediction performance of pathway and its network characters [PathPlus]

    07 Formal Concept Analysis and Application 
    13 ӻ ڷ ý  
    20 ̼ȣ Affy setup in Xperant/BioCandi 

    10 Summary of Gene Structure 
    17 unknown Clinical decision making at the point-of-care [ClinInfo]
    24 PathPlus: extending a pathway using expression profiles based on the known knowledge about the pathway [DataAnalysis]
    31 Can we exchange SOFT formatted GEO into MIAME ? 

    06 Mapping between the Disease Names of OMIM and MeSH [ClinInfo]
    13 ¼ Prediction model for pathway extension using high throughput biological data [DataAnalysis]
    20 Integration of MAGE-OM and CDA using CDE (create template [Xperanto]

    01 ѹ̷ Gene family and protein family [Grip]
    08 Integrating MAGE-OM and CDA using CDE (first step: generating HL7 Template) [ClinInfo]
    15 Information Extraction from Multi-source data types [DataAnalysis]
    22 unknown Extracting the absolute coordinate from various microarray data sets [Xperanto]
    29 Database of Association between disease and pathway [Grip]

    04 α "Koogle, the finale" [Grip]
    11 ȫ± Privacy to the electronic medical record and telemedicine [ClinInfo]
    18 ѹ̷ Molecular profilingof clinical features in breast cancer using principal components analysis [DataAnalysis]
    25 ¼ Evaluation methods for pathway prediction model [Xperanto]

    06 Data Integrating Issue [Grip]
    13 unknown A study of effective UMLS indexing in radiology reports [ClinInfo]
    20 unknown Handling Incomplete Microarray Data [DataAnalysis]
    27 unknown SNUBI Microarray Database for MAGE-ML [Xperanto]

    02 unknown Koogle prototype: Key resolving with chaining diverse identifiers [Xperanto]
    09 unknown Constructing PharmGKB with GRIP [Grip]
    16 unknown Presenting of document constraints for structured discharge note [ClinInfo]
    23 unknown Estimating hidden structure in biochemical pathways through microarray data set [DataAnalysis]
    30 unknown Cross-match of biological id and modification of ArrayXPath [Xperanto]

    03 ȼ Xperanto Progress on Jan. 2004 [ȼ]
    10 unknown From Gene to Pharmacogenetics [Grip]
    17 unknown Implementation plan for TrialDB [ClinInfo]
    24 unknown Pattern-specific genes in gastric cancer data set --- Thyroid microarray data Preprocessing [DataAnalysis]

    06 unknown Integration and Exchange [Xperanto]
    13 unknown GRIP Interface Ensembl localize [Grip]
    20 unknown Clinical Guideline [ClinInfo]
    27 α "Microarray data мȲ (Lung cancer, Thyroid)" [α]

    02 unknown Approaches for data analysis [DataAnalysis]
    09 unknown Xperanto Progress on December [Xperanto]
    16 unknown GRIP Monthly Report (12) [Grip]
    23 unknown Web-based Clinical Data Management System --- Mapping Free Text into UMLS Concepts - Progress [ClinInfo]
    30 unknown Microarray Data Preprocessing [DataAnalysis]

    04 unknown "Analysis of lung cancer data,  Construction of parsimonious two-mode network in yeast" [DataAnalysis]
    11 unknown Xperano progress (11) [Xperanto]
    18 unknown GRIP Monthly Reports (11) [Grip]
    25 unknown Designing of Web-based Clinical Data Management System [ClinInfo]

    07 unknown Data Sharing Team Monthly Meeting [DataAnalysis]
    14 unknown "Xperanto Progress,  BioSVG: Current and Future" [Xperanto]
    21 unknown SwissProt/TrEMBL in GRIP [Grip]
    28 unknown Critical Pathways [ClinInfo]

    02 unknown How to turn raw data into valuable papers [DataAnalysis]
    16 unknown Xperanto Progress in August Xperanto Release Plan [Xperanto]
    23 unknown The goal of GRIP [Grip]
    30 unknown "Works in progress, Clinical Informatics" [ClinInfo]

    01 Questions about microarray data analysis 
    05 unknown Taking the first step in learning from the biomedical data [DataAnalysis]
    12 unknown Introduction to Xperanto and PharmGKB [Xperanto]
    19 unknown MGD (the Mouse Genome Database ) м [Grip]
    26 unknown "Introduction to Clinical Informatics  , д纴 charting м" [ClinInfo]

    01 ȭ Designing of Web-based Clinical Data Management System
    -Modeling of Data Structure for Structured Clinical Document Sharing-
    08 A Step to create Automatic View Detection Algorithm Design : A Survey 
    15 Whats in UMLSKS(UMLS Knowledge Source Server)? 
    22 (H) How to deal with a bulk of microarray Data 

    03 The consistency related problems to handle microarray data 
    10 SNUBI server ý ü GenBank Human/Rat/Mouse  
    12 ̱ǹ Systems Biology - Overview 
    17 ȭ Designing of CDA-based CDMS 
    24 Object-oriented Analysis of Xperanto System 

    06 Experimantal Results of WebKB and BIND XML data 
    13 Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) 
    20 Database Design and Implementation of MGED Standards 
    27 (H) Visualizing Genomic Data Microarrays 
    29 ¼ Social Network Anlysis of DNA Microarray Data 

    01 (H) BIOCANDI: a web-based gene expression data analysis tool 
    08 Genome-wide expression analysis 
    15 Database Integration (Case 1 . LocusLink AND UniGene) 
    22 Implementing MAGE-OM in ontology and relational schema 
    29 ȭ Designing database for clinical studies 

    04 MIAME-Compliant Data in MAGE-ML and MGED Ontology 
    11 ȭ Modeling of CDA-based medical record form 
    18 An Overview of Data Models for the Analysis of Biochemical Pathways 
    25 Clustering Using MITree-K Algorithm 

    04 A study of the comparison between X-ray simulator images and portal images using landmarks in radiation therapy 
    11 (H) Design and Analysis ofMicroarray Data with Replication 
    18 Genome browser implementation 
    25 Development of SNU-GRIP(Genome Research Informatics Potal) 

    07 Annotation work summary 
    14 Microarray Data Portal 
    21 ȭ CDA Implementation : How to create clinical document 
    28 Classifier for XML document analysis I 

    03 ȭ Clinical Document Communication based on HL7 version 3 
    10 Graph-Based Clustering Algorithms in Bioinformatics 
    17 On the Society of Yeast Genes 
    24 (H) Recognizing biomedically meaningful regions using HMM 

    05 (H) Pipielining microarray data analysis 
    12 "Genome annotation framework [pdf]
    19 MITree ˰ (Part 1) 
    21 An Overview of the Clinical Document Architecture 
    26 RDB data export to MAGE-ML 

    01 Microarray Database Implementation: an approach using Relational and Ontological models 
    08 Semisupervised Learning for Semistructured Biodata Analysis 
    22 Gene to Gene Relationship - A Set Approach - 
    29 ȭ XML-Clinical Data Communication based on Web 
    29 Genome annotation strategy 

    03 "Revealing modular organization in the yeast transcriptiona 
    10 (H) Data modelling, Database design 
    17 Identification of regulatory elements 
    24 Summary my work & Biological database integration strategy 

    20 ȭ The Introduction of web-based XML-Clinical Data Communication 
    27 From SSD to SSL 
    27 Chronobiological analysis for the reliable identification of cell-cycle regulated genes from gene expression profiles 
    27 Establishment of microarray database 
    27 Current Research GRIP Project 
    27 Transcriptional regulatory network 

    02 Adaptive quality-based clustering of gene expression profile 
    09 MAGE-ML programming using Java API 

    04 Semi-supervised learning 
    18 (H) Extrapolating microarray data 
    25 Chronobiological analysis for the reliable identification of cell-cycle regulated genes
    from gene expression profiles

    02 (H) Hands-on courseware of clustering microarray data 
    07 Automation of Annotation 
    14 Introduction to Parallel Computing, Parallel implementation for clustering DNA chip data 
    21 MAGE-ML and XML programming in JAVA 
    28 ȭ Mis-recognized medical correction algorithm for speech-based electonic medical record 

    04 Microarray Data Standardization and XML 
    11 ȭ Medical Vocabulary and Classification Systems 
    18 "Classification Tree and CART, review" 
    25 Biology of Orientia tsutsugamushi 

    14 Introduction to Affymetrix Chip Algorithm 
    21 (H) Chip Data Normalization 
    28 Identification of Genes in Human Genomic DNA 

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