Disease name

니만-피크 병
 Niemann-Pick`s disease

Marker gene

Gene symbol Chromosome location Protein name
SMPD1 11p15.4 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase isoform 1


1-9 / 100 000


상염색체 열성

Age of onset


ICD 10 code


MIM number



Sphingomyelinase deficiency


Niemann-Pick disease is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disorder caused by the deficient activity of acid sphingomyelinase. Failure to hydrolyze sphingomyelin to ceramide causes intracellular accumulation of sphingomyelin. Clinical aspects have led physicians to distinguish two forms of Niemann-Pick disease: type A and type B. Type A (frequency in France is approximately 1/500,000) is characterized by an early onset, within the first year of life, digestive disorders, failure to thrive, major hepatosplenomegaly, and severe neurologic symptoms (psychomotor retardation, hypotonia). The severe neurological disorders and pulmonary infections lead to an early death, often around the age of 4. In type B (frequency in France is about 1/200,000), onset occurs at any age (until adulthood) and the most constant sign is hepatosplenomegaly, which can be associated with pulmonary symptoms. Diagnosis is confirmed by assaying the activity of acid sphingomyelinase. Prenatal diagnosis is available. As of today, there is no specific therapy; only symptomatic treatment can be offered.