SNUBI Research :: TopicSem  (2931 talks)
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  • , 9:30

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    05 부은경 Evaluating associations with variant combinations 
    05 임성수 ASPIRE: Identifying Alternative Splicing Pairs to Enhance Drug Response Prediction 
    08 차재현 Gene-Level Analysis of Antidepressant Response in Depression    
    12 이시은 CKD analysis 
    12 윤미선 Guardrail system for PGx LLM 
    15 권호식  
    19 문성희  
    19 조민아  
    19 임성수  
    26 유준기  
    26 부은경  
    26 전예진  

    02 윤미선 Language models with diverse combinations of RAG and prompt engineering 
    02 조민아 Results of robustness test using GVB-pair 
    06 유준기 Replication of SR pairs using Polygenic Rescued Hazard Score 
    06 부은경 Exploring PD-associated variant combinations 
    09 임성수 ASPIRE: Identifying Alternative Splicing Pairs to Enhance Drug Response Prediction 
    09 차재현 Current progress in major depressive disorder research 
    13 최선 Research plan 
    13 전예진 Constructing hierarchical database in RAG LLM 
    16 권호식 Datasets for interpreting genetic variants  
    16 문성희 Dual cohorts study based on multiple datasets - project plan 
    20 이시은  
    20 윤미선 Fine-tuning for PGx LLM 
    23 조민아 Variant combination of significant GVB-pair in moderate depressive episode 
    23 유준기 OPLL WES analysis: Clinical variables and analysis plan 
    27 ӽð 
    27 ӽð 

    02 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using alternative splicing-based gene pairs 
    02 차재현 AD Class-Specific GWAS 
    05 이시은 Back to Basic: CKD variant analysis 
    05 전예진 rag llm 
    09 권호식 Integrative Functional Interpretation of Genetic Variants Using UK Biobank and a Large Language Model 
    09 윤미선 PGx LLM 
    12 문성희 Anticoagulation treatment and all-cause mortality association analysis -Reproduction  
    12 최선 Revision for the multi agent LLM 
    16 조민아 Evaluating the usefulness of the pair approach using ML (MDD) 
    16 유준기 Synthetic rescue pairs identified in ADSP and ROSMAP dataset 
    19 부은경 Evaluating association of variant combinations with PD 
    19 임성수 ASPIRE: Identifying Alternative Splicing Pairs to Enhance Drug Response Prediction 
    23 차재현 Class specific Antidepressant GWAS 
    23 이시은 CKD Variant Analysis 
    26 전예진 retrieving information in rag llm 
    26 권호식 Datasets for interpreting genetic variants 
    30 최선 Development of collaborative agents for drug safety and patient management using large language model 
    30 문성희 antiplatelets-sepsis association study (MIMIC-IV data reproduction) 

    04 문성희 ϻコɾ  
    04 윤미선 Problem Statement for PGx LLM 
    07 조민아 Variant level exploring in moderate depressive episode of UKBB 
    07 유준기 Replication of SR pairs for Alzheimer disease in ROSMAP dataset 
    11 부은경  
    11 임성수  
    14 차재현 Class-Specific GWAS of Antidepressant Response and Remission in MDD patients 
    14 이시은 CKD ERI alaysis 
    18 전예진 Proteome-wide Mendelian Randomization Study for Pharmacogene Discovery 
    18 권호식 Integrative Functional Interpretation of Genetic Variants Using UK Biobank and a Large Language Model 
    21 최선 fine tuning of LLM for DUR 
    21 문성희 Anticoagulation treatment and Sepsis mortality association analysis-Reproduction 
    25 윤미선 Instruction tuning for PGx LLM 
    25 부은경 Exploring gene pairs potentially associated with Parkinson's disease 
    28 유준기 Replication of SR pairs for Alzheimer disease in external datasets 
    28 조민아 Variant level exploring in moderate depressive episode of UKBioBank 

    03 ... õ 
    03 ... õ 
    07 이시은 CKD variant Analysis 
    07 전예진 RightDrugAI 
    10 권호식 Identification of potential variants related with high dose methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity  
    10 최선 Considerations on evaluation indicators for the personalized food and drug safety multimodal LLM based on the multi-agent debate 
    14 문성희 MIMIC-IV data cohorts exploration 
    14 허지연 clinvar 
    17 조민아 Comparing single and pair results in depressive episode 
    17 윤미선 Database Design for RightDrugAI 
    21 부은경 Exploration of genes potentially associated with PD based on pair-GVB 
    21 유준기 Identifying SR pairs for Alzheimer disease using different GVB thresholds 
    24 차재현 Class-Specific GWAS of Antidepressant Response and Remission in MDD patients 
    24 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using alternative splicing-based gene pairs 
    28 전예진 Right Drug AI with CPIC API 
    28 이시은 CKD variant Analysis 
    31 최선  
    31 권호식  

    02 조민아 Node characteristics compared with other networks 
    02 유준기 Identification of synthetic rescue pairs for Alzheimer disease  
    05 부은경 Exploration of gene pair distributions before and after permutation tests 
    05 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using alternative splicing-based gene pairs 
    09 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated gene using TCGA data    
    09 이시은 EPO resistance Index analysis in CKD patients 
    12 전예진 The impact of Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor on mood disorders 
    12 권호식 High dose methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity 
    16 ... ߼ 
    16 ... ߼ 
    19 최선 multi agent debate 
    19 문성희 Sepsis Outcomes and CYP Enzyme Activity in MIMIC-IV Data 
    23 윤미선 Artificial intelligence-based translation and interpretation of pharmacogenomic analysis using Large Language Model 
    23 조민아 Selecting pairs according to effect size 
    26 유준기 Identifying SR pair for Alzheimer disease considering the direction of risk gene effect 
    26 부은경 Enrichment analyses and modification of network graphs 
    30 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using alternative splicing-based gene pairs 
    30 차재현 Class-Specific GWAS of Antidepressant Response and Remission in MDD patients    

    01 문성희 Identification of key genes associated with cancer prognosis utilizing public databanks 
    01 조민아 Strategy of constructing network and characteristics of network 
    05 유준기 Identification of synthetic rescue pairs for Alzheimer disease 
    05 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated gene using TCGA data 
    08 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using alternative splicing-based gene pairs 
    08 부은경 Finding gene pairs specific to Parkinsons disease 
    12 이시은 CKD variants analysis 
    12 전예진 Evaluating the impact of Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonism on bipolar disorder 
    15 ...  
    15 ...  
    19 권호식 Study design for HD-MTX induced hepatotoxicity 
    19 최선 Customized Nutrition Diet Management Chatbot for CKD patients 
    22 문성희 Sepsis-related data in MIMIC-IV demo 
    22 윤미선 QA generator and fine-tuning for PGx LLM 
    26 ... GDA 
    26 ... GDA 
    29 ... GDA 
    29 ... GDA 

    01 이시은  
    01 전예진 Genetic evidence for efficacy of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists on mood disorder 
    04 권호식 Identification of potential variants related with high dose methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity 
    04 최선 Prompt engineering for Drug Utilization Review(DUR) QA chatbot 
    08 문성희 Analysis of ACEI vs. ARB therapy-associated ADRs of T2DM with CKD 
    08 윤미선 Artificial intelligence-based translation and interpretation of pharmacogenomic analysis using Large Language Model 
    11 조민아 Results of t-test based on case control group by ICD-10 level 3 
    11 유준기 Genome wide identification of synthetic rescue pairs for Alzheimer disease: Figures and Tables 
    15 최선 Updated progress for Drug Utilization Review(DUR) QA chatbot  
    15 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using alternative splicing-based gene pairs 
    18 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated genes using TCGA SKCM data  
    22 이시은 CKD variant analysis 
    22 전예진 Genetic evidence for efficacy of glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists on mood disorder 
    25 권호식 High dose methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity  
    25 허지연 prp prediction 
    29 부은경 Permutation tests of pgvb using PPMI dataset 
    29 윤미선 Artificial intelligence-based translation and interpretation of pharmacogenomic analysis using Large Language Model 

    03 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated gene using TCGA data 
    06 ...  
    06 ...  
    10 이시은 ȣƮ ó 
    10 최선 Automatic pill classification and DUR chatbot service  
    13 권호식 Release of GVB R package 
    13 전예진 Genetic evidence for efficacy of GLP1RAs on BD 
    17 문성희 Exercise - Covid19 snRNAseq data reproduction 
    17 윤미선 Replication: Empowering personalized pharmacogenomics with generative AI solutions  
    20 조민아 Results of t-test based on case control group by ICD-10 level 3  
    20 유준기 Genome-wide identification of synthetic rescue pairs for Alzheimer disease 
    24 부은경 Permutation tests using sample dataset of PPMI 
    24 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using alternative splicing-based gene pairs 
    27 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated genes using TCGA SKCM data  
    27 Lilia Discrimination of features for further artificial intelligence modeling using eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) for early detection of AKI in patients exposed to nephrotoxic drugs using MIMIC IV dat 

    02 Lilia Prediction of drug induced AKI using MIMIC IV DATABASE 
    02 부은경 Investigation of the properties of GVB-based PD network 
    06 ... ü 
    06 ... ü 
    09 임성수 Unveiling novel pairwise biomarkers to predict and treat cancer metastasis 
    09 최선 DNET analysis 
    13 유준기  
    13 이시은 ȣƮ  
    16 전예진 Genetic evidence for efficacy of GLP1R agonist on Bipolar disorder  
    16 안세환  
    20 권호식 GVB R package development - Vignettes 
    20 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated gene using TCGA data 
    23 문성희 Ȱ ȯ  
    23 윤미선 Replication: Empowering personalized pharmacogenomics with generative AI solutions  
    27 조민아 Topology of essential genes in GVB-pair graph  
    27 유준기 Replication of onset age analysis in UK Biobank using AD case and matched control 
    30 부은경 Ideas to interpret the pair-GVB based network 
    30 임성수 Predict anti-cancer drug response by using gene pairs from alternative splicing  

    01 권호식 Human Protein Atlas in our study for Contrast media-induced Immediate Hypersensitivity 
    01 안세환 OEIS to OMOP CDM 
    04 전예진 Genetic validation of the efficacy of GLP1R agonists in preventing depression 
    04 최선 Retinal Detachment analysis in UKB 
    08 윤미선 Comparative Analysis of Whole Genome Sequencing and High-Throughput Genotyping 
    08 조민아 Network graph of GVB-pair in UK Biobank patients (Eye and adnexa)  
    11 유준기 Replication of onset age analysis in UK Biobank Alzheimer disease patients 
    11 부은경 Exploration of characteristics in clusters of PD 
    15 임성수 Unveiling novel pairwise biomarkers to predict and treat cancer metastasis 
    15 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated gene using TCGA data 
    18 Lilia Work overview : Kryptobrain paper review/ MIMIC database pharmacovigilance prediction model/ VCF explorer tool 
    18 이시은 Mimic to OMOP CDM 
    22 전예진 STROBE-MR and sensitivity analysis 
    22 안세환 Converting OEIS to OMOP CDM 
    25 권호식 Replication of potential variants influencing HD-MTX delayed excretion in pediatric ALL 
    25 최선 Genetic differences in patients with renal disease according to the presence of diabetes in dnet data 
    29 윤미선 Artificial intelligence-based translation and interpretation of pharmacogenomic analysis using Large Language Model 
    29 조민아 Characteristics of graph of GVB-pair in UK Biobank patients (Eye and adnexa)  

    04 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA 
    04 Updated distribution of UKBB subjects with unclear molecular phenotypes 
    07 이시은 Figures of KryptoBrain thesis 
    07 전예진 genetic validation of GLP1R effect 
    11 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated gene using TCGA data 
    11 안세환 Comparing VAMP-seq and star alleles 
    14 권호식 GVB R package development 
    14 최선 DNET analysis 
    18 윤미선 Supplemental Materials: Pharmacogenetic Profiling in South Korean Population  
    18 조민아 web page of pair-gvb of test data 
    21 유준기 Revised onset age analysis for SR pair in Alzheimer Disease 
    21 부은경 Analysis of trends among k-cores for understanding PD 
    25 임성수 Identification of novel pairwise biomarkers to predict and treat cancer metastasis 
    25 Real-world evaluation of the clinical benefits of translating pharmacogenomics knowledge included in the CPIC guidelines 
    28 차재현 Identifying metastasis associated gene using TCGA data 
    28 이시은 MIMIC-IV to OMOP CDM 

    01 윤미선 Comparative Analysis of Whole Genome Sequencing and High-Throughput Genotyping 
    01 배소정 Genome-wide association study of severity in bacterial and viral infectious diseases  
    05 조민아 Sex exact matching: exploring participants age and sex distribution based on ICD-10 codes 
    05 유준기 Identifying Synthetic Rescue pairs in Alzheimer Disease using z-test 
    08 부은경 M-core and enrichment analysis for significant pairs in PD 
    08 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis pairs from TCGA dataset - external validation  
    12 ...  
    12 ...  
    15 CNV calling using SNP array-based genotyping from UK Biobank 
    15 이시은 KryptoBrain concepts 
    19 전예진 GLP1R agonists repurposing 
    19 안세환 Embedded System 
    22 권호식 GVB R package development - update functions 
    22 최선 Proposal_Development of an AI-based genetic mutation analysis support algorithm using a large language model 
    26 윤미선 Proposal_Development of an AI-based genetic mutation analysis support algorithm using a large language model  
    26 조민아 UKB pair GVB test progress and design of workflow 
    29 유준기 The impact of SR pairs on the Onset Age of Alzheimer Disease 
    29 부은경 Exploration of trends among k-clusters of PD 

    01 ...  
    01 ...  
    04 전예진 Examination of the causal effect of pharmacogenetics 
    04 권호식 GVB R package development 
    08 최선 DNET analysis 
    08 윤미선 Pharmacogenetic Profiling of CYP2D6 gene in South Korean Population 
    11 배소정 Genome-wide association study of transmission routes and severity in bacterial and viral infectious diseases 
    11 조민아 Exploring participants age and sex distribution based on ICD-10 codes 
    15 유준기 Filtering synthetic rescue pairs in Alzheimer disease 
    15 부은경 Variant- and gene-wise analyses in Parkinsons Disease 
    18 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis pairs from TCGA dataset - external validation 
    18 CPIC guideline update trends 
    22 차재현 Metastasis study with TCGA data 
    22 이시은 CryptoBrain Concepts 
    25 전예진 estimation of genetically moderated treatment effect 
    25 안세환  
    29 권호식 GVB R package development - Example data 
    29 최선 ukb template 

    04 전예진 Estimation of genetically moderated treatment effect 
    04 안세환 The association between haplogroups and star alleles 
    07 권호식 GVB R package development 
    07 최선 fall_1206 
    11 윤미선 Population-Specific Pharmacogenetic Profiling in South Korean Population: Genotype-Based Drug Recommendations 
    11 배소정 Genome-wide association study of transmission routes and severity in bacterial and viral infectious diseases 
    14 조민아 workflow of extracting patient id using icd-10 code in ukbb 
    14 유준기 Identifying synthetic rescuer in Alzheimer's Disease using enrichment/depletion test 
    18 부은경 Clinical variable selection strategies for prediction modelling 
    18 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA 
    21 A brief introduction to 500K UK Biobank exome sequencing data 
    21 차재현 Metastasis case study with TCGA data 
    25 ... ź 
    25 ... ź 
    28 이시은 CKD cohort variant analysis 
    28 안세환 Improving star allele nomenclature based on haplogroups 

    02 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA cohort 
    02 조민아 Preprocessing plan for UKBB pair-wise GVB 
    06 Toy example to construct human disease genome maps 
    06 차재현 Study in STAD 
    09 이시은 CKD Cohort Variant Analysis 
    09 전예진 Estimation of genetically moderated treatment effect 
    13 안세환 Classification of star alleles based on haplogroups 
    13 권호식 Design for GVB R package 
    16 최선 Fall risk prediction including diagnosis codes and nursing records 
    16 윤미선 Population-Specific Pharmacogenetic Profiling in South Korean Population 
    20 배소정 Genome‐wide association study about susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections  
    20 조민아 Improvement p value ratio cutoff 
    23 유준기 Variant-wise and gene-wise analysis, and idea for identifying their rescuers in ADSP dataset 
    23 부은경 Regression analysis in Parkinsons disease 
    27 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA 
    27 Association of Ephrin Type-A Receptor 10 gene with reduced risk of cervical insufficiency and preterm birth 
    30 차재현 Study in STAD using TCGA dataset 
    30 이시은 CKD cohort variants analysis ( 

    02 ... ӽð 
    02 ... ӽð 
    05 유준기 Synthetic rescue analysis in cancer and Alzheimer's Disease patients 
    05 부은경 Pair-wise analysis of PD using improvement P ratio 
    09 ... ѱ۳ 
    09 ... ѱ۳ 
    12 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA 
    12 Additional evidence supports link between EPHA10 and cervical insufficiency 
    16 차재현 Replication:ASD_study 
    16 이시은  
    19 전예진 estimation of genetically moderated treatment effect 
    19 안세환 Classification of star alleles by haplogroups 
    23 권호식 Design for GVB R package 
    23 최선 Survival analysis of the effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening 
    26 윤미선 Population-Specific Pharmacogenetic Profiling in South Korean Population: Genotype-Based Drug Interventions 
    26 배소정 GWAS about bacterial and viral infections 
    30 부은경 Comparison of PD ratio according to GVB scores 
    30 유준기 Variant-wise analysis in ADSP dataset 

    04 조민아 Network properties and community analysis of Ulcerative colitis extension 
    04 유준기 Synthetic rescue analysis using TCGA and ADSP data 
    07 부은경 Variant- and gene-wise analyses of Parkinsons disease 
    07 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis pairs from TCGA COAD and READ 
    11 Preprocessing of PacBio whole genome sequencing data 
    11 차재현 .Replication : Clustering by phenotype and genome-wide association study in autism  
    14 이시은 Defining the distance between diseases using SNOMED CT embeddings (Replication) 
    14 전예진 Mendelian Randomization as a tool to support pgx    
    18 안세환 Star-allele associated haplogroups of 25 pharmacogenes 
    18 권호식 Candidate genomic variations in patients with adverse reactions to contrast media 
    21 최선 Survival analysis of colon cancer screening test implementation 
    21 윤미선 Population-Specific Pharmacogenetic Profiling in South Korean Population: Genotype-Based Drug Interventions  
    25 배소정 Genome wide association study about susceptibility to bacterial and viral infection 
    25 조민아 Change study design of IBD compared with healthy people 
    28 ... ߼ 
    28 ... ߼ 

    03 안세환 Summarize the results of haplogroups 
    03 권호식 Busulfan and Hepatic veno-occlusive disease 
    07 최선 Query design for DNET analysis 
    07 윤미선 Exploring WES data of CKD cohort (EPO resistance) 
    10 배소정 A genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci associated with susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections 
    10 조민아 Integrated interpretation of single variant analysis and pair-gvb analysis in extension of ulcerative colitis 
    14 유준기 Biased genetic predisposition in cancer and neurodegeneration 
    14 부은경 Variant- and gene-wise analyses of PD 
    17 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA 
    17 Research outline of the Human Disease Genome Map construction project 
    21 차재현 Study of ASD 
    21 전예진 Mendelian randomization as a tool to support PGx 
    24 이시은 (replication) Defining the distance between diseases using SNOMED-CT embeddings 
    24 안세환 Association between haplogroups and star-alleles in 1KGP 
    28 권호식 Summary of Results for Pharmacogenomic Study of Contrast media-induced adverse reactions  
    28 최선 Dnet data analysis 
    31 윤미선 Population-Specific Pharmacogenetic Profiling in South Korean Population: Genotype-Based Drug Interventions  
    31 배소정 A genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci associated with susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections 

    03 전예진 review_pgx of BRONJ 
    03 안세환 Constructing Haplogroups for Pharmacogenes 
    06 이시은 Defining the distance between diseases using SNOMED CT embeddings (Replication) 
    06 차재현 . 
    10 최선 Question answering task using aact db 
    10 윤미선 Population-Specific Pharmacogenetic Profiling in South Korean Population: Genotype-Based Drug Interventions 
    13 배소정 A genome‐wide association study about susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections 
    13 조민아 M-core analysis of GVB in pair with cutoff of improvement p value ratio  
    17 유준기 Inverse relationship and positive selection in Cancer and Neurodegeneration 
    17 부은경 K-core decomposition analysis using PPMI dataset 
    20 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA 
    20 Deciphering sequence-structure-function relationships to predict individual drug-intolerance with minimal uncertainty 
    24 인턴 ̼-TTN mutation in Colorectal Cancer Patients and Future Studies 
    24 인턴 Journal review and replication trial 
    24 인턴 뼭 - Web Development: Federated Learning System for Breast mass segmentation in ultrasound 
    27 이시은 Defining the distance between diseases using SNOMED CT embeddings (Replication) 
    31 차재현 Genomic study of Major Depressive Disorder 
    31 전예진 Genetic validation of Antiepileptic drugs for Parkinson disease 

    01 Study design to identify candidate genetic variants associated with cervical insufficiency 
    05 차재현  
    05 이시은 CKD Variants Analysis 
    08 전예진 Natural selection of pharmacogene in UK biobank 
    08 안세환 Identifications of associations between star alleles and haplogroups 
    12 권호식 Copy number variations in Patients receiving contrast media 
    12 최선 Query design for Dnet analysis  
    15 윤미선 Exploring WES data of CKD cohort  
    15 조민아 Network analysis of pair-wise gvb in UC extension comparison 
    19 임성수 Identifying synthetic anti-metastasis gene pairs from TCGA-SKCM 
    19 유준기 Molecular genetic features of Cancer Predisposition Genes (CPG) and Alzheimer's Disease Genes 
    22 부은경 Pair gvb-based network analysis in parkinsons disease 
    22 배소정 genome wide association study about infection disease 
    26 Investigating gene-pairs contributing to cervical insufficiency 
    26 권호식 Copy number variations in patients receiving contrast media 
    29 Lilia Overview of depression dataset analysis process and future considerations 
    29 이시은 Defining the distance between diseases using SNOMED CT embeddings  

    01 차재현 Genome-wide association of polygenic risk extremes for Alzheimer 
    01 배소정 A genome‐wide association study in a large community‐based cohort identifies multiple loci associated with susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections 
    04 Identification of candidate gene variants associated with cervical insufficiency 
    04 부은경 Progress of pair-gvb analysis in PD patients 
    08 이시은 CKD Patients Variants Analysis  
    11 전예진 GWAS in complex disease and pharmacogenomics 
    11 안세환 Association between haplogroups and star-alleles 
    15 권호식 Further analysis for candidate genes derived from CNV analysis in CTM 
    15 최선 sun_colon_cancer 
    18 윤미선 CKD cohort grouping by EPO responsiveness 
    18 조민아 Differences in GVB at variant levels when comparing UC with 1000 genome project data 
    22 배소정 Genome wide association study about bacterial and viral infections 
    22 유준기 Rare variants and deleterious variants in Cancer predisposition Genes (CPG) and Alzheimer associated Genes 
    25 부은경 Single- and pair-gvb analysis in Parkinsons disease 
    25 임성수 (Replication) Identifying SAM pairs from TCGA-SKCM patients 
    29 ... ü 
    29 ... ü 

    03 배소정 A genome‐wide association study in a large community‐based cohort identifies multiple loci associated with susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections 
    03 유준기 Comparing Cancer predisposition gene (CPG) and Alzheimer associated genes 
    06 부은경 Identifying gene pairs associated with Parkinsons disease 
    06 임성수 (Replication) Identifying synthetic anti-metastatis gene pairs 
    10 Importance of rare pharmacogenomic variants in interpreting drug response 
    10 차재현 Analyzing Genomic Data from the 1000 Genomes Project 
    13 Lilia CADD scoring for depression data 
    13 이시은 CKD,NSAID,PPI and Comparison with the Control 
    17 전예진 Association between AEDs and incident PD in the UK Biobank 
    17 안세환 Distribution of haplogroups and star-alleles 
    20 권호식 Potential genomic variations related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    20 윤미선  
    24 최선 Research idea using clinical trials DB 
    24 유준기 Rare variants in Cancer predisposition Gene (CPG) and Alzheimer associated genes 
    27 조민아 Cases between GVB and pair wise GVB in UC patients 
    27 임성수 (Replication) Identifying synthetic anti-metastatis gene pairs for COAD 

    02 권호식 Variants in two candidate genes related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    02 조원일 pgwatch_database 
    02 권호식  
    06 최선 Cohort analysis for the retinal detachment research using UKB 
    06 배소정 Replication: A genome‐wide association study in a large community‐based cohort identifies multiple loci associated with susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections 
    09 윤미선 Study design using WES of CKD (EPO resistance) 
    09 조민아 exploring pair-wise GVB score in UC patients 
    09 윤미선 Study design using WES of CKD (EPO resistance) 
    09 조민아 exploring pair-wise GVB score in UC patients 
    13 유준기 Distribution of allele frequency and Insilico scores in Cancer Predisposition Gene (CPG) 
    13 부은경 Study design using PWGVB in patients with PD 
    16 Investigating gene-pairs contributing to sex differences in depression 
    20 이시은 Comparison of genotypes between CKD patients and the Control 
    20 권호식 Potential genomic variations related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    23 안세환 Identifying associations between haplogroups and star-alleles 
    23 조원일 concordance of star calling and GeT-RM 
    27 전예진 Association between AEDs and incident PD in the UK Biobank 
    27 최선 Cohort analysis for the retinal detachment research using UKB 
    30 윤미선 Exploring WES data of CKD cohort 
    30 조민아 Classifying Bladder cancer patients using gene set identified by SCISSOR 

    02 조민아 Replication of UC candidates in 100 UC patients 
    02 유준기 Classification and characterization of Cancer Predisposition Gene (CPG) variants 
    06 ӿ  
    06 부은경 PPMI Data Overview 
    09 Real-world data analysis of warfarin dose-associated variants of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in subjects with unclear molecular phenotypes 
    09 이시은 Distribution Graph of CKD Patients Genotypes 
    13 인턴 Variant filtering workflow in 1000 depression dataset 
    13 전예진 Association between AEDs and incident PD in the UK Biobank 
    16 ... GDA 
    16 ... GDA 
    20 ... GDA 
    20 ... GDA 
    23 ... GDA 
    23 ... GDA 
    27 김나영 Semantic enrichment of Data Elements using ChatGPT 
    27 안세환 Identifying novel functional PGx variants based on haplogroup 

    02 유준기 Characteristics of Cancer predisposition gene (CPG) variants in the general population 
    02 ӿ Analysis of metastatic potential by somatic mutations in cancer cell 
    05 부은경 Research Idea for Neurodegenerative Diseases 
    05 Replication study of the association of rs4653328 (EPHA10) with cervical insufficiency 
    09 이시은 Chronic Kidney Disease and DialysisNet 
    09 전예진 variant-wise analysis to discover phenytoin adverse reaction related genes 
    12 안선주 Pharmacogenomics Watch(PGWatch) - Intro, Terms, DB 
    12 김나영 Master's thesis revisions 
    16 안세환  
    16 최선 SUN_CKD 
    19 인턴  
    23 ...  
    23 ...  
    26 조원일 Starallele_calling 4_healthshowcase data 
    26 권호식 Candidate genes related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    30 윤미선 Pharmacogenomic Profile of Korean population using whole genome sequencing (HLA) 
    30 배소정 Replication: A genome‐wide association study in a large community‐based cohort identifies multiple loci associated with susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections  

    01 ... GDA 
    01 ... GDA 
    05 조민아 Single cell analysis in Bladder cancer 
    05 유준기 Rare variant analysis with gene tolerance 
    08 ӿ  
    08 부은경 Evaluation of pharmacogenetic influences on thiopurine-induced leukopenia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Results) 
    12 Comparison of average daily drug dose between subjects with unclear molecular phenotypes and non-ambiguous normals 
    12 전예진 Active surveillance of AEDs using RWD 
    15 이시은 Natural Language Processing in Clinical Data 
    15 김나영 Master's thesis revisions 
    19 정문경 CDEs for modeling meaningful clinical documents to achieve semantic interoperability 
    19 안세환 Identify novel variants in haplogroup 
    22 조원일 The result of pharmacogene in healthshowdata and PGwatch 
    22 권호식 Candidate variants related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    26 최선 K-cdm Research design 
    26 윤미선 Pharmacogenomic Profile of Korean population using WGS 
    29 배소정 Infection disease genetic analysis with UK Biobank 
    29 조민아 Single cell analysis in bladder cancer and troubleshooting 

    03 부은경 Evaluation of pharmacogenetic influences on thiopurine-induced leukopenia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Results with figures) 
    03 Distribution of unclear molecular phenotypes for genes with published CPIC guidelines in UK Biobank 
    07 이시은 Intro to Natural Language Processing in Clinical Data 
    07 전예진 active surveillance of phenytoin using UK biobank 
    10 정문경 8 α׷ ӻ󿬱 Ȳ 
    10 김나영 Plotting results of unique CDE from 10 hospitals 
    14 안세환 Enrichment analysis of haplogroups 
    14 조원일 star allele caller 
    17 권호식 Candidate variant related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    17 최선 sun_kcdm 
    21 윤미선 Study design using WES of CKD (EPO resistance) 
    21 배소정 Infection disease genetic analysis with UK Biobank 
    24 ... GDA 
    24 ... GDA 
    28 ... GDA 
    28 ... GDA 

    03 ... õ 
    03 ... õ 
    06 부은경 Evaluation of pharmacogenetic influences on thiopurine-induced leukopenia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Methods) 
    06 이시은 Natural Language Processing in clinical data 
    10 ... ü 
    10 ... ü 
    13 김나영 Common data elements for modeling meaningful clinical documents to achieve semantic interoperability 
    13 정문경  
    17 전예진 Rare genetic variants can be important determinants of interindividual differences 
    17 권호식 HLA alleles in patients administrated with Contrast media  
    20 안세환 Haplogrouping performance evaluation 
    20 조원일 CPIC PGx Gene:Star allele calling 
    24 최선 toy project for drug discovery 
    24 윤미선 Pharmacogenomic Profile of Korean population using whole genome sequencing (Methods & Results of HLA) 
    27 배소정 Rare and low-frequency genetic variants in bacterial and viral disease 
    27 조민아 Prioritizing CD- or UC-specific variants among candidates 
    31 유준기 Candidate variants of Infliximab induced neutropenia in IBD patients 
    31 ӿ Identifying Gene combination affecting Cancer patients’ Survival 

    01 부은경 Evaluation of association between genetic variants and thiopurine-induced leukopenia in inflammatory bowel disease 
    01 ӿ Association between IRF2BP1-rs60158447 and incidence of post ERCP pancreatitis.  
    05 이시은 Information Retrieval and medical ontology NLP 
    05 전예진 CYP2C19 phenotype calling in Korean population(HBDS) 
    08 정문경  
    08 김나영 Composite CDE modeling in the domain of 5 representative clinical documents: Data-driven approach 
    12 ... 대체휴일 
    12 ... 대체휴일 
    15 조원일 inhouse _starallele_calling 
    15 ȼ PGwatch_Review and starallele 
    19 최선 Fall prediction 
    19 권호식 Candidate variations related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    22 안세환 Evaluate haplogrouping by star-allele 
    22 윤미선 Pharmacogenomic Profile of Korean population using whole genome sequencing_2 
    26 배소정 Biological agent genome sequence analysis 
    26 조민아 Results of selecting pathogenic variants and comparing with clinical data in RP 
    29 유준기 Survival analysis of infliximab induced neutropenia in IBD patients 
    29 ӿ Identifying candidate variants of PEP in merged dataset with new PSM control 

    01 김나영 Semantic data integration of 5 representative Clinical Document items 
    01 안세환 Evaluate haplogroups by populations 
    04 조원일 analysis of chip and report data of showcase 
    04 권호식 Candidate copy number variations related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    08 최선 Fall risk prediction 
    08 윤미선 Pharmacogenomic Profile of Korean population using whole genome sequencing_2 
    11 배소정 Biological agents study idea and data processing  
    11 ̿ SCV Splitting overlapped region between amplicons method to detect somatic copy number variation (CNV) with PCR-based targeted sequencing 
    15 ...  
    15 ...  
    18 조민아 Results of Classification with patients using known retinitis pigmentosa genes 
    18 유준기 Variant filtering and Gene-wise analysis of Infliximab induced neutropenia in IBD patients 
    22 ... GDA 
    22 ... GDA 
    25 ... GDA 
    25 ... GDA 
    29 ... GDA 
    29 ... GDA 

    04 안세환 Evaluate haplogrouping and K-means clustering 
    04 조원일 Starallele_calling 3_healthshowcase data 
    07 권호식 Candidate variants related with adverse effects of contrast media including Sex chromosomes 
    07 최선 ˻翬 
    11 윤미선 Star allele calling in CYP2D6 and HLA 
    11 조민아 Results of Classification with patients using known retinitis pigmentosa genes 
    14 ̿ Splitting overlapped region between amplicons method to detect somatic copy number variation (CNV) with PCR-based targeted sequencing 
    14 배소정 Biological agents : Study idea and data preprocessing 
    18 인턴 Statistical analysis of AKR1C family mutation that lowers cancer risk 
    18 인턴 Statistical analysis of AKR1C family mutation that lowers cancer risk 
    21 유준기 Variant wise analysis of infliximab induced neutropenia in IBD patients 
    21 ӿ Analysis of validation samples of Post-ERCP pancreatitis 
    25 부은경 Association of genetic variants in IL6 with thiopurine-induced leukopenia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease 
    25 전예진 220725_Active surveillance of drug-gene using RWD 
    28 이시은 lstm 
    28 정문경 Design ideas for PGHD visualization and incentives 

    02 김나영 Ontology classification methods of 731 Unique CDEs 
    02 안세환 Evaluate constructing haplogroup method 
    06 ...  
    06 ...  
    09 조원일 Starallele_calling 2_healthshowcase data 
    09 권호식 Candidate variants related with adverse effects of contrast media 
    13 최선 ϼ˻     
    13 윤미선 Study design using WES of CKD 
    16 부은경 Effect of IFX on the associations between genetic variants and thiopurine-induced leukopenia 
    16 ̿ Splitting overlapped region algorithm for detction of Copy number Variants in targeted amplicon sequencing data 
    20 조민아 Workflow of Retinitis Pigmentosa patients WES data  
    20 유준기 Infliximab induced neutropenia in IBD patients - subgroups and graphs 
    23 ӿ Analysis of validation samples of Post-ERCP pancreatitis 
    23 배소정 Analysis of genome sequence associated with biological agents 
    27 김나영 Standardization Procedure of Clinical Concepts 
    27 전예진 Active surveillance of drug-gene relationship using RWD 
    30 정문경 Effect of diet therapy in hemodialysis patients (wrap-up) 
    30 이시은 LSTM for gait recognition using OU-ISIR gait dataset 

    02 정문경 Effect of diet therapy in hemodialysis patients  
    02 김나영 CDE reuse result of 5 representative clinical documents 
    05 ... ̳ 
    05 ... ̳ 
    09 안세환 Evaluation of haplogroups in 25 pharmacogenes 
    09 조원일 Starallele calling_1 -health showcase data 
    12 권호식 Comparison of the clinical information by genotypes of potential candidate variants 
    12 최선 Effect of renal function on nutritional screening index 
    16 윤미선 Pharmacogenomic Profile of Korean population using whole genome 
    16 조민아 Exploring WES data of Retinitis Pigmentosa patients 
    19 ̿ Prognostic significance of allele-specific loss of heterozygosity in triple-negative breast cancer  
    19 배소정 Analysis of genome sequence associated with biological agents 
    23 유준기 Infliximab induced neutropenia in IBD patients - case reconstruction 
    23 부은경 Association of genetic variants in IL6 with thiopurine-induced leukopenia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease 
    26 정문경 Malnutrition Indicies: research purpose refinements & progess update 
    26 이시은 Time series analysis of Gait data  
    30 전예진 Clinical data preprocessing of asthma patients in UKBB 
    30 ӿ Identifying candidate variants of PEP in validaiton dataset 

    04 정문경 Effect of diet therapy in hemodialysis patients 
    04 이시은  
    07 안세환 Evaluation of haplogrouping results 
    07 조원일  
    11 부은경 Figures for association between genetic variants and TIL in IBD patients 
    11 이시은 Time Series Anomaly Detection with ECG5000 
    14 권호식 Candidate variants related with MTX delayed excretion and Subgroup analysis 
    14 최선 Difference in survival rate according to colorectal cancer screening test 
    18 윤미선 Summary of Healthcare Big Data Showcase Data 
    18 ̿ Prognostic significance of allele-specific loss of heterozygosity in triple-negative breast cancer 
    21 조민아 Summary of IBD study 
    21 유준기 Infliximab induced neutropenia in IBD patients 
    25 ӿ Genetic variants associated with post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) 
    25 전예진 The study of gene variants associated with neuropsychiatric events of Montelukast    
    28 이시은 Health big data analysis using Hira public data 
    28 부은경 Summary of evaluation of association between TIL and genetic risk factors in IBD 

    03 조민아 The age of onset and disease severity in IBD susceptible candidates  
    03 유준기 Genetic variants associated with Infliximab response in IBD patients 
    07 ӿ Genetic variants associated with post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) 
    07 부은경 Association between genetic variants and thiopurine-induced leukopenia in IBD patients 
    10 이시은 ECG anomaly detection using LSTM 
    10 정문경 Effect of customized diet therapy in hemodialysis patients  
    14 최선 ˻(к˻ 峻ð) ȿ  
    14 안세환 Association between haplogroups and star-alleles in 25 pharmacogenes 
    17 조원일 penicillin allergy related variants wise analysis in UKBB [resampling] 
    17 김나영 Creation of Admission, Discharge notes using an existing CDE 
    21 권호식 Candidate variants related with MTX-induced delayed excretion 
    21 윤미선 Proposed model : Universal MixUp for Domain Generalization in CXR 
    24 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Allele Specific Loss of Heterozygosity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer 
    24 조민아 Allele frequency of prss16 variant in ukbb ibd patients and summary of the association study in korean ibd patients 
    28 유준기 Variant-wise analysis of Infliximab response in IBD patients 
    28 ӿ  
    31 부은경  
    31 김나영 CMDO(Clinical MetaData Ontology) for CDE classification 

    03 윤미선 Domain adaptation for Medical images 
    07 조민아 Association study in Korean inflammatory bowel disease patients 
    07 유준기 Infliximab induced ADR in IBD patients 
    10 ӿ
    10 부은경 Evaluation of association between genetic variants and leukopenia in IBD patients using survival analysis 
    14 이시은  
    14 정문경 Effect of customized diet therapy in hemodialysis patients (Data Cleaning) 
    17 김나영 Master Table and reuse rate of 611 Unique CDEs 
    17 안세환 Haplogroups of 25 pharmacogenes 
    21 조원일 Penicillin allergy related variants wise analysis in UKBB  
    21 권호식 Candidate variants related with MTX-induced nephrotoxicity or delayed excretion 
    24 최선 Image classification of herbs 
    24 윤미선  
    28 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Allele Specific Loss of Heterozygosity in TNBC 

    03 조민아 The results of association study in IBD at FDR 5% 
    03 유준기 Anti TNF therapy induced ADR  
    06 ӿ  
    06 부은경 Association of genetic variants with thiopurine-induced leukopenia in IBD patients 
    10 최선 ݷ  
    10 정문경  
    13 김나영 The number of reduced CDEs achieved by integrating the information from multiple hospitals 
    13 안세환 Enrichment analysis of TPMT haplogroups 
    17 정문경 Malnutrition Indices (progress) 
    17 조원일 The NGS study of penicillin allergy history in UKBB[Topic selection]  
    20 이시은 ECG Labeling and Anomaly Detection 
    20 권호식 Candidate variants related with MTX-induced elevations in creatinine or MTX plasma concentrations 
    24 인턴 Pharmacogenomics and individualized therapy through VCF analysis    
    24 인턴  
    27 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Allele Specific Loss of Heterozygosity 
    27 홍진희 Further study of ibd gwas by using UKBB 
    31 ...  
    31 ...  

    02 윤미선 Anonymization and Deanonymization with CXR Identity Transformers 
    02 ̿ SCV:Split bed algorithm to detect gene-wide Copy number Variant  
    06 홍진희 Identification of genetic trait in IBD by using UKBB 
    06 Ampliseq custome panel for analyze drug response and sequencing results of NUDT15 and TPMT gene 
    09 조민아 The results of variant-wise analysis at FDR 5% 
    09 부은경 Comparison of thiopurine-induced leukopenia incidence among genetic subgroups in IBD patients 
    13 유준기 Rare variant analysis in MS patients 
    13 ӿ  
    16 이시은 Gait Signal Data Processing 
    16 정문경 Malnutrition Indices: literature review and study plan 
    20 김나영 Heterogeneous data type managing in Admission Note integrative model 
    20 안세환 TPMT haplogroups enrichment analysis 
    23 조원일 The gwas study of penicillin allergy history in UKBB[topic & data preprocessing] 
    23 최선 Clustering for Korean body shape data 
    27 윤미선 Anomaly Detection Using CNN based Autoencoder combined with Kernel Density Estimation(KDE) 
    27 ̿ SCV: Spliting bed algorithm to detect gene-wide Copy number Variant  
    30 홍진희 phenotype definition of IBD in ukbb 

    01 윤미선 Segmentation of components for Image preprocessing 
    01 ̿ Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer 
    04 홍진희 Revised candidate extract workflow by using UKBB dataset 
    04 Ampliseq panel for variants associated with antibiotics resistance in H.pylori 
    08 ... GDA 
    08 ... GDA 
    11 ... GDA 
    11 ... GDA 
    15 조민아 The results of Gene-wise association study in IBD discovery and replication 
    15 유준기 Rare variant analysis in Multiple Sclerosis patients  
    18 정문경 Ϻ Ʈ ߻ Ȳ 
    18 부은경 Estimation of association between genetic variants and thiopurine-induced leukopenia 
    22 김나영 Ideal Model of Admission Note to manage semantics 
    22 ӿ Polymorphism affecting Tacrolimus flat peak 
    25 이시은 GDF and Time Series Data 
    25 안세환 Phylogenetic TPMT haplogroups 
    29 조원일 The gwas study of penicillin allergy in UKBB[Topic selection]  
    29 최선 Automatic Diagnosis of Scoliosis 

    04 ... ü 
    04 ... ü 
    07 NGS platform for Helicobacter pylori ampliseq panel 
    07 조민아 The results of association study in IBD discovery and replication 
    11 ... ü 
    11 ... ü 
    14 유준기 Rare variant analysis incorporating functional annotations 
    14 ӿ Case reconstruction by candidate variants for PEP patients 
    18 김나영 CHMR curation tool improvement ideas 
    18 이시은 Ontology and Heterogeneous Lifelong Mining 
    21 정문경 Ϻ μ 
    21 부은경 Evaluation of association between genetic variants and TIL in 3 IBD datasets 
    25 안세환 Phylogenetic clustering results of T1GP 
    25 조원일 The relationship between Type 2 Diabetes patients & polyneuropathy(DPN) in UKBB [sampling] 
    28 권호식 Adverse effects of Contrast Media 
    28 최선 Spine Segmentation for Automatic Diagnosis of Scoliosis    

    02 Comparison with AML H. pylori antibiotic resistance NGS panel 
    02 조민아 The results of association study in IBD discovery and replication 
    02 Comparison with AML H. pylori antibiotic resistance NGS panel 
    02 조민아 The results of association study in IBD discovery and replication 
    06 유준기 Autoimmune disease single tissue eQTL analysis in UK Biobank 
    06 ӿ Polymorphism affecting Tacrolimus flat peak 
    09 부은경 Association between genetic variants and thiopurine-induced leukopenia in IBD patients 
    09 이시은 Analysis of brain cognitive function using fNIRS 
    13 정문경 Developing Digital Literacy Instrument for IBD Care Mobile App 
    13 김나영 Numbers of DEs extracted from five clinical documents 
    16 안세환 Results of matching Health Showcase data with T1GP haplogroups 
    16 조원일 diabetes and polyneuropathy gwas study in UKBB 
    20 ... ߼ 
    20 ... ߼ 
    23 권호식 Association between Traits in UK Biobank and Potential variant related with Methotrexate-induced nephrotoxicity 
    23 최선 Pill_classification_service 
    27 윤미선 Study Idea using Cancer Big Data  
    27 ̿ Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer 
    30 홍진희 Genetic association of ibd in 20K WES ukbiobank and classification of ibd 
    30 조동영  

    02 유준기 Comparative analysis integrating UK Biobank and eQTL data 
    02 ӿ Polymorphism affecting Tacrolimus flat peak 
    05 부은경 Genetic variants that increase susceptibility to thiopurine-induced leukopenia in IBD patients 
    05 이시은 Lung Segmentation of Health BigData Showcase images using U-Net 
    09 Decentralized ID and Zero-Knowledge proof 
    09 정문경 Ideation of Meal Recommender for CKD patients 
    12 김나영 DE review on DNet and Avatar Beans 
    12 ֿ Replicating Parkinsons disease genetic analysis with UK Biobank 
    16 ...  
    16 ...  
    19 안세환 Hierarchical clustering of TPMT haplgroups 
    19 조원일 the relationship between diabetes and polyneuropathy in UKBB 
    23 권호식 Identification of potential variants related with Methotrexate-induced nephrotoxicity 
    23 최선 Pill classification 
    26 윤미선 Image generation of chest x-ray 
    26 ̿ Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in TNBC 
    30 홍진희 gene variants association with ibd in ukbb 
    30 조동영 Improving Genomic Discovery with Machine Learning Based Phenotyping 

    01 ...
    01 정문경 Ideation of Meal Recommender for HD patients 
    05 Healthavatar API and data granularity 
    05 김나영 5 intragrated clinical documents and KNet issues 
    08 ֿ Parkinson disease genetic analysis with UK Biobank 
    08 안세환 Compare star-alleles and haplogroups in TPMT 
    12 Intern cGDM Schema Design of HLA data 
    12 Intern Storing and analyzing a data on a blockchain 
    12 Intern Determining what makes SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 variant highly contagious 
    15 ȼ  
    15 조원일 .The relationship between Diabetes patients prescribed DPP-4 inhibitor and pancreatitis in UKbiobank     
    19 권호식 Interpretation and literature review for the results of HD-MTX induced nephrotoxicity analysis 
    19 최선 Time series analysis of renal disease patient records 
    22 윤미선 Class Activation Map in Chest X-ray 
    22 ̿ Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer 
    26 홍진희 Gene associated with inflammatory bowel disease and further study 
    26 조동영 Storing Healthcare Big Data Showcase PGx data using cGDM 
    29 Scale down the target ampliseq panel of host whole exome plus H.pylori genes for clinical application 
    29 조민아 The results of association study in IBD and IBD2 

    03 ֿ Genomic variant analysis and interpretation for Parkinsons disease 
    03 유경훈  
    03 ֿ Genomic variant analysis and interpretation for Parkinsons disease 
    03 유경훈  
    07 안세환 Haplogroupswith hierarchical clustering 
    07 조원일 polygenic risk score (PRS) – Drug relationship : study design 
    10 권호식 Adverse Effects of Contrast Media 
    10 최선 Gene network analysis using TCGA RNA-Seq 
    14 윤미선 Big Data in Healthcare and "Healthcare Big Data Showcase" 
    14 ̿ Systemic Discovery Prognostic Potential Loss of Heterozygosity IL9 Expression Analysis 
    17 홍진희 IBD GWAS in ukbb 
    17 조동영 HLA Typing using hisat-genotype 
    21 Comparison of Helicobacter pylori ampliseq panel and DPO-PCR method  
    21 이시은 Lifelog Data Collection with Shoe Insole and Data Integration 
    24 유준기 GWAS study design using UK Biobank 
    24 조민아 Association Study between CD and UC  
    28 부은경 Association between genetic variants and Thiopurine-induced leukopenia in IBD patients 
    28 ӿ WES analysis of post-ERCP pancreatitis patients 

    03 ̿ Systemic Discovery Prognostic Potential Loss of Heterozygosity 
    03 홍진희 IBD GWAS in ukbb  
    06 조동영 Genome Analysis Protocol using Rarepedia 
    06 Individual antibiotics resistance profiles for antibiotics used in H.pylori therapy 
    10 조민아 Association study in IBD patients with depression called by GATK4 
    10 유준기 Rarepedia analysis of an individual 
    13 ӿ WES analysis of post-ERCP pancreatitis patients  
    13 부은경 Association between genetic variants and Thiopurine-induced adverse reactions in IBD patients 
    17 ... GDA 
    17 ... GDA 
    20 이시은 Healthcare Network Services and PGHD DB Building 
    20 Implementation of HAP blockchain and selection of PHR validation mode in Agent apps 
    24 ... GDA 
    24 ... GDA 
    27 ... GDA 
    27 ... GDA 
    31 정문경 Interactive Web for CKD Patients 
    31 김나영 KNet Screen Prototype and data display method 

    01 ̿ Systemic Discovery of Prognosis Potential in Loss of Heterozygosity 
    01 홍진희 IBD gwas in ukbb 
    05 조동영 Genome Analysis Protocol using Rarepedia 
    05 Helicobacter pylori panel validation result 
    08 조민아 Association study in IBD patients with depression called by GATK4 
    08 유준기 Rarepedia analysis of an individual 
    12 ӿ WES analysis of post-ERCP pancreatitis patients  
    12 부은경 PGx of inflammatory bowel disease 
    15 이시은 PGHD file format transformation into GDF format    
    15 Implementation of HAP blockchain with Avatar app and account management 
    19 정문경 Investigation on Digital Health Equity 
    19 김나영 Clinical Document Integration using metadata from CHMR 
    22 유경훈 Whole Exome Sequencing & PGx for Major Depression 
    22 안세환 Deleterious TPMT haplogroups in T1GP 
    26 조원일 pg_watch_CPIP guideline_G6PD    
    26 권호식 Candidate variants related with Methotrexate-induced nephrotoxicity 
    29 최선 Image segmentation of chest X-ray 
    29 윤미선 Comparison of Machine learning and Deep learning in prediction of PGx variants 

    01 ...  
    01 ...  
    04 안세환 Star-allele based phenotypes and haplogroups 
    04 권호식 Clinical characteristics according to the presence or absence of candidate variants in UK Biobank 
    08 최선 Cohort analysis for the retinal detachment research using UKB 
    08 ̿ Korean TNBC Kinome data Analysis 
    11 홍진희  
    11 Deleterious variants identified in normal cohort and its metabolic enzyme activity distance from normal function CYP2C19 
    15 조민아 Results of matching depression data with IBD data by several folds  
    15 ӿ WES analysis of post-ERCP pancreatitis patients 
    18 부은경 Additional data for interpreting thiopurine intolerance in patients with IBD 
    18 Update process for HashSeq management in Avatar DB 
    22 정문경 Meal Recommendation Method for CKD patients 
    22 유경훈 Effect of cytochrome CYP2C19 metabolizing status on antidepressant response and side effects 
    25 안세환 Diplogroups and star-allele based phenotypes 
    25 권호식 Methotrexate induced renal toxicity 
    29 최선 Cohort analysis for the retinal detachment research using UKB 
    29 윤미선 Common treatment, common variant: evolutionary prediction of functional pharmacogenomic variants 

    01 부은경 Comparison of clinical outcomes according to pharmacogenetic information  
    01 Transaction management of HAP with synchronous and asynchrous blockchain 
    04 유경훈 Genome-wide association studies of antidepressant response 
    04 안세환 Introduction of Hail 
    08 권호식 Clinical characteristics according to the presence or absence of candidate variant in UK Biobank 
    08 최선 Cohort analysis for the retinal detachment research using UKB 
    11 ...  
    11 ...  
    15 Metabolic activity of mutant CYP2C19 with two types of substrates 
    15 홍진희 update Fitbit lifelog 
    18 ̿ Korean TNBC Kinome Data Analysis 
    18 조민아 Quality control and association study in IBD patients 
    22 ӿ WES analysis of post-ERCP pancreatitis patients 
    22 부은경 Comparison of clinical outcomes according to pharmacogenetic information  
    25 Implementation of Healthavatar blockchain 
    25 유경훈 Comprehensive analysis to discover the genomic background of antidepressant drug response 

    04 ̿ Korean TNBC Kinome Analysis 
    04 홍진희 plan of study design in ukbiobank 
    07 Variants associated with antibiotics in 23S ribosomal RNA gene of H.pylori 
    07 조민아 Association study of IBD patients 
    11 ӿ Polymorphism affecting Tacrolimus flat peak 
    11 부은경 Comparison of clinical outcomes according to pharmacogenetic information 
    14 Revision comments and response of Healthavatar blockchain 
    14 유경훈 Genome-wide association studies of antidepressant response 
    18 권호식 Candidate variant as a biomarker for MTX-Induced nephrotoxicity in UK Biobank 
    18 최선 Cohort design for the retinal detachment research using UKB 
    21 안세환 Functional or Deleterious variants in each haplogroup 
    21 ̿ Korean TNBC Kinome data Survival Analysis 
    25 홍진희 Azathioprine side effects among IBD in UKBB 
    25 Known mutations in ribosomal binding site of rRNA genes of H.pylori 
    28 조민아 Association study in IBD patients after NOD2 conditioning 
    28 ӿ Variants comparison with two calling methods in tacrolimus samples 

    03 PHR backup storage based on IPFS 
    03 ֿ Evaluating PGx molecular phenotype or haplotype frequency association with drug exposure using UK Biobank 
    03 PHR backup storage based on IPFS 
    03 ֿ Evaluating PGx molecular phenotype or haplotype frequency association with drug exposure using UK Biobank 
    07 유경훈 Genome-wide association studies of antidepressant response 
    07 권호식 Candidate variants related with HD-MTX Induced Toxicity in Pediatric ALL 
    10 안세환 Discovering three-dimensional FSGPs 
    10 최선 Relation extraction from clinical articles 
    14 김지헌 RarePedia analysis of RP patients 
    14 ̿ Korean Uveal Melanoma Whole Exome Analysis 
    17 홍진희 Upload information of Busulfan patient 
    17 Sequencing result of NUDT15 and TPMT gene in 150 leukemia patients by using next-generation sequencing panel 
    21 조민아 Discovery variants associated with IBD(Inflammatory Bowel Disease) 
    21 ӿ Synthetic Association with ERCC6-rs2228528 in Pancreatic Cancer  
    24 부은경 Comparison of clinical outcomes between non-WT and WT in IBD 
    24 Data communication between XNet and Agent 
    28 유경훈 Genome-wide association studies of antidepressant response 
    28 안세환 TPMT haplogroup construction 
    31 권호식 Candidate variant in UK Biobank 
    31 최선 Applying the ADR template for retinal detachment used in K-CDM to UKB 

    02 홍진희 Result if ukbb replicate study and lifelog data format 
    02 Measuring enzyme activity of mutant CYP2C19 by using mephenytoin 
    05 조민아 Searching literature regarding candidate variants associated with EOAD(Early onset Alzheimer 
    05 ӿ Germline variants associated with prognosis and drug response in pancreatic cancer patients 
    09 부은경 Variant-level explanation for gender difference in PD 
    09 Figures and tables of Healthavatar blockchain 
    12 ֿ Evaluating CPIC PGx variant associated ADE risks with UK Biobank 
    12 유경훈 PGx phenotype association with dose and side effects of ADs in 1TD patients.  
    16 안세환 FSGPs with LINCS L1000 data 
    16 권호식 Analysis of renal toxicity induced by MTX in Korean pediatric ALL and UKB 
    19 최선 Algorithm application for clinical information extraction 
    19 김지헌 Rarepedia analysis of healthy individuals 
    23 ̿ CNV Benchmark Results with Validation data 
    23 홍진희 Genetic Biomarker of Busulfan induced Hepatotoxicity 
    26 Enzymatic activity of mutant CYP2C19 and variant impact prediction scores 
    26 조민아 Subsetting LOAD(Late-onset Alzheimers disease) from ADSP data and compared to EOAD(Early-onset Alzheimers disease) data 
    30 ӿ DNA Damaging Repair (DDR) gene Enrichment and Synthetic Association in Pancreatic Cancer  
    30 부은경 Classification of IBD subjects into three types of drug metabolizers 

    01 ... ߼ 
    01 ... ߼ 
    05 ̿ Korean TNBC Kinome Analysis  
    05 홍진희 vitD and inflammatory bowel disease association study in ukbb  
    08 Mutant CYP2C19 overexpression by using human cell system 
    08 조민아 Analysis EOAD using matched depression data and 1000 genome data as control 
    12 ӿ Identifying genetic variants that affect pancreatic cancer patients survival 
    12 부은경 Validation of PD-associated Variants Using UKBB data 
    15 ...  
    15 ...  
    19 Healthavatar blockchain with added process of sending data by POST API 
    19 최선 chart review for kcdm analysis 
    22 유경훈 Comparative Analysis results of a subgroup filtered with 12-week Escitalopram dose  
    22 권호식 Analysis of renal toxicity induced by MTX based on fold Cr in Korean pediatric ALL and UKB 
    26 안세환 Discovering cell- and drug-specific patterns with the LINCS L1000 data 
    26 ֿ Examining the impact of pharmacogenomics testing with UK Biobank and its use for ADR risk comparisons 
    29 김지헌 RarePedia analysis of healthy individuals 
    29 ̿ Triple Negative Breast Cancer Genome Analysis 

    03 안세환 Enrichment Test of drug-specific genes 
    03 최선 Additional analysis for K-CDM research (2217 kb) 
    03 안세환 Enrichment Test of drug-specific genes 
    03 최선  
    07 홍진희 Candidate of SAG and UKBB 
    07 Known mutations in H.pylori genome associated with Amoxicillin resistance and Metronidazole resistance phenotype 
    10 김지헌 RarePedia analysis of healthy individuals 
    10 ̿ Korean Uveal Melanoma Exome Analysis 
    14 조민아 Association study using EOAD (Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease) data 
    14 ӿ Identifying genetic variants that affect pancreatic cancer patients survival 
    17 부은경 Validation of PD associated variants using UKBB data 
    17 Process for PHR data in Healthavatar blockchain architecture 
    21 ֿ Applying modified method of candidate SAG extraction 
    21 안세환 Discovering significant and interpretable patterns with LINCS L1000 data 
    24 유경훈 Comparative Analysis results of a subgroup filtered with 12-week Escitalopram dose  
    24 권호식 Candidates related with Methotrexate induced acute kidney injury 
    28 최선 K-CDM analysis_2020mfds 
    28 김지헌 RarePedia analysis of healthy individuals 

    03 최선  
    03 권호식 MTX and AKI in UK Biobank  
    06 안세환 Interpretation significant cell- and drug-specific FSGPs 
    06 김지헌 RarePedia analysis of helathy individuals 
    10 ̿ Korean Uveal Melanoma Analysis 
    10 홍진희 synthetic association & UK biobank study guidline 
    13 ӿ Pancreatic Cancer with New-onset Diabetes Mellitus 
    13 조민아 Association study using EOAD (Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease) data 
    17 ... ӽð 
    17 ... ӽð 
    20 CYP2C19 star allele for PPI treatment in Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy 
    20 부은경 Summary of Candidate PD-associated Variants and Plan for Validation 
    24 Facilitating traceability of PHR data by blockchain 
    27 ȿ PGx CDS: modular implementation of CPIC guideline 
    27 ֿ Updates of process and criteria for candidate SAG extraction 
    31 유경훈 Comparative Analysis results of a subgroup filtered with 12-week Escitalopram dose  
    31 권호식 Candidate variants related with HD-MTX Induced Toxicity in Pediatric ALL 

    02 최선 Drug side effects detection using K-CDM data for new scenarios 
    02 안세환 Interpretation FSGPs in activator group 
    02 최선 Drug side effects detection using K-CDM data for new scenarios 
    02 안세환 Interpretation FSGPs in activator group 
    06 김지헌 RarePedia analysis of healthy individuals 
    06 유경훈 Comparative analysis of 12w Escitalopram/SSRI dose conditioning effects 
    09 권호식 Adverse Effects of Contrast Media  
    09 ̿ Uveal Melanoma Analysis 
    13 홍진희 FSIP2/INSR bam&fasta level read check 
    13 ӿ Genetic polymorphism affecting FOLFIRINOX response in pancreatic cancer patients 
    16 조민아 Replicating prior research using EOAD(Early Onset Alzheimer Disease) data 
    16 Mutations associated with Tetracycline and Levofloxacin resistance phenotype in H.pylori 
    20 부은경 Analysis to explain difference in genetic burden between males and females in PD 
    20 Review of MyHealthData Platform and Interoperability 
    23 한봄 CBZ-induced SCAR 
    27 Haplogroup construction for CRIM1 and IL6 
    27 ȿ Clinical genome data model further discussion 
    30 ֿ Frequency of ADR genotypes in UK Biobank 
    30 유경훈 Comparative analysis of 12w Escitalopram/SSRI dose adjustment effects 

    01 권호식 Candidate variants related with HD-MTX Induced Toxicity in Pediatric ALL 
    01 유경훈 Genomic variant analysis using thiopurine target panel including 4 genes 
    04 안세환 Discovering FSGPs using small molecules classified by Moa 
    04 ֿ Estimating occurrence of South Koreans with ADR-associated genotypes 
    08 최선 Evaluation of LDL-C target achievement according to age after statin prescription 
    08 김지헌 Genomic variant analysis of healthy individuals  
    11 ̿ Analysis of Uveal Melanoma Genome 
    11 홍진희 . 111 patients WXS 
    15 Variants in H.pylori associated with Clarithromycin resistance phenotype 
    15 조민아 Exploration and preprocessing of EOAD​ (Early Onset of Alzheimer 
    18 부은경 Additional analyses to explain gender difference in Parkinsons Disease 
    18 한봄 Updates of CBZ-SCAR project 
    22 HealthAvatar blockchain and PHR type 
    22 ӿ Concentration ratio of tacrolimus as indicator in follow-up of patients received transplant  
    25 WES analysis of 25 patients with post ERCP pancreatitis 
    25 Comparing characteristics between statistical tests and scoring methods 
    29 ȿ Appendix for Clinical Genome Data Model towards Precision Medicine 
    29 ֿ Estimating occurrence of ADR genotypes in UK Biobank: obtaining prescription counts 

    04 Defining anticoagulant-induced adverse reaction 
    04 ȿ Pharmacogenomic Clinical Decision Support: Modular Implementation of CPIC Guideline  
    07 ֿ Synthetic association study for 6-mercaptopurine intolerance 
    07 유경훈  
    11 안세환 Discovering FSGP using gene expression signature and fold change 
    11 권호식 TM7SF3 induced Renal Toxicity in ALL administered with MTX 
    14 최선 EMR Study to verify the efficacy of lipilou 
    14 ̿ Genome Analysis of Uveal Melanoma  
    18 F10 amino acid changes identified from symptomatic subjects of Factor X deficiency 
    18 ӿ Cpeak/C0 as indicator in follow-up of patients received transplant 
    21 부은경 Comparison of genetic loads between males and females with PD 
    21 Client-side request for PHR validation in Healthavatar blockchain 
    25 한봄 Whole-exome sequencing identifies genetic risk factors associated with carbamazepine-induced SCAR 
    25 Whole exome sequencing analysis of asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in Korean pediatric patients 
    28 Distribution of 1KGP subjects with unclear molecular phenotypes for 17 genes with published CPIC guidelines 
    28 ȿ Pharmacogenomic Clinical Decision Support: Modular Implementation of CPIC Guideline  

    02 Modified figures and tables of WES analysis of AAP in Korean pediatric patients 
    02 Protective effect of F10 variants against coronary artery disease in the UK Biobank data 
    02 Modified figures and tables of WES analysis of AAP in Korean pediatric patients 
    02 Protective effect of F10 variants against coronary artery disease in the UK Biobank data 
    06 ȿ Pharmacogenomic Clinical Decision Support: Modular Implementation of CPIC Guideline  
    06 ֿ Synthetic association analysis for tacrolimus response 
    09 유경훈  
    09 안세환 Top 50 FSGPs in LINCS L1000 data 
    13 채정환  
    13 권호식 TM7SF3 in UK Biobank 
    16 최선 Evaluating the efficacy of lipilou using EMR 
    16 ̿ Genome Analysis of Uveal Melanoma  
    20 FX activity evaluation by using recombinant FX mutant protein 
    20 ӿ Pancreatic cancer sample with FNA WXS Analysis 
    23 부은경  
    23 Healthavatar Blockchain_updated research scope and figures  
    27 한봄 Whole exome sequencing identifies genetic risk factors associated with Carbamazepine induced Severe Cutaneous Adverse drug Reaction 
    27 WES Analysis to search the risk factor of anthracycline-induced prolonged neutropenia 
    30 ... ź 
    30 ... ź 

    02 부은경 Gender Differences in Parkinsons Disease  
    02 한봄 HISAT2 HLA typing 
    05 Implementation of Healthavatar blockchain 
    05 Figures and tables of WES analysis of AAP in Korean pediatric patients 
    09 A complementary strategy to the current patient drug intolerance classification system using massively parallel sequencing results 
    09 ȿ Toward systematic integration of CPIC guideline into clinical practice  
    12 ֿ Gene-wise analysis of Parkinsons disease candidate SAGs 
    12 유경훈 Star allele phenotype distribution over the 50 pgx genes in 1TD patients 
    16 안세환 Determining significant FSGP using permutation 
    16 권호식 TM7SF3 candidate variant : Renal Toxicity in Pediatric ALL patients administered with HD-MTX 
    19 채정환  
    19 최선 Automated systematic review    
    23 ̿ Genome Analysis of Asian Uveal Melanoma 
    23 Chromogenic activity evaluation of FX protein with mutant catalytic domain 
    26 ӿ Variant analysis in tacrolimus PK genes 
    26 부은경 Identification of Candidate Variants in Parkinsons Disease  
    30 Healthavatar Blockchain_update figures and supplementary data 
    30 한봄 CBZ-induced SCAR 

    03 ֿ Detection of variants contributing to synthetic association in Parkinsons disease 
    03 유경훈 HLA Association with Antidepressant- Induced Adverse Reactions and Response 
    06 김재환 Development and demonstration of RarePedia (through web service and Python3 API) and Retinitis pigmentosa analysis platform 
    06 안세환 Interpretable patterns from LINCS-L1000 data 
    10 ... GDA 
    10 ... GDA 
    13 ... GDA 
    13 ... GDA 
    17 ... GDA 
    17 ... GDA 
    20 채정환 taxol further study 
    20 최선 Study on non-inferiority of lipilou 
    24 권호식 Clinical Data in UK Biobank  
    24 Chromogenic activity of overexpressed F10 protein with mutant catalytic domain 
    27 ̿  
    27 ӿ Identification of genomic markers affecting sentivity of tacrolimus  

    02 WES Analysis to search the risk factor of anthracycline-induced prolonged neutropenia 
    02 권호식 HD-MTX induced Renal Toxicity in Pediatric ALL 
    02 WES Analysis to search the risk factor of anthracycline-induced prolonged neutropenia 
    02 권호식 HD-MTX induced Renal Toxicity in Pediatric ALL 
    06 최선 Automated systematic review_sampling 
    06 김재환 Migration and upgrade of RarePedia, GVAT, and GIAT with Retinitis pigmentosa pipline development 
    09 ̿ SCV:Statistical algorithm to detect gene-wide Copy number Variant 
    09 Application of next‑generation sequencing to analyze drug response in human leukemia by using the panel including 11 genes 
    13 ӿ Genetic polymorphism influences the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus 
    13 부은경 Variants associated with PD 
    16 Secure patient-centered health data management and exchange in Healthavatar Blockchain. 
    16 한봄 CBZ-induced SCAR 
    20 ...  
    20 ...  
    23 Identifying genes related to age of onset in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients (Additional analysis of suicide attempt) 
    23 WES Analysis to search the risk factor of anthracycline-induced prolonged neutropenia  
    27 ... ü 
    27 ... ü 
    30 Stratification of ALL patients at risk for thiopurine-induced toxicity using GVB 
    30 ȿ Toward systematic integration of CPIC guideline into clinical practice  

    02 최선 Automated systematic review 
    02 ̿ Novel Gene-Wide Copy Number Variation Detection algorithm 
    05 김재환 Current status of RarePedia & SAG migration and API development 
    05 Antibiotics resistance variants in Helicobacter pylori sequence identified from H.plyori panel sequencing 
    09 ӿ Genetic polymorphism influences the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus 
    09 부은경 Variant-level Analysis for Parkinson's Disease 
    12 PHR validation and PHR data segments in Healthavatar blockchain 
    12 한봄 CBZ-induced SCAR 
    16 Analysis of Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament study 
    16 국수경  
    19 WES Analysis to search the risk factor of anthracycline-induced prolonged neutropenia 
    19 Improved stratification of ALL patients at risk for thiopurine-related toxicity using GVB 
    23 ȿ Clinical genome data model provides interactive clinical decision support for precision medicine 
    23 ֿ Evaluation of cSAGs in Parkinsons disease based on association analysis  
    26 유경훈 HLA Association with Antidepressant-Induced Adverse Reactions and Response 
    26 유승원 Mercaptopurine adverse effect research : sample expansion, multi-gene effect issues 
    30 안세환 Discovering interpretable pattern from LINCS-L1000 data 
    30 채정환 taxol study 

    04 Target sequencing panel for Helicobacter pylori and host DNA 
    04 ӿ tacrolimus sensitivity analysis with clinical variables 
    07 부은경 Gender Differences in Parkinsons Disease 
    07 ̿ Copy Number Alteration Algorithms for Amplicon-based Targeted Sequencing Panel data 
    11 국수경  
    11 Comprehensive genomic analysis for identifying genes related to age of onset in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients 
    14 한봄 Carbamazepine-induced SCAR 
    14 WES Analysis to search the risk factor of anthracycline-induced prolonged neutropenia 
    18 Improved stratification of subjects at high-risk of thiopurine-related toxicity using gene-wise variant burden score (TPMT and NUDT15)  
    18 ȿ Toward systematic integration of CPIC guideline into clinical practice: development of PGx CDS pipeline  
    21 ֿ Evaluation of candidate SAGs contributing to Parkinsons disease 
    21 유경훈 Analysis of CYP2C19 association with efficacy and side effects of escitalopram using 1000 MDD WES data. 
    25 유승원 NUDT15 TPMT normal metabolizer ޼ ȯ IL6 ̿ ġǻ(thiopurine)  
    25 안세환 Discovering significant and interpretable pattern from L1000 data 
    28 채정환 taxol related project review 
    28 권호식 HD-MTX induced renal toxicity in pediatric ALL 

    03 ... õ 
    03 ... õ 
    03 ... õ 
    03 ... õ 
    07 한봄 Carbamazepine-induced SCAR 
    07 Comprehensive genomic analysis for identifying genes related to age of onset in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) patients 
    10 국수경 Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma of the cancer genome atlas (TCGA) and Somatic calling 
    10 Characteristic of pathogenic genes in ALL childhood patients with adverse reaction in L-asparaginase 
    14 Improved stratification of subjects at high-risk of thiopurine-related toxicity using gene-wise variant burden score 
    14 ȿ Systematic integration of CPIC guideline into clinical practice: development of PGx CDS pipeline based on the cGDM  
    17 ֿ Evaluation of candidate genes contributing to synthetic association 
    17 유경훈 Influence of CYP2C19 Metabolizer Status on Escitalopram Tolerability and Response in Depressive Disorders 
    21 ... Ʈ 
    21 ... Ʈ 
    24 유승원 Star allele and GVB(bPGS) relationship in 6MP analysis : sample expansion 
    24 안세환 FSGP for L1000 breast carcinoma cancer cell lines  
    28 권호식 Identification of potential genomic variants related with adverse effects of Contrast Media 
    28 최선 K-CDM research for 2019 mfds 
    31 김재환 Development of Genomic variant Interpretation Assistant Tool (GI-AT) 
    31 Mobile Healthcare Platform Facilitating Secure Exchange and Management of Personal Health Record With Permissioned Blockchain 

    02 한봄 Carbamazepine-induced SCAR 
    02 ȿ Systematic integration of CPIC guideline into clinical practice: development of PGx CDS pipeline based on the cGDM  
    05 ֿ Candidate SAG extraction and evaluation using tacrolimus sample data 
    05 유경훈 Influence of CYP2C19 Metabolizer Status on Escitalopram Tolerability and Response in Depressive Disorders 
    09 유승원 Study design-Whole exome sequencing analysis (variant caller comparison) 
    09 안세환 Overview of L1000 data 
    12 ... ߼ 
    12 ... ߼ 
    16 채정환  
    16 권호식 Adverse Effects of Contrast Media 
    19 최선 Research plan for automatic systematic review 
    19 김재환 Pilot phase of GV-AT SNUBI development (naive user interface with a sample protocol) 
    23 ̿ Copy number detection in amplicon based targeted sequencing 
    23 Deleterious variants in CYP2C19 Rapid metabolizer 
    26 ӿ Tacrolimus high peaks variant analysis 
    26 부은경 Identifying Gender-Specific Variants in Parkinson 
    30 Reviews of other medical blockchain systems 
    30 김지헌 Rare-Variant Association Testing 

    01 권호식 Adverse Effects of Contrast Media 
    01 최선 Comparative study of statin drugs 
    05 Comparison between full matrix and sparse matrix in CYP2C19 gene 
    05 ̿ Prognostic Potential Loss of Heterozygosity in TNBC 
    08 김재환 Design and development of GV-AT SNUBI with Module functionality extension 
    08 부은경 Gender Differences in Parkinsons Disease 
    12 ӿ FNA 3° м 
    12 Comprehensive genomic characterization of pharmacogenetic, common-disease, and Mendelian-disease genes and its applications to gene prioritization. 
    15 ...  
    15 ...  
    19 ... GDA 
    19 ... GDA 
    22 ... GDA 
    22 ... GDA 
    26 Healthavatar platform for conserving originality and secure exchange of personal health record with permissioned blockchain 
    26 Analysis of age at onset in depression 
    29 국수경 Subtypes of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 
    29 Characteristic of pathogenic genes in ALL childhood patients with adverse effect in L-asparaginase 

    01 한봄 Carbamazepine-induced SCAR 
    01 김재환 Current status of Genomic Variant analysis Assistant Tool (GV-AT) SNUBI development 
    04 ̿ Systematic discovery of Prognostic Potential Loss of Heterozygosity 
    04 Systematic mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assay for CYP2C19 gene 
    08 ӿ Tacrolimus sample sequencing summary 
    08 민유정  
    11 부은경 PPMI WES Data Overview and Analysis Plan 
    11 WES Analysis using multiple samples with side effects of L-asparaginase 
    15 국수경 WHO Classification of Salivary Gland Tumours 
    15 Analysis of age at onset in 1000 Korean MDD patients 
    18 Developing modifications for gene-wise variant burden score 
    18 ȿ Systematic integration of CPIC guideline into clinical practice: development of PGx CDS pipeline based on the cGDM  
    22 ֿ Refining method of candidate SAG extraction  
    22 κ Development of NGS panel to analyze the effect of bacterial and host factors on Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy 
    25 안세환 A system that measures the weight of a peritoneal dialysis fluid in real time 
    25 유승원 6MP analysis-AUC analysis, drugscore analysis of 6MP metabolism related genes 
    29 유경훈 Influence of CYP2C19 Metabolizer Status on Escitalopram Tolerability and Response in Depressive Disorders 
    29 채정환 6MP leukemia experimental designs 

    03 한봄 Carbamazepine-induced SCAR 
    03 GSDBA - A computational approach for Gene Set wise Deleterious Burden Analysis 
    06 ...  
    06 ...  
    10 국수경 Somatic Calling in Salivary Gland Tumors 
    10 Analysis of candidate variants in patients with side effects of L-asparaginase 
    13 Data overview for Parkinsons Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) project 
    13 ȿ CGDM database: current datasets and status 
    17 ֿ Candidate SAG characteristic examination based on drug-gene interaction status 
    17 κ Genomic variant analysis using leukemia target panel including 11 genes 
    20 유경훈 Comparative study of escitalopram according to CPIC guideline (CYP2C19/CYP2D6 Metabolizer Status) 
    20 유승원 6MP analysis(Drug score & gene-wise approach) 
    24 안세환 Importing Leukemia Dataset into cBioPortal 
    24 권호식 Adverse effects of Contrast media 
    27 채정환 taxol ADR related candidate genes; review 
    27 최선 Practice of text analysis for medical record 

    02 ֿ Synthetic association analysis of PGx variants extracted from GWAS 
    02 ȿ Clinical Genome Data Model (CGDM) provides Interactive Clinical Decision Support for Precision Medicine; review  
    06 ...  
    06 ...  
    09 GSDBA: Computational approach for Gene Set wise Deleterious Burden Analysis  
    09 κ Application of next‑generation sequencing to analyze drug response in human leukemia 
    13 유경훈 Comparative study of escitalopram according to CPIC guideline (CYP2C19/CYP2D6 Metabolizer Status) 
    13 유승원 6MP analysis - Candidate analysis based on new criteria(ANC<500 relative frequency) 
    16 안세환 The issues of importing gdm into cbioportal 
    16 채정환 further study of taxol related ADR 
    20 국수경  
    20 최선 Drug classification 
    23 ̿ The Progsotic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Cancer 
    23 김재환 Current status of Precision Medicine Assistant Tool development 
    27 권호식 The List of Public Databases and Discussion 
    27 Work flow for systematic mutagenesis candidate selection 
    30 ӿ SCS in public cellline data  
    30 부은경 Multiple Myeloma: Data Preprocessing 

    01 ֿ Star allele determination overview and exploration of methods 
    01 유승원 apoptosis,DNA repair-related candidate burden and 6MP dose percentage 
    04 유경훈 Comparative study of escitalopram according to CPIC guideline (CYP2C19 Metabolizer Status) 
    04 κ SNVs of multidrug efflux pump transporter genes in antibiotic-resistant H. pylori strains 
    08 안세환 File Formats of cBioPortal 
    08 채정환 taxol further study 
    11 권호식 Clinical data of HD-MTX ALL samples and the progress 
    11 최선 TSA on renal disease 
    15 민유정 Introduction to GDM Portal 
    15 김재환 Development of RarePedia knowledge base and SAG 
    18 ̿ The Progsotic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity  
    18 Candidate variants in 12 genes for systematic mutagenesis 
    22 Gene-wise variant burden (GVB) score: implications for characteristics of genetic features  
    22 부은경 Parkinson's Disease NGS Data 
    25 한봄 Steroid-induced Hyperglycemia 
    25 ӿ somatic mutation filtering in tumor-only sequencing data 
    29 민유정 GDM Portal Development 
    29 Analysis of candidate variants in patients with side effects of L-asparaginase 

    04 최선 K-CDM analysis on renal disease 
    04 유승원 6MP analysis : novel candidate variants and IL6-related variants 
    07 안세환 Importing sample data into cBioPortal 
    07 채정환 taxol analysis : further study 
    11 Candidate variant selection for systematic mutagenesis and suitable activity assay 
    11 유경훈 Pharmacogenetics of escitalopram response: a candidate gene analysis 
    14 ̿ Inhouse CNV Algorithm 
    14 권호식 Variants of Star Allele Wild Type samples from 1KGP 
    18 ӿ Pancreatic cancer FNA 2° sample м 
    18 정문경  
    21 한봄 Steroid-induced Hyperglycemia 
    21 GS-DBA: Gene Set Deleterious Burden Analysis 
    25 국수경 Prognostic factor analyses for head and neck adenocarcinomas using gene expression profiles 
    25 Analysis of candidate variants in patients with side effects of L-asparaginase 
    28 Gene-wise variant burden(GVB) score: additional things required to be developed 
    28 ȿ Establishment of Integrated Drug Database based on National Standards in Korea 

    04 ...  
    04 ...  
    07 최선 NSAIDs induced ADRs _Comorbidity analysis 
    07 권호식 HD-MTX induced renal toxicity In Pediatric Patients with ALL 
    11 Analysis of Age at onset in MDD : Optimizing the cut-off  
    11 Analysis of candidate variants in patients with side effects of L-asparaginase 
    14 Evidence of indirect associations between MDD and FBF1 
    14 ֿ Synthetic association analysis with significant variants from PGx GWAS studies 
    18 ... GDA 
    18 ... GDA 
    21 ... GDA 
    21 ... GDA 
    25 ... GDA 
    25 ... GDA 
    28 ȿ ȭ ǥ 뼺 _ Ǹ Žм 
    28 κ Determinants and prediction of antibiotic resistance genotypes of host and &H.pylori 

    03 Analysis of early response in MDD: Additional variant level analysis  
    03 Analysis of candidate variants in patients with side effects of L-asparaginase 
    07 정문경 Practice webpage plan for CKD Nutrition 
    07 Finding indirect associations of tagging SNPs with MDD 
    10 ȿ Genome data model for clinical utilization; review 
    10 ֿ Evaluation of gene deleteriousness scores in the confirmation synthetic association signals 
    14 Prediction censored data 
    14 κ Combined analysis of Helicobacter pylori and host cytochrome p450 system 
    17 유경훈 Pharmacogenetics of escitalopram response: a candidate gene analysis  
    17 유승원 6MP analysis : IL6 and novel candidate variants 
    21 안세환 The Mutation Significance Cutoff(MSC) 
    21 채정환 taxol_data analysis 
    24 한봄 Steroid-Induced Hyperglycemia in ALL patients 
    24 Protein domain structure and star alleles of candidate proteins for mutagenesis 
    28 ̿ Comparison of Inhouse CNV Algorithms and Ioncopy with Microarray CNV Data 
    28 최선 NSAIDs induced ADRs_additional analysis 
    31 ӿ Distribution of population frequency and SIFT/Gene Score in in SCS genes 
    31 정문경 Avatar Beans: Summarizing Test Results - data review and ideas 

    03 Summary of replication study gene-level results for patients with variant angina 
    03 안세환 VVA Plots include Protein domains 
    06 TP53 mutation with SYNE2 or SON mutation had Synergistic effect for paclitaxel, and predictive for prognosis in urogenital cancer 
    06 ֿ Evaluation of candidate SAGs with focus on drug-gene interactions 
    10 κ Application of next‑generation sequencing to analyze H pylori and host interactions 
    10 유경훈 Pharmacogenetics of escitalopram response: a candidate gene analysis  
    13 유승원 6MP analysis from two perspectives 
    13 ȿ Construction of HLA Database (GDM) 
    17 채정환 taxol-ADR 
    17 권호식 HD-MTX induced renal toxicity in pediatric ALL 
    20 최선 NSAIDs induced ADRs detected by K-CDM_additional analysis 
    20 ̿ The Progsotic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma  
    24 Protein domain structure of activity assay candidate proteins 
    24 ӿ Relation between SCS and metastasis 
    27 ... Ʈ 
    27 ... Ʈ 
    31 한봄 Carbamazepine-induced SCAR 
    31 ȿ Accuracy of an automated knowledge base for identifying drug adverse reactions 

    01 Understanding the sex bias in major depressive disorder : The male protective effect model 
    01 ֿ Progress in validation of synthetic association between candidate SAG and PGx variants 
    05 안세환 How to visualize protein domain in VVA 
    05 ȿ .Genome Data Model for Clinical Utilization  
    08 κ Detection of CYP2C19 Gene Polymorphisms in host and 16S/23S rRNA gene Polymorphisms in H.pylori 
    08 유경훈 Subgroup analysis based on antidepressant prescription information of 1000 MDD patients  
    12 채정환 taxol-ADR analysis study 
    12 Linking the Regulatory Network of Gene Modules to Drug Sensitivity Reveals that Docetaxel and 5-FU Have a Synergistic Effect in Advanced Gastric Cancer 
    15 유승원 6MP analysis with normal NUDT15,TPMT phenotype  
    15 권호식 preliminary investigation : Variants and Genes related with adverse effects of MTX 
    19 최선 NSAIDs adverse effects detected by K-CDM 
    19 ̿ Analysis of LOH Affecting Breast Cancer Survival  
    22 Chromogenic activity evaluation in catalytic domain of FX 
    22 ӿ Identification of Synthetic Cancer Survival and Synthetic Cancer Survival Burden in Lung Adenocarcinoma 
    26 정문경 Avatar Beans - Symptom Survey 
    26 한봄 Steroid-Induced Hyperglycemia 
    29 Analysis of early response in depression 
    29 L-asparaginase induced acute pancreatitis in 26 pediatric ALL patients 

    01 ̼  
    01 유경훈 Subgroup analysis based on antidepressant prescription information of 1000 MDD patients  
    04 권호식 GDM visualization on the web 
    04 κ Optimal design of Helicobacter Pylori amplicon panel target region 
    08 ֿ Evaluation of the candidate genes in synthetic association to tacrolimus ADR biomarkers 
    08 안세환 Upgraded VVA Table using GDM 
    11 채정환 revision of taxol-ADR project analysis 
    11 유승원  
    15 ...  
    15 ...  
    18 최선 AvatarBeans_Initial draft and considering issues 
    18 Kelsey Self-Introduction and summary of past research (Genome sequencing and protein domain annotations of Korean Hanwoo cattle identify Hanwoo-specific immunity-related and other genes) 
    22 ̿ Analysis of LOH Affecting Cancer Survival 
    22 Chromogenic activity of FX protein with variants and related protein structure 
    25 ӿ Identification of SCS pairs in public pancreatic cancer data 
    25 한봄 Steroid-induced Hyperglycemia 
    29 정문경 Avatar Beans: Test Result UI update/Visualization 
    29 Analysis of Early response in depression 

    03 유경훈 Subgroup analysis based on antidepressant prescription information of 1000 MDD patients  
    03 유승원 6MP sensitivity analysis 
    06 안세환 Add VEP data to VVA 
    06 채정환 drug reaction analysis in cancer patient 
    10 Measuring activity of chromogenic FX protein with target variant 
    10 ̿ Analysis of LOH Affecting Cancer Survival 
    13 권호식 GDM conversion and visualization 
    13 ӿ Features associated immune checkpoint inhibitor 
    17 정문경 Avatar Beans - Test Result Page & UI flow revision 
    17 한봄 Steroid-Induced Hyperglycemia 
    20 Analysis of Early response in depression 
    20 Summary of replication study results for patients with variant angina 
    24 ... ߼ 
    24 ... ߼ 
    27 ȿ GDM; operational manager menu design  
    27 NGS Sequencing to Detect Genetic Biomarker of Busulfan Induced Hepatotoxicity 

    02 ̿ Analysis of LOH Affecting Cancer Survival 
    02 채정환 Breast cancer patient analysis using TCGA database  
    06 Overexpression of FX protein with target variant 
    06 ӿ SCS analysis in Pancreatic cancer 
    09 Updated process of HealthAvatar Agent API 
    09 정문경 Avatar Beans Nutrition - progress & more UX/UI ideas 
    13 Deriving the contribution of NUDT15 variants to enzymatic activity using a functional gene-level score 
    13 Analysis of Early response in depression 
    16 한봄 Drug induced hyperglycemia 
    16 ȿ Constructing an Integrated National Standard Drug Database for Utilization of Public Data in Korea 
    20 Synthetic Cytotoxic Network based Supervised Network Propagation Approach Can Identify Paclitaxel Response of Cell Lines 
    20 ֿ Trial of validating genes with variants in synthetic association to PGx biomarkers using TCGA 
    23 ̼ K-CDM & K-Sentinel: Progression of active pharmacovigilance system in Korea 
    23 κ Application of custom oligo to analyze 16S, 23S rRNA in Helicobacter Pylori 
    27 ... GDA 
    27 ... GDA 
    30 ... GDA 
    30 ... GDA 

    02 안세환 VVA plot using GDM 
    02 채정환 Current work and future plan 
    05 ӿ Characteristics of germline SCS pair  
    05 DNA transfection to 293 cell line for overexpression of FX with the variants 
    09 ̿ Survival Analysis- Cox Proportional Hazard of TNBC Analysis  
    09 정문경 Nutrition in Avatar Beans - Protein and Iron 
    12 Process of uploading data in GDM and Web portal  
    12 한봄 Drug-induced Hyperglycemia 
    16 Analysis of Early response in depression 
    16 Identifying potential major depressive disorder associated genes 
    19 ȿ Genomic Data Model for Clinical Utilization  
    19 Bipartite approach for Metalab DRUG-ADR network 
    23 ̼ Warfarin and NOAC (Novel Oral AntiCoagulants) analysis using K-CDM PV 
    23 ֿ Statistics and interpretation of genes with variants in synthetic association to PGx variants 
    26 유경훈 Subgroup analysis based on antidepressant prescription information of 1000 MDD patients  
    26 유승원 6MP side effect analysis : pediatric ALL patients 
    30 κ Application of NGS to characterize genetic variants in Helicobacter pylori strains and host genome 
    30 안세환 Modified VVA Interface 

    04 ̿ Progress in SNUH TNBC Survival Analysis  
    04 정문경 Avatar Beans - planning additional function re nutrition 
    07 ӿ TMB and Tumor immune in SCS 
    07 Current process of uploading data in GDM 
    11 1000 genome variants in CYP2C19 gene 
    11 한봄 Tumor-only analysis on rare cancer samples 
    14 L-asparaginase associated acute pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients 
    14 ȿ GDM: Progress on operational level  
    18 Analysis of Early response in depression 
    18 Identifying potential major depressive disorder associated genes 
    21 ֿ Interpretation of genes with variants in synthetic association to ADR biomarkers 
    21 κ Ampliseq based ADR(+ PGx SNP) targeted panel 
    25 Link regulatory networks of gene modules to drug sensitivity reveals that Docetaxel and 5-FU have combined effects in advanced stage gastric cancer 
    25 ̼ K-CDM Pharmacovigilance (K-CDM PV) 
    28 유경훈 Subgroup analysis based on antidepressant prescription information of 1000 MDD patients 
    28 유승원 6MP project analysis : candidate genes and variants 

    03 Healthavatar and Agents with Blockchain 
    03 정문경 Ideas for project: connecting nutrition data with clinical information 
    07 ...  
    07 ...  
    10 한봄 Tumor-only Analysis on Rare Cancer Samples 
    10 Analysis of response in depression : EN-RN vs. EY-RY 
    14 WES analysis of AML samples according to neutropenia duration  
    14 Deriving the contribution of TPMT variants to enzymatic activity using a functional gene-level score 
    17 ȿ Standard Query Design for an Active ADR Signal Detection Knowledge Pipeline 
    17 Link regulatory networks of gene modules to drug sensitivity reveals that Docetaxel and 5-FU have opposite effects in advanced stage gastric cancer 
    21 유승원 6MP-related neutropenia analysis2 
    21 ̼ RS-ADR: A reference standard for detection of adverse drug reaction signals using electronic health records database and web site demo  
    24 κ Somatic second hit mutation candidates in CNV-PTC patients 
    24 유경훈 Subgroup analysis based on antidepressant prescription information of 1000 MDD patients 
    28 mRNA processing analysis in thyroid cancer 
    28 ֿ Characteristics of genes synthetically associated to ADR biomarkers  
    31 안세환 Add knowledge bases to VVA 
    31 채정환 ongoing project and paper review 

    02 한봄 Tumor-only analysis on rare cancer samples 
    02 Prediction of response in depression 
    05 ӿ GDM analytics 
    05 Assessment of Ergonovine-Induced drug hypersensitivity reactions in the diagnosis of Coronary Artery Spasm using resampling validation method 
    09 ȿ Genome data model for clinical use  
    09 Inference of Digenic Disruption Networks for Synthetic Cytotoxicity 
    12 김민정 Extreme cases of CD - risc patients analysis  
    12 ̼ Review of previous studies for ADR reference and RS-ADR web page design 
    16 Update of alternative splicing analysis using RNA-seq data 
    16 ֿ Extracting genes with variants in synthetic association to PGx variants 
    19 κ CNV-PTC in a family with compound heterozygous APC gene mutations 
    19 유경훈 1T Depression Analysis: Patients characterization and subgrouping by prescribed drugs  
    23 유승원 6MP-related neutropenia of pediatric ALL patients 
    23 안세환 Add advanced features to VVA 
    26 채정환 current interesting issue and overall survival analysis 
    26 ̿ Comprehensive genetic alteration profiling for Triple-negative Breast Cancer patients by targeted kinome sequencing 
    30 Mutagenesis and transformation for FX chromogenic activity assay 
    30 ӿ GDM Analytics Annotation DB 

    01 ...  
    01 ...  
    05 Allele matcher scoring scheme alterations 
    05 ֿ Interpretation of PGx variant candidate SAGs 
    08 김민정 annotating and using SIFT scores for analyzing depressive patients 
    08 ̼ Data-driven knowledgebase for pharmacovigilance using electronic health records database 
    12 Alternative mRNA processing in Thyroid cancer 
    12 Inference of Digenic Disruption Networks for Synthetic Cytotoxicity 
    15 κ Maternal Insertion of APC gene in female CMV-PTC patients 
    15 유경훈 1T Depression Analysis: Patients characterization and subgrouping by prescribed drugs 
    19 유승원 6MP-related neutropenia of pediatric ALL patients 
    19 안세환 Future works of VVA 
    22 채정환 My current work and future plan 
    22 ̿ Comparing Genotyping Method with BLAST aligned bam on Sangerseq data 
    26 Additional variant selection for FX chromogenic activity assay 
    26 Modified workflow and statistical methods for AAP analysis 
    29 Smart contract and Dapp in Healthavatar platform 
    29 정문경 Concepts on Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte 

    01 김민정 menopausal women with stage 2 and stage 4 depression  
    01 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma  
    05 Site-direct mutagenesis for FX protein activity assay 
    05 ӿ Drug sensitivity and SCS  
    08 Private Ethereum and Healthavatar 
    12 Prediction model for response in depression 
    12 L-asparaginase associated acute pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients 
    15 ...  
    15 ...  
    19 ... GDA 
    19 ... GDA 
    22 ... GDA 
    22 ... GDA 
    26 The characteristics of singleton variants in Autism Spectrum Disorder 
    26 ȿ Genome Data Model 

    01 ...  
    01 ...  
    02 ֿ Gene set annotation of genes synthetically associated with PGx variants in GWAS 
    02 κ Compound hetero truncation mutations in APC Reveal CMV-PTC as a Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Variant 
    04 유경훈 1T Depression Analysis-Patients characterization and subgrouping by prescribed drugs 
    04 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma 
    08 Reinforcement for low coverage regions in DRP290 SNP Panel and LT Ampliseq WES 
    08 ӿ SCS analysis in MSI colon cancer 
    11 Updating mobile eCRF for DNet and ANet and Avatar 
    11 권호식 Exercise for Visualizing TCGA data  
    15 Asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients 
    15 Prediction model for 12 week remission in depression 
    18 The characteristics of singleton variants in neuropsychiatric disorders 
    18 ȿ K-CDM Genome progress  
    22 Allele matcher fine-tuning and scoring scheme alterations 
    22 Inference of Digenic Disruption Networks for Synthetic Cytotoxicity 
    25 유경훈 1T Depression Analysis: Patients characterization and subgrouping by prescribed drugs 
    25 Pan-cancer analysis of alternative polyadenylation 
    29 ֿ Interpretation of the relation between SAGs of PGx variants and ADEs 
    29 κ Disease mechanism prediction for female specific CMV-PTC 
    31 ...  
    31 ...  

    04 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma 
    04 Experimental modification of Exome + DRP290 SNP Panel and 2nd test result 
    06 ӿ Re-analysis of SCS in colon cancer 
    06 Secure interconnection between XNet and BioEMR with JSON Web Token. 
    11 권호식 Plan for my Study Using TCGA data  
    11 Analysis of depression between early and later onset 
    13 L-asparaginase associated pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients  
    13 Association of genetic variants with variant angina in 80 case-control individuals 
    18 ȿ Establishment of Integrated Drug Database based on National Standards 
    18 NamedAlleleMatcher101 replication 
    20 Microarray data analysis of multi-center breast cancer patients with distant metastasis 
    20 김민정 Analysis of stage 2 vs stage 4 depression patients  
    25 ...  
    25 ...  
    27 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis with gene Expression 
    27 Statistical models using alternative polyadenylation data 

    01 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma  
    01 Design of Exome + DRP290 SNP Panel and experimental modification 
    06 권호식 Alamut Visual: Visualization engine for NGS analysis 
    06 Drug score distributions for the ten most-prescribed drugs in the 1000 Depressives. 
    08 Agent contraction with personal resource authorization list and storing CCR document type data in Avatar DB  
    08 ӿ SCS analysis in TCGA coad and cell lines data 
    13 Analysis of 1000 depressive 
    13 Category-dependent score adjustment schemes using genetic algorithm 
    15 ȿ Active ADR surveillance pipeline based on K-CDM  
    15 Identifying Splicing Synthetic Cancer Survival in Lung Adenocarcinoma using pooled isoform-based method  
    20 Synthetic Genetic Targeting in Cancer Cell Vulnerability 
    20 Analysis of 26 AML exome sequencing 
    22 김민정 List of genes associated with Major Depression  
    22 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis with gene and protein Expression 
    27 Identification of a new subgroup characterized by long 3UTR in papillary thyroid cancer 
    27 ֿ Finding genes synthetically associated with PGx variants of GWAS 
    29 κ Allele specific analysis of APC gene exonic region in the CMV-PTC affected sibling pair 
    29 유경훈 1T Depression Analysis: Patients characterization and subgrouping 

    02 ... TBC 
    02 ... TBC 
    04 ... ߼ 
    04 ... ߼ 
    09 ... ѱ۳ 
    09 ... ѱ۳ 
    11 권호식 Alamut-Focus : interactive variant filtration application for NGS analysis. 
    11 Analysis of previously reported variants in pediatric ALL patients 
    16 Finding indirect associations of tagging SNPs with variant angina 
    16 Alternative polyadenylation in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC): Comparison of TCGA and SNUH data 
    18 Identifying Splicing Synthetic Cancer Survival in Lung Adenocarcinoma using isoform-based method 
    18 Analysis of samples according to the number of SDCS pairs 
    23 김민정 skin cutaneous melanoma: primary vs. metastasis  
    23 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis with gene and protein Expression 
    25 ֿ Finding genes synthetically associated to PGx variants in GWAS 
    25 κ Validation of disease related variants by using brain cancer panel 
    30 ȿ Standard Query Design for ADR Signal Detection on K-CDM structure 
    30 유경훈 1T Depression Analysis: Patients characterization and subgrouping 

    04 Analysis of Ependymal tumor 
    04 권호식 Alamut-Batch : annotation engine for NGS analysis 
    06 Additional Methods of Identifying Splicing Synthetic Cancer Survival in Lung Adenocarcinoma 
    06 SDL gene target drugs and drug sensitivity 
    11 김민정 Primary versus Metastatic Cancer 
    11 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis with gene and protein Expression 
    13 Identification of alternative splicing events associated with pathological phenotypes of papillary thyroid carcinoma 
    13 ֿ Analysis of synthetically associated genes to PGx variants 
    18 κ Germline and somatic APC variants in the CMV-PTC affected sibling pair 
    18 ̿ CNV analysis of Cancer Panel 2.0 Data 
    20 유경훈 WXS analysis in 999 Depression patients with Baseline Information 
    20 Whole size FX cDNA library synthesis for cloning and activity assay data analysis plan 
    25 ӿ Drug sensitivity in SCS genes 
    25 Variants associated with an increased risk for severe neutropenia in patients receiving 6MP. 
    27 Agent matching and installation with personal resource authorization list 
    27 Analysis with pathway score in 999 Depressive patients 

    02 Figures and tables for PharmSafe and Enzyme kinetic weighted drug score 
    02 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis using GTex and ABCB1 gene Interaction 
    07 ֿ Extraction and analysis of genes synthetically associated with PGx alleles 
    07 κ Validation of SNVs detected from Molecular pathology test by using KPCDx  
    09 유경훈 WXS analysis in 999 Depression patients with Baseline Information 
    09 ̿ Further analysis with Results of LOH Analysis 
    14 Identification of Synthetic Splicing Cancer Survival in Lung Adenocarcinoma 
    14 Synthesis cDNA library of FX gene from lymphoblast cell line 
    16 ӿ SCS analysis in Colon cancer cell lines  
    16 HealthAvatar API based on CCR+ and Composite DataElement 
    21 ... GDA 
    21 ... GDA 
    23 ... GDA 
    23 ... GDA 
    28 ȿ Query strategy for KAERS report generation on K-CDM structure 
    28 Analysis of previously reported variants associated with MP-induced neutropenia in ALL 
    30 Selecting appropriate cell lines for evaluating the utility of personalized gene-level scoring (PGS) system 
    30 Asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients 

    03 ȿ Data processing for integrated drug database 
    03 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis using GTex and ABCB1 gene Interaction 
    05 Analysis of drug characteristics according to half-life class 
    05 ֿ Variant level analysis of genes synthetically associated with PGx alleles 
    10 κ Sequencing uniformity and genotype validation of KPCDx ver 2 
    10 RarePedia using Depression WXS data 
    12 ̿ Loss of Heterozygosity Analysis in Breast Invasive Carcinoma  
    12 Preparing cDNA library of FX gene by using lymphoblast cell lines 
    17 ӿ Aggregate DNAmethylation to gene scale 
    17 Identification of variants with a significantly lower frequency in cases than in controls 
    19 유경훈 Analysis for identifying genes and variants  associated with SIOH in 20 patients. 
    19 RESTful API with updated authentication and aurhorization in H.A.P 
    24  Pathway score for survival analysis in HNSC  
    24 Asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients 
    26 Validation a Synthetic Dosage Cancer Survival Pairs using a Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer database 
    26 ȿ Query strategy for signal detection from clinical dataset 
    31 Alternative polyadenylation contributes to an indolent phenotype of RAS mutation in papillary thyroid cancer 
    31 Analysis for identifying genes associated with Variant Angina 

    05 ֿ ADR risk determination according to PGx variant statususing synthetic association 
    05 κ Optimal design of target sequencing experiment by using KPCDx ver 2.0 
    07 유경훈 Analysis for identifying genes and variants  associated with SIOH in 20 patients. 
    07 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma  
    12 FX cDNA library preparation by using lymphoblast cell lines 
    12 ӿ Synthetic Cancer Survival relationship between DNA methylation and mutation 
    14 rarePedia filtering strategy 
    14 Creating the userdefined CDE through question items in Formbuilder 
    19 Mercaptopurine induced neutropenia in ALL  
    19 Survival analysis in HNSC with metabolism pathway - Interpretation of the result 
    21 Asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in pediatric ALL patients 
    21 Establishing genetic model with consideration of gene-specific characteristics using a distance-based approach 
    26 Data preprocessing for Gene Score, Overexpression and Methylation 
    26 Alternative Polyadenylation (APA) changes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer 
    28 Preliminary miRNA analysis on THCA samples 
    28 Renewal Design of Avatar Beans 

    01 Treatment of lymphoblastoid cell line containing FX variants 
    01 ̿ The Prognostic Potential of Loss of Heterozygosity in Breast Invasive Carcinoma 
    03 unknown  
    03 unknown  
    08 unknown  
    08 unknown  
    10 유경훈 Analysis for identifying genes and variants associated with SIOH in 20 patients. 
    10 RarePedia Ȳ 
    15 VVA: Gene-centered Visualization and Annotation for Exome Variant Analysis 
    15 ӿ Never-smoker LUAD analysis 
    17 Resource Authorization and data access control by HealthAvatar platform 
    17 Survival analysis with pathway score in metabolism pathways 
    22 WXS to detect genes causing Asparaginase-associated pancreatitis  
    22 Identification of individual-level deleterious genes using a distance-based approach 
    24 ȿ Constructing an integrated drug database for utilization of public data in Korea 
    24 Further investigation on Synthetic Splicing Cancer Survival pairs in Lung Adenocarcinoma 
    29 Synthetic dosage cancer survival analysis: Methylation and Under-expression 
    29 Progress of DNet CDE FINAL version 
    31 Analysis of drug characteristics according to half-life class 
    31 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis using GTex and ABCB1 gene interaction 

    03 RarePedia 2017 
    03 ̰ȭ  
    05 Comparison of significant variants in two Ritodrine induced-side effect cohorts 
    05 Updated database table of resource permission in Healthavatar platform.  
    10 Pathway score based on the gene damaging score 
    10 WXS to detect genes causing Asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in 13 SNUH patients 
    12 Analysis for identifying genes associated with Variant Angina 
    12 ȿ Development of Algorithm for minimizing cost of drug combination with same therapeutic effect 
    17 Isoform fraction analysis in THCA 
    17 Genetic programming to infer the optimal gene scoring method to classify genes 
    19 Comparison derived DE to composite DE in discussion 
    19 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response 
    24 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis using GTex tissue specific gene expression dataset 
    24 The effect of BRAF and RAS mutations on posttranscriptional regulation in Papillary Thyroid Cancer 
    26 ֿ ADR risk determination according to PGx variant status using synthetic association 
    26 κ NGS based cancer panel ver 2 design for actual target regions 

    06 Pathway score based on the gene damaging score 
    06 Applying composite CDEs in eCRFs of Pharmacogenetic study 
    08 Translating phenotype into a functional gene-level score 
    08 ȿ DB normalization and tuning for calculatable drug master 
    13 Identification of synthetic aberrant splicing event pairs using pairwise survival analysis in colorectal cancer 
    13 Genetic programming to infer the optimal gene scoring method to classify gene 
    15 WXS to detect genes causing AAP in 13 SNUH patients  
    20 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis using GTex tissue specific gene expression dataset 
    20 Analysis of BRAF and RAS mRNA expression in SKCM and THCA 
    22 ֿ ADR risk determination according to PGx variant status using synthetic association 
    22 κ NGS cancer panel design and experimental modification 
    27 ̿ The prognostic potential of loss of heterozygosity in breast invasive carcinoma  
    27 ӿ TCGA never smoker LUAD mutation profile 
    29 Validation for candidate genes in familial-NMTC cases 
    29 ̼ K-CDM scenario of vancomycin associated acute kidney Injury 

    01 Posttranscriptional regulation in skin cutaneous melanoma 
    01 ֿ ADR risk determination according to FDA or PREDICT SNP genotype using synthetic association 
    06 κ NGS Technology base Pan-cancer diagnostic panel 
    06 ̿ The prognostic potential of reversal loss of heterozygosity in breast invasive carcinoma 
    08 Comparison of manual and semi-automatic NGS result 
    08 ӿ SMC lung cancer data analysis result 
    13 ̼ K-CDM Allopurinol Scenario 
    13 Association of ADRA1A polymorphism with Ritodrine-induced Pulmonary Edema in 13 pregnant women. 
    15 ̰ȭ The Doctors Seq Project:  
    15 Association between ApoE variants and Alzheimers disease 
    27 ȫֿ The Individual Drug-Fit Report 
    27 POST API(data creation) in HealthAvatar platform. 

    02 ӿ Analysis plan of SMC lung cancer data. 
    02 ̼ K-CDM Structure and Future Works for Drug Safety  
    04 Identifying the new susceptibility loci of Alzheimers Disease by WXS 
    04 ̰ȭ Patient-centered reconstruction of candiate genes associated with MRONJ event time  
    09 WXS to Identify Cancer Clearing Genotypes from Matched Donor-recipient Pairs. 
    09 Inference of Gene Scoring Method for Disease Gene Prediction using optimization 
    11 Cordination of value domain of user-defined DE with recommended CDE in Easyformbuilder. 
    11 Pathway damaging score based on the gene score in the Head and Neck squamous cell carcinomas  
    16 WXS to detect genes causing AAP in 13 SNUH patients 
    16 Translating CYP2D6 enzyme activity into a functional gene-level score 
    18 ȿ Internet of Avatars, Agents, and Apps; Flexible On-demand Healthcare Information System Architecture 
    18 Identification of alternative splicing event pairs and their effects on survival using pairwise survival analysis 
    23 ȫֿ Drug Interaction Score 
    23 Development and validation of Dictionary cCDE 
    25 Calculating weighted drug score using drug half-life parameters 
    25 ȣ Drug adverse effects analysis using GTex tissue specific gene expression dataset 

    05 ȫֿ PharmGene Platform 
    05 Design of HealthAvatar API and current status of API implementation. 
    07 Pathway damaging score based on the gene score in the Head and Neck squamous cell carcinomas  
    07 WXS to detect genes causing L-asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in ALL patients 
    12 WXS to Identify Cancer Clearing Genotypes from Matched Donor-recipient Pairs 
    12 ȿ HIRA ó Ž м 
    14 Methodology for identifying the effects of alternative splicing events on survival using pairwise survival analysiso 
    14 Synthetic dosage cancer survival: pan-cancer analysis for systematic inference of negative genetic interaction 
    19 Revised figures of cCDE types 
    19 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response 
    21 ȣ drug adverse effects analysis using GTex tissue specific gene expression 
    21 Posttranscriptional analysis of public melanoma RNA-seq data 
    26 ֿ Determining ADR risk according to FDA & PREDICT SNP genotype 
    26 κ Changes in coagulation factor activity induced by F10 inhibitor 
    28 ̿ The prognostic potential of loss of heterozygosity in breast invasive carcinoma 
    28 FNMTC candidate gene shared between two ns-FNMTC families 

    02 Whole-exome sequencing to detect genes causing L-asparaginase-associated pancreatitis in 12 ALL patients 
    02 Variant Visualization and Annotation Tool Available Online 
    07 ȿ IoA3 Homepage for Developer 
    07 Survival analysis of mNA isoform variation using TCGA datai 
    09 ֿ Gene score distribution of genes including or proximate to pharmacogenomic SNPs 
    09 Developing Xnet CDE Browser 
    14 PharmSafe - Personalized Prevention of Adverse Drug Reaction  
    14 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes  
    16 Validation of TCGA SKCM analysis using public data  
    16 Synthetic dosage cancer survival gene pairs 
    21 ̿ Loss of Heterozygosity Analysis across 4 Cancer Types 
    21 ӿ Identification of Synthetic Cancer Survival and Synthetic Cancer Survival Burden  
    23 κ Genetic characteristic of factor X variants in human populations 
    23 ̼ Summary of Sentinel Operations Center meeting and K-CDM elaboration plan  
    28 FNMTC candidate gene validation using Sanger sequencing and THCA data 
    28 ̰ȭ Doctors Seq Project:  
    30 Analysis of ADSP WXS data 
    30 Comprehensive Evaluation of Gene-level Scoring Systems for Deleterious Exome Variants: Score Normalization issues 

    03 unknown õ 
    03 unknown õ 
    05 UCSD ߴ data validation  
    05 PharmSafe - Personalized Prevention of Adverse Drug Reaction 
    10 ֿ South Korean geriatrics on Beers Criteria medications at risk of adverse drug events 
    10 κ Molecular defects in the factor X gene caused by heterozygous variant in EGF2 domain 
    12 ̿ Loss of heterozygosity as prognostic marker in Breast invasive carcinoma 
    12 Experimental validation for candidate variants of FNMTC family 
    17 ü TBC 2016 
    17 ü TBC 2016 
    19 ӿ Differential characteristics among SCS burden groups  
    19 Identification of disease-specific variants in Alzheimers Disease 
    24 Current status of HAP server. 
    24 ̰ȭ Doctors Seq Project - Basic Statistics and Incidental Findings 
    26 ̼ K-CDM ETL test result using SNUH data 
    26 ȫֿ Pharmsafe Platform 
    31 Comprehensive Evaluation of Gene-level Scoring Systems for Deleterious Exome Variants: GDI, RVIS, and PGDS 
    31 WXS analysis in COPD patients with LABA/LAMA treatment 

    05 ȫֿ Knowledge based Pharmsafe Database 
    05 ̰ȭ Gender difference of drugscore 
    07 Depression WXS QC - 10 samples of FASTQ from Illumina HiSeq 2500 
    07 Descriptive statistics about distribution of variants in Alzheimers Disease group 
    12 Process of Agent registration for HealthAvatar API  
    12 WXS analysis in COPD patients with LABA/LAMA treatment 
    14 unknown ߼ 
    14 unknown ߼ 
    19 The human diseases network using genomic information 
    19 Evaluation of gene-wise scores; Personalized Gene Deleteriousness Score (PGDS) 
    21 ȿ Health Avatar Platform: Component Description 
    21 Methods for assessing effects of variants on alternative splicing and disease 
    26 Synthetic dosage cancer survival 
    26 MDR PHR  
    28 Identification of clinically relevant genes from mRNA and splicing changes of skin cutaneous melanoma  
    28 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes 

    01 Comparing gene scoring methods: RVIS, GDI, and Personalized Gene Damaging Score (PGDS) 
    01 ȿ DB construction for minimizing cost of drug combination with same therapeutic effect  
    03 Motif analysis of RNA-binding proteins in papillary thyroid carcinoma samples 
    03 Network Analysis of Dysfunctional Genes in Endodermal Cancers 
    08 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes 
    08 Identification of survival-associated genes in cutaneous melanoma 
    10 Revised evaluation results for semantic relationships of CDEs 
    10 ֿ Finding genomic features that affect drug response 
    15 unknown  
    15 unknown  
    17 Calculating drug score by ATC class with multiple variant scores  
    17 κ Heterozygous variant in EGF2 domain of coagulation Factor X 
    22 unknown GDA 
    22 unknown GDA 
    24 unknown GDA 
    24 unknown GDA 
    29 ̿ Cancer Panel - KRAS region calling - 
    29 ӿ Identification of SCS and SCS burden in multiple cancer 
    31 Validation of candidate variants for the FNMTC family 
    31 ̼ K-CDM design based on sentinel CDM 

    04 Pan-cancer Analysis for Disrupted Gene Network via Developmental Origins 
    04 Constraints and evaluation results for semantic relationships of CDEs 
    06 Survival analysis associated with gene regulation in TCGA SKCM 
    06 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes 
    11 Calculating drug score by ATC class with 6 multiple variant scores 
    11 ֿ Assessing drug response based on genetic mutation and expression 
    13 κ Two structural variants in the CMV-PTC patients inherited from their parents 
    13 ̿ L.O.H Analysis on 5 Cancer types data from TCGA 
    18 WES analysis to detect shared causal genes in FNMTC families 
    18 ӿ Identification SCS in COAD 
    20 ̰ȭ MRONJ analysis with osteoporosis controls 
    20 ̼ MetaLAB and MetaNurse algorithm review 
    25 Evaluation of read-level alignment for F10 variants from Ion Proton. 
    25 Avatar data query of HealthAvatar API 
    27 Methodology for the identifying the functional target across the carcinomas (squamous cell carcinomas)  
    27 The analysis for implicating sequence variants in human diseases 

    01 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes 
    01 Comparison of mutation effect on alternative splicing in TCGA thyroid and melanoma data  
    06 unknown  
    06 unknown  
    08 ֿ Mutations that change drug response due to altered gene expression 
    08 ӿ Identification of co-methylation patterns in COAD  
    13 ̿ Cancer Panel Packages with additional HY data 
    13 Rare indel variant analysis in WES data of FNMTC family 
    15 κ Maternal germline mosaicism and new candidate variant in CMV-PTC 
    15 ̼ EMR based adverse drug reaction detection for pharmacovigilance 
    20 ̰ȭ Multiple prediction score comparison 
    20 Comparison between the results of NGS and SNP Type Assays 
    22 Modified URI pattern and query string of HealthAvatar API . 
    22 WXS analysis in COPD patients with LABA/LAMA treatment 
    27 The complementary interpretations between two pathway groups  
    27 Simulation of variants aggregation method within genes 
    29 ȿ Development of Algorithm for minimizing cost of drug combination with same therapeutic effect 
    29 Introduction of SUPPA and comparison between alternative splicing analysis tools 

    02 ֿ Predicting drugs related to treatment failure based on CNVs 
    02 κ Candidate variant analysis to identify causal mutation for cribriform morular variant papillary thyroid carcinoma 
    04 ̿ LOH Analysis - Validation DP filtering with Sanger sequencing data 
    04 Rare variant analysis in FNMTC by sequencing 3 affected individuals and 2 unaffected family members 
    09 ӿ Identification of Synthetic Cancer Survival and Synthetic Cancer Survival Burden  
    09 ̼ Application of common data model for ADR detection using MetaLAB, MetaNurse  
    11 ̰ȭ MRONJ reanalysis results 
    11 Busulfan induced hepatotoxicity associated genes in Busulfan pathway 
    16 Design of HealthAvatar API 
    16 Methodology for the identifying the functional target across the carcinomas (squamous cell carcinomas) 
    18 Research for investigating genomic characteristics in human disease network 
    18 Analysis of genetic variant within putative miRNA binding sites; GNB3 and CDCA3  
    23 ȿ Health Avatar: flexible on-demand healthcare information system architecture  
    23 BRAF/RAS intron retention comparison using MISO 
    25 New figures and tables for the paper of composite common data elements 
    25 Endodermal origin tumors correlate with the class of tumor suppressor gene mutation 
    30 Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes among Different Populations 
    30 Calculation of drug score by ATC class 

    04 ̰ȭ Functional Classification of the MRONJ Candidate Genes 
    04 Evaluation of filtering strategies to identify disease-associated genomic variants in multiple disease categories. 
    06 Methodology for the identifying the functional target across the carcinomas (squamous cell carcinomas)  
    06 Research for investigating characteristics of genome by human disease 
    11 Uploading arthroNet DEs and Forms 
    11 Simulation for comparative evaluation of variant aggregation methods on diverse underlying disease architecture 
    18 ȿ Health Avatar Platform: Flexible On-demand Healthcare Information System Architecture  
    18 BRAF/RAS intron retention comparison using MISO 
    20 Synthetic Dosage Cancer Survival: a computational approach for identification of negative genetic interaction 
    20 CDE Browser classified by CMO, Forms in Xnet  
    25 Drug-metabolizing CYP450s (2C9) and drug target (warfarin) in Different Ethnicity  
    25 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response 
    27 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes  
    27 Identification of alternative splicing and polyadenylation events differentially regulated in BRAF and RAS mutations of papillary thyroid cancer 

    02 Effective filtering strategies, comparison of local de novo assembly, depth and T1GP filters 
    02 Review of formbuilder in MDM portal 
    07 The analysis for association between gene and classified diseases 
    07 Comparing variant aggregation methods using Alzheimers Disease Sequencing Project WXS Data 
    09 ȿ Health Avatar Platform; Role Based, Problem-wise Health Information System Architecture 
    09 Testing PharmPortal drug sets for validity 
    14 Review of NIH CDE Repository and Design of CDE Browser 
    14 Continued Research on Drug-Metabolizing CYPs and Personalized Therapy 
    16 Synthetic dosage cancer survival analysis 
    16 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes 
    21 ̿ Progress of Loss of heterozygosity analysis with TCGA data 
    21 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response  
    23 ӿ Identification prognosis of patients with MSI in COAD 
    23 ֿ Predicting high risk drugs in 1KP based on pharmacogene CNVs 
    28 κ Germline loss-of-function mutations to familial and sporadic schwannomatosis 
    28 Analysis of alternative polyadenylation (APA) in papillary thyroid cancer 
    30 ̼ RS-ADR : A reference standard for detection of adverse drug reaction signals using electronic health records database 
    30 Rare variant analysis in non-syndromic FNMTC families by using WES 

    01 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response 
    01 Effect of BRAF and RAS mutations on alternative polyadenylation in papillary thyroid cancer 
    03 Necessity and effect of extended DEs 
    03 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes  
    15 κ Candidate variant analysis to identify cancer clearing genotype  
    15 ֿ Variant centric analysis for MRONJ 
    17 WES analysis of non-syndromic FNMTC by sequencing 3 affected individuals and an unaffected family member 
    17 ̿ Progress of study of loss of heterozygosity analysis with TCGA data 
    22 unknown GDA 
    22 unknown GDA 
    24 unknown GDA 
    24 unknown GDA 
    29 ӿ Identification of Synthetic Cancer Survival and Synthetic Cancer Survival Burden in Multiple Cancer 
    29 ̰ȭ MRONJ candidate gene analysis 

    04 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes ~" 
    04 Role of BRAF and RAS Mutations on posttranscriptional regulation in papillary thyroid carcinoma 
    06 ֿ Finding genetic variants associated with increased risk for BRONJ 
    06 Troubles when handling clinical data in TCGA of STAD 
    11 κ Candidate variant analysis to identify cancer clearing genotype 
    11 ̿ Cancer Panel Package and Summary of Progress 
    13 Comparison of customized cancer core panel with ion cancer hotspot panel 
    13 ̰ȭ BRONJ data analysis: Gene-centric approach 
    18 VVA: Variant Visualization and Annotation. 
    18 APEX1_GNB3 in early neutropenia cases 
    20 ӿ SCS paper modified Figures and Table. 
    20 Updated Database and Fine-tuning plans 
    25 Synthetic dosage cancer survival in LUAD 
    25 MELLO Website Analytics 
    27 EasyFormbuilder ߰  
    27 The interactome of association between gene and classified diseases 

    02 Updated analysis of alternative polyadenylation in cardiac hypertrophy  
    02 ֿ Breakeven analysis of preemptive genotyping 
    07 MSI subtype in Gastric Cancer 
    07 κ Candidate variant analysis to identify causal mutation for sporadic multiple schwannomas 
    09 ̿ Prgress of Cancer panel and Loss of heterozygosity analysis 
    09 Target sequencing by using cancer core panel for target therapies 
    14 ӿ Identification of Synthetic Cancer Survival and Synthetic Cancer Survival Burden in Multiple Cancer 
    14 ̰ȭ Correlation Between the Number of Genes and Drug Deleteriousness Score 
    16 Additional functions in Easyformbuilder 
    16 Characteristics of human genes using ppi information 
    21 PharmPortal Updates 
    21 Candidate leukemic variants effect on 181 ALL patients 
    23 Ritodrine meta-pathway and sub-pathway scores. 
    23 intratumor heterogeneity analysis 
    28 Figures and tables for semantic relationships 
    28 Pharmacogenomics: Polymorphic CYPs in Personalized Therapy 
    30 Analysis of COPD microarray 
    30 Data validation using extended DEs in MDR 

    02 κ Candidate variant analysis to identify cancer clearing genotype 
    02 ӿ Identification of Synthetic Cancer Survival and Synthetic Cancer Survival burden in multiple Cancer   
    04 Variant filtration to detect causal gene of non-syndromic FNMTC 
    04 ̼ RS-ADR Figures & Tables  
    09 unknown TBC 2015 
    09 unknown TBC 2015 
    11 ̰ȭ BRONJ Data Analysis Plan 
    11 Matched-pair analysis of a breast cancer patient. 
    16 6-mercaptopurine related neutropenia cases from ALL;Statistical test results using 1KP data 
    16 The correlation between function of genes and variants 
    18 Processing of Easy FormBuilder  
    18 PharmPortal update 
    23 Synthetic Cancer Survival by Dosage 
    23 Upgraded CMO 
    25 Cost-effectiveness of a genetic testing to reduce patients ADRs 
    25 Weighted drug score using pharmacokinetic parameters 
    30 Data Validation using MetaData in Dnet 
    30 ȣ Replication of Characterizing perturbation sensitivity of genes ~" 

    05 Highly significant variants found in Yutopar subjects. 
    05 ̿ Progress of Loss of Heterozygosity Analysis 
    07 The complementary interpretations between two pathway groups 
    12 Fluidigm Results Summary and Drug Score Update Issues 
    12 Summary Page Development for PharmPortal 
    14 Results of Synthetic Cancer Survival by Dosage 
    14 Compare models, CCD, CCR, and FHIR and apply metadata among them  
    19 Proposal on Machine Learning Application to Cancer Pharmacogenomics 
    19 Pharmacokinetic effects of inter-individual variability in drug response 
    21 Error report in Dnet 
    21 ȣ RNA sequencing data and analysing tool 
    26 Alternative splicing in papillary thyroid cancer 
    26 ֿ Economic evaluation of preemptive genotyping 
    28 Heterogeneity of MSI-H gastric cancer and its clinical significancy 
    28 ̿ Findings of LOH analysis across TCGA 7 cancers 

    02 ȿ Development of Algorithm for Minimizing Cost of Drug Combination with the Same Therapeutic Effect 
    02 Calculating weighted drug score using kinetic parameters 
    07 Current_progress_of_the_SDL_analysis 
    07 Metadata Registry based Creation and Validation of Personal Health Record 
    09 Interest in Study of Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer 
    09 Lab, Medication Dictionary for Semantic Validation