# dcoxss reference manual 1. dcoxs(x,y,gse1,gse2,method='pearson') 1) input parameters x,y; whole gene set expression matrix (p by n) of different conditions (A&B). gene names should be in the row names. gse1,gse2; vectors containing gene names for each gene set. method; mode for calculating correlation coefficient. 'spearman' & 'kendall' are also available. 2) output values The returned list object contains 7 elements. first element; interaction score (IS) of gse1 and gse2 in the condition A second element; p value of IS in the condition A third element; IS of gse1 and gse2 in the condition B forth element; p value of IS in the condition B fifth element; difference of Fisher's Z transformed IS between the two conditions sixth element; p value of the difference seventh element; subset of gene set 1 & 2 containing no intersection members 2. dcoxs.plot((x,y,gse1,gse2,xlab,ylab,method='pearson') 1) input parameters xlab,ylab; gene set names The remaining parameters are the same with dcoxss function 2) output two IS plots in each condition 3. Usage 1) re<-dcoxs(norm,ca,gse1,gse2,method='pearson) norm; gene expression matrix in the normal tissue ca; gene expression matrix in the cancer tissue gse1,gse2; gene name vectors of two different gene sets (for example, p53 pathway and wnt pathway) re[[1]],re[[2]]; IS and its p-value of gse1&2 in normal tissue re[[3]],re[[4]]; IS and its p-value of gse1&2 in cancer tissue re[[5]],re[[6]]; difference of IS and its p-value re[[7]]; list containing two gene name vectors. they are subsets of two different gene sets containing no intersection gene members 2) dcoxs.plot(norm,ca,re[[7]][[1]],re[[7]][[2]],'p53 pathway','wnt pathway',method='pearson') This function yields two plots of fitted line representing IS in each condition. re[[7]][[1]],re[[7]][[2]]; The two vectors contain mutually independent gene names. 'p53 pathway', 'wnt pathway'; gene set names re is an object obtained from dcoxs function (See Usage 3-1)